Breaking The News

I was walking over to my school locker, passing by a few lockers I dragged my hand through the them. I got to my locker, then quickly unlocked it. Opened it, then I dropped my backpack to my right elbow. Unzipped it and grabbed all the books out of it and dropped them inside the locker. Luckily for me, I was tasked with no homework. I started whistleling a random tune that popped in my head. I wore my backpack properly, then closed the door. After I slammed the door, I saw—at the corner of my eye—Aliyah leaning to the locker next to me. I was silent, pretending to not notice her.

   "Hey." She called.

   "Oh hey, Aliyah."

   "Did I hear right?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

   "Depends on who you talk to." I replied.

   "Your dad told me,"

   "Then yeah. You heard right." I said unenthusiastically

   She pouts cutely. She then gently puts her hand on my shoulder.

   "I thought you liked it here." She said

   "You know I was always planning on moving."

   "Yeah, but... It all just seems so fast."

I thought of the exact same thing.

   "I'm happy for you though."

   "Yeah, but I'm not leaving until after summer. We can make the most out of it."

   She then smiles and nods at me. Her smile then fades away and looked like she was worried about something. I got concerned.

   "What's up?"

   "Was just thinking, Terrance would be so bummed out to hear about. Which reminds me, have you told him?"

   "I worry about T too, but, I gotta put me first sometimes  y'know?"

   "You sure he's gonna be okay?

   "He's just clingy, that's all. He'll learn to get through it. And besides, he's not on his own."

   "Yeah, but he only ever likes to hangout when it's with you or just you."

   "You know why he's like that."

   "Hrmm... Yeah."

   I put my hand on her's that was on my shoulder, then grabbed it and brought it down. I started walking with her in my hands and the two of us, walked outside the school. At the main school doors, I opened them and we walked through it together. The outside was pretty crowded, probably because it's the last day of school. We stood in front of the door and then to a sudden surprise—to Aliyah to be exact—Neil screamed "Ah" loudly to scare us.

   Aliyah was the one who jumped, I fully expected it. He does it so often I became kinda unfazed to it.

   "Aaaaahh..." I said in a lame voice, sarcastically

   Aliyah then hits Neil on his arm. "Could you for once just stop trying to scare us?" She said while laughter and annoyance.

Neil then laughed with her. I smiled.

   "Hi to you too, Neil."

   "Heard there's news you were about to bring, what's it?" Neil asks

   "I'll tell you when Leon and T are here." I replied

   "Terrance said he had to go home early, no clue why." Neil said

   "And Leon?"

   "He's in the school gym, going for shoots." Neil answered

   "Okay, let's go then."

   The three of us walked to the school gym, it was next to the building about 30 yards away. The door was left open, it usually has a lock on the door. We got in and Neil started running inside. Aliyah and I followed behind him. From where we were, you could hear the sound of balls being dribbled and hitting the ring. I joined Leon on the court. Neil was already dribbling the ball he stole from Leon. Leon looked like he felt challenged. When Neil was going in for a lay-up shot, Leon jumped and knocked the ball out of his hand aggresively—very aggressively.

   Leon then took the ball, went out of the 2 point area and shoots a three pointer. He did it very gracefully. From afar I started applauding him. So did Aliyah.

   "Woooo!! Leon!" I cheered

   "Yeah!! Leon!" Aliyah also cheered

   From under the ring, Neil spread his hands widely "what about me?" He asked.

   "No, you suck!" Aliyah yelled

   "Stick to running, jack ass!" I also yelled

    Neil pouts in annoyance. "Really? I'm a person with feelings here." Neil said, feeling hurt.

   "Debatable" I yelled back

Leon and Neil then walked to us.

   "Finally summer break, eh?" Leon said excitedly

   "Yup, we got a lot of stuff we can do." Aliyah replied

   "So what's the news you're gonna say?" Neil asks

   "I'm... Moving." I sighed

   "Ohhh..." They said in unison

   "Where?" Leon asks

   "New York." I answered

   "Why?" Leon asks again

   "My dad's business is pulling through, and he has a company set up in New York. Him traveling back and forth would be a pain for him, so I decided to move with him there. He has an apartment there and I just need to move my stuff." I answered him

   "Oh, when are you leaving?" Neil asks this time

   "After summer's up." I replied while shrugging my shoulders

   Neil and Leon then looked at the ground, disappointed, and sad. I felt bad for them, but I made this choice and I know they would respect it. I hope it goes the same with T.

   "Jeez, so gloomy!" Aliyah said

   "It's fucking summer, let's fucking go places!" Aliyah said enthusiastically

   "Yeah, you're right. Let's go to the beach tomorrow!"

   "Yeah, I like that idea."


   I started thinking about going to the beach, the things I need to bring, the things I'll do, the weather tomorrow, how much money I'll need? Will I take my dad or not? what should I wear to impress Aliyah? How deep does the ocean go? Wha-

   "Cal... Stop overthinking it."

   "Huh? Oh, shit. Sorry. Yeah sure beach tomorrow."

   "Alright, tomorrow we'll meet up at the beach."

   We all were in agreeance, we would meet at the beach tomorrow.

   "Hey guys." I called

   "Yeah?" They said in unison

   "Is it okay if T comes with?"

   "Errr... Yeah, sure. Why not." Neil said

   "You don't look like you want 'em to join." I noticed

   "Nah, I'm good if he wants to join in." He said

   We all then left to our own houses. My dad picked me up with his new car, a Black Mercedes sedan. It was a shock to me, since our old car was just a Toyota sedan. I got in the car and sat in the front seat.

   "Hey, Dad." I greeted

   "Hey, Cal, how's school?" He asked

   "It was fine, school left us no homework, that was a plus." I said

   "Oh good, then you can have fun this summer."

He smiled and pat me on my back.

   "Oh, by the way, did you tell your friends yet? Besides Aliyah I mean." Dad ask

   "Yeah I did. They were bummed to hear it. But, we're planning to go to the beach tomorrow." I said

   "Oh great, with whom?" Dad asks again

   "Aliyah, Neil, Leon, and T if he wants." I answered

   "Why do you always hangout with Terrance?" He wondered

   "He's a nice guy?" I said questioning my dad

   "Yeah, but he's kinda... You know.. Weird." He said awkwardly

   "You know... he's a.. Uh... Special." I said trying to not make it sound like a problem

   "I'm tryna say: it's okay to be friends with 'em but just, keep your distance." He suggested

   "His condition isn't contagious." I said with a sarcastic tone


   "Oh, can you drop me off at T's place? I wanna talk to him about tomorrow's plan." I requested my dad


   I thought he was being weird, he was. But he took me to T's house and waited outside the house and parked in the driveway with the engines off.

   I walked up to the door, raised my hand to knock, and as my finger was about to hit the door, it opened. T opened the door and greeted me. He looked pale and tired, I didn't want to ask him about because I just wanted it to be quick, but at least he's smiling.

"Hi, Cal!" He greeted me with a smile

"Uh yeah, hi. I'm not gonna take long but  tomorrow, Aliyah, Neil, Leon, and I are planning on going to the beach, wanna come?"


He fell silent for a few seconds, he looked annoyed, his face expression changed the moment I said Aliyah. I thought of it as probably nothing, he probably just had something going on I don't know.

"T?" I called as he looked like he was zoning out

"Yeah, sure. I'll go." He agreed

"Alright, see you tomorrow, T. And by the way, we'll meet up at the beach." I said as I waved him goodbye


He quickly shuts the door. I went back to the car and dad drove me home. I got out of the cad with my dad and unlocked the door. I immediately went upstairs and to my room. I dropped my bag on my chair and dive into my bed. I was thinking of sleeping, but I was hungry. I groaned complaining.

"I don't wanna move!" I yelled aloud.

"You made this choice, no backing out now!" My dad yelled from somewhere downstairs.

I turned around and smothered my face on my pillow.

"Fuck. I wanna stay with Aliyah!!!" I said aloud but not so loudly.

I hope this summer ends forever.