Beach Time

Apparently I accidentally slept and missed dinner time and woke up 8 AM the next day. Luckily I didn't plan on bringing much stuff. So I just woke up, hopped in the shower, got out, wear my clothes and grabbed a duffle bag. I opened the duffle bag, emptied it by turning it upside down and shaking everything out unto my bed. I then grabbed a few sets of clothes to change. I wore lotion that included sunscreen that I had on my desk...

Anyways, I zipped my duffle bag and walked down the stairs. My dad was waiting for me on the couch with his beach clothes.

"Oh, you're coming with?" I ask

"Yup. Need to get some sun."

"Alright, let's go."

We got in the car and drove all the way to the beach. It seemed that I was the last one to arrive. From inside I saw T sitting on a blanket under an umbrella, Aliyah wearing a cute swimsuit and laying on a beach bench sunbathing, Neil chasing Leon, Leon had two bottles of full drinks, he may have stolen Neil's.

I got out of the car, opened the passenger seat door, grabbed my bag and walked to the beach.

T suddenly turned around, he had an upset expression on his face. But suddenly was lit up the moment he saw me. He got up and ran to me. He awkwardly hugs me. I didn't make it even more awkward and hugged him back.

"Good to see you too, T."

T then quickly lets me go, his face was red. Was it sunburn? He looks uneasy, hope he's fine.

He and I walked to his blanket, I dropped my duffle bag and walked to Aliyah.


"Well.. Look who finally showed up."

"I came didn't I?" I replied

"Wanna go swim?" I ask

"Nah, I wanna get a tan." She refuses

"But why? You look great as is."


I rolled my eyes and turned around. T was taking his medicine, I saw 2 big pills on his palm. He took it and drank water. "Poor guy." I thought.

He never said exactly what his condition is but he always describes it when I ask him about it. Voices whispering, screaming in his own head. Must be hard for him. And those pills he swallowed should make it quiet for him. I never really looked into it, because I didn't want to stay friends with him out of pity.

He's a genuinely nice guy. A bit clingy but I can handle that.

"Yo, T. Wanna swim?"

"No. I don't wanna."

"Then why'd you come? Go play with Neil and Leon."

"No, they're no fun."

"How so?"


T just stayed silent. He didn't show any kind of response. Maybe it's true what Aliyah said, he only likes hanging out with me.

"Fine, I'll keep you company for a bit. But I'm going for a swim."

I just sat next to him. He curled his legs and held them like a ball. Sitting for a full minute straight and I already got bored. So bored.

"Cal, I really appreciate you asking me to come with you."

"Yeah, sure."

"I mean it."

"Yeah, yeah."

Neil and Leon then came running. When they stopped, the two were panting trying to catch their breath. I couldn't of anything other than it being funny.

"Idiots, why are you exhausted already?" I ask

"It's cause they've been running around like idiots ever since they got here." Aliyah said

"This mother fucker, ran off with his drink and mine and forced me to pay for both." Neil complained whilst panting

"How much was it?" I ask

"3 dollars!" Neil said in outrage

"Christ, you guys are children." I said

"I didn't bring my wallet with me." Leon said chuckling

"Yeah, and this dumbass tripped and spilled both our drinks." Neil added

I laughed at them, I thought it was really typical and stupid of them.

"You guys really are idiots." I said

"Alright then, wanna swim?" Neil asks, glossing over the topic we just went through



The four of us then walked to the ocean and jump straight into the water. I started swimming further out, Neil and Leon followed. We left T in the shallower area. The three of us just floating about in the water. I dove and opened my eyes. Blurry but I can tell what's what. There was a huge net bordering the ocean. Apparently it's a full on drop with strong downward current about 15 feet from outside the net.

I resurfaced to breathe.

"Wanna go over the net?" Neil asks excitedly

"No, that drop looks scary." I said

"When's that ever stop us?" He said

"Go on then." I challenged

Neil went over the net and dove down. He had goggles on so he can see clearly. A good 25 seconds gone by and he resurfaced.

"Fuck that." He said regretfully

I chuckled at his near instant regret of going outside the net. Then at the corner of my eye I saw T going over the net.

"Uhhh... T? Don't go over the net. It's not safe."

He just kept on swimming. I became worried about him. And started yelling at him. He didn't listen either, so I got mad. He got too far from the net and from what it looks like from here, his movements are getting sloppy. He must be getting tired, granted he barely ever exercised. He began to submerged in the water but it didn't look like he did it on purpose.

"Is he okay?" Leon ask

"I think he's drowning." Neil replied

"Fuck." We said in unison

I just went over the net and dove under the water. I can see ablur that he was falling down lifelessly. I grabbed him and swam upwards as fast as I can.

"Help me carry him!"

Neil and Leon grabbed him and swam to the shallow part of the water, then lifted him up and place him on the sand. Aliyah glanced over and saw us, she dropped what she was doing and ran to us. Luckily, my dad was there and he saw us too, he also came running.

"What's wrong?" My dad ask

"He was drowning!" I yelled.

"Okay, step back."

My dad rests his head on T's chest and felt no pulse. He started doing CPR, counting from one to ten whilst pumping T's chest. I felt like it was my fault he drowned. I let him drown.

Annoyingly, people started to gather and watch. They circled us, as if we're an animal exhibit in a zoo. I became pissed. I started breathing heavily and became distressed. People watching, T could die of drowning, I was scared and angry.

My dad kept on doing CPR on T, but he wasn't waking up. He gave mouth to mouth treatment and still nothing. How did this happen? How could I let him drown? I was supposed to watch him. If he drowned... What would his mom think? Oh god, it would destroy her life, and it's my fault!

I ran my hands through my hair, started to hyperventilate, pulled my hair in panic. My heart raced as if I was sprinting for my life. I can't do this. I just can't. I pulled him into this and he's going to die because of me. He's going to die. He's going to die because of m-

"Cal! Calm down, please. Take a deep breath." Aliyah said trying to calm me down.

I followed and breathed in deep and exhaled slowly. I repeated this a few times. My heartrate slowly declined.

"He's going to be okay." She reassured me

"Please wake up, T." I begged aloud

T then spat out water from his mouth like a fountain. I sighed in relief, so did Aliyah and the others. The people that watched were cheering for T's survival. I dropped to one knee and leveled myself to T.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, I guess."

I hugged him and started crying. I was scared shit of losing him.

"Don't fucking scare me like that, asshole." I sobbed

"Erm... Yeah, sorry. I don't know what I was doing."

All of us then sat on the blanket T brought and under the big umbrella shrouding us in shade.

"How you feeling, Terrance?" Leon ask

"I'm fine, I guess." T replied

"Good. Considering you nearly drowned." Neil said

"What should we do now?" Aliyah asks

"Let's just talk." I said

"You got a game this summer right, Leon?" Neil jumped into a topic

"Yup, but it's a friendly spar. So nothing too serious." Leon said

"Not too serious, my ass. You wanna beat them hard, don't you?" Neil said

"Eheh... Yeah, there's a prestigeous club that's willing to pick the best player. Got to put on a show. Would you guys watch?" Leon said

"Buy me food to watch then yes." Aliyah said

"Fine." Leon agrees

"I'm kidding, of course we'll watch it."

It was like this. Just like this. The five of us talking to each other, mostly the four of us, T wasn't really keen on talking but at least he stayed to listen. We just talked, made unironically shit jokes, told weirdly relatable stories, went to the mall to shop (because Aliyah forced us to), library, played basket and so on.

It was really simple what I wanted, I just wanted to live like this without having to worry about anything or worrying anyone, especially my dad. Even in the summer he works his ass off. I really hope he doesn't work himself to death.

About a week into the summer and I'm having an absolute blast. We did so much together already. It can only get better from here, and I'm very looking forward to it, every second of it.


What Cal looks like:

- Black short hair with longer bangs

- 5 foot 9 inches tall

- Bulky compared to the average 16 year old, but he isn't buff

- Always wears track shoes (he has about 3 pairs of the same size)

- Always wears long pants (but he hates jeans) unless running