Chapter 222 Back

At the same time, Wu Muqing had come back and was talking to a middle-aged man who looked kind. When she saw Lu Wanwan and Zhan Yeting coming downstairs, she smiled and greeted them immediately.

"Wanwan, you're up. Come and have breakfast. I'll take you to buy some jewelry and let you have a good time at the party tonight."

When the man next to him heard this, he joked, "Of course, Zhan Yeting wants to buy her jewelry. What are you doing?"

"Of course he does. Don't you allow me to buy it?"

The man next to her immediately made a concession. "Fine. OK. You can buy as much as you want."

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan couldn't help smiling.

She had long heard that the relationship between Zhan Yeting's parents was very good, and now she saw it and it was true.

It was obvious that his father wouldn't make things difficult for her. What worried Lu Wanwan was the old man sitting on the host seat, who hadn't spoken a word since just now.