Chapter 223 Grandfather Zhan

After the children had breakfast, the aunt went to clean up. She didn't notice what the four obedient children were doing, and she forgot to remind them not to disturb Grandfather Zhan in the yard.

Grandfather Zhan liked to meditate alone in the garden in the morning.

He was like an ordinary old man, basking in the sun and playing chess in his spare time.

The difference was that the contents of his meditation in the sun were much more wonderful than most people's.

Everyone in the Zhan family knew that he had this habit, so unless he took the initiative to ask for it, no one would come to disturb him and let him spend a quiet and lazy morning.

Grandfather Zhan was slowly shaking his chair, feeling the sunlight today.

Jin City was a very suitable city for living. Even in the hottest summer, the sunlight would never be dazzling. Such early morning sunlight and breeze were more comfortable.