Chapter 10 Troublemaker

Feeling strange, Lu Wanwan asked the applicants in line in front of her.

"Please." The beauty rolled her eyes and said, "The recruitment requirement is obviously fake. How could a company like Zhan Group want an ugly secretary? They are going to take her out to pretend to be their Secretary!"

As she spoke, she looked at Lu Wanwan's ferocious face and showed a contemptuous look. "Mr. Zhan will personally control today. If you behave like this, there will definitely be no chance."

While they were talking, the door of the personnel department suddenly opened. A beautiful woman ran out, crying bitterly.

Several girls of the same style burst into tears.

The corners of Wanwan's mouth twitched. What kind of devil was this Zhan beast!

After a long time, she finally called the name of Lu Wanwan.

After tidying up her clothes and opening the door, Wanwan couldn't help looking at the man in the middle.

He just sat there without looking up, full of suffocating existence.

Compared with the pictures on the advertising paper, his real face was obviously more stunning. His handsome features were like knife carvings, making people unable to take their eyes off him.

Even though Wanwan was not facing obsession, she was unconsciously attracted by the man's appearance, let alone the girls outside!

No wonder he was the CEO of Zhan Group, the man at the top of the Pyramid!

In fact, Sea City was just a newly developed branch of the war group three years ago. In just three years, the original rich family system of Sea City collapsed rapidly because of the arrival of Zhan Group. It could be said that the war group had almost rebuilt the economy of Sea City!

Just as Wanwan was in a trance, Zhan Yeting said concisely, "Your advantage."

"I'll meet all the requirements of recruitment," said Lu Wanwan, withdrawing her thoughts quietly.

"Okay." Zhan Yeting stared at her for a few seconds and turned the pen carelessly. "The last one is indeed in line."

"Of course, it's tailor-made for your requirements!" thought Wanwan.

"So you are admitted." He said firmly.

Wanwan was speechless.

Did she suspect that she had heard it wrong?

Is it so simple? Wouldn't he test her again? Why was the war group so easy to recruit? Did this make her feel that there was no challenge at all!

When the man saw the change in her expression, he only thought that she was too happy to react. After all, it was not easy to enter Zhan Group!

"Be mentally prepared. My secretary is very busy. Don't cry all the time. After all, you are not even qualified to be a vase!" Zhan Yeting said coldly.

He looked up and down at Lu Wanwan. Somehow, he had a feeling of familiarity with this woman!

But he had never seen any woman in his eyes! Let alone such an ugly woman!

If it weren't for Haoxuan, such an ugly woman wouldn't have had the chance to appear in his sight!

Therefore, this idea was thrown away in a flash.

Wanwan was admitted. As the Secretary of the president who had to follow Zhan Yeting closely, Feng Qi personally taught her about her work.

Feng Qi took her to the eighty-eight floor of the group. This floor was connected by three floors which were about ten meters high. On both sides of the floor, there were huge, uncut French windows, green plants, antiques, decorations, a viewing platform, a tea room and so on which were all luxurious.

The office area was divided into several areas. The best place to overlook the entire Sea City was naturally the CEO's office.

Feng Qi showed her around and said dutifully "Mr. Zhan likes to be quiet, and you must ensure this in the working environment. No one is allowed to come into contact with him casually. Mr. Zhan only drinks freshly ground coffee which is mellow without sugar and milk. The plants in Mr. Zhan's office must be trimmed regularly. Mr. Zhan doesn't like rose Scent Perfume, so if you want to spray it, you can avoid this smell. And..."

Wanwan's mouth twitched.

She could tell that Zhan Yeting was a troublemaker!