MOMMY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS CH -5 (by:- Thomas_LM_Windsor)

It took a moment for Claire to puzzle it together, and when she did, she gasped. "You and Zoe! You two have been fucking!?" Claire hissed, scandalized that her daughter would do such a thing.

"Shhhh!" John hissed, even though there was no one to listen. "...Yes. Though I don't think nearly so much as you and Chris," John said, eying his wife's abdomen. Claire blushed at that comment but carried on.

"Are you guys using protection?" She asked, not wanting to have a house of two babies so suddenly.

John smiled grudgingly and nodded his head. "You know that Zoe has an IUD. She can't get pregnant. Don't worry." Claire nodded her head after a moment. She didn't know how she had forgotten that, but given the circumstances, it was understandable.

"Soooo... You're okay with the relationship between me and Chris?" Claire asked tentatively.

"Are you okay with the relationship between Zoe and me?" John offered back.

Slowly, both spouses nodded, and then smiled at the other.

"Okay... well good then... I guess we can just continue on living like a normal family... Except we won't be... fucking," Claire said as she stood up and hugged her husband. He laughed and his chest shook against hers.

"Well. We will be fucking our children for sure," he said as he pulled back and smiled at his wife. Claire blushed but smiled back.

"For sure," she agreed.


The months passed by excruciatingly slowly for Claire as her tummy started to swell and she went through all the emotions of pregnancy for a third time. She desperately wanted Chris with her to share in all these moments, but she knew she had to wait. John was attentive when he could be, but he seemed to throw himself into his work and spending time with their daughter now that the jig was up. Claire would have been upset at that, had she not known the baby wasn't his. For the time, she was okay with waiting for the baby's real daddy to come back home.

And then, at the end of April, Chris came home. Claire picked him up from the airport as she had at Christmas. Eagerly they embraced, Claire kissed her son openly, not caring who saw now. Who cared what some stuck-up old bitch thought about a mother and her son being lovers.

As they got in the car to drive home, Claire gave Chris the keys again, an eager smile on her face. However, as Chris started the engine and she eagerly reached across the seat to grab his crotch, Chris gently pried her hand away.

Claire looked up at her son pouting.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked, confused and a bit hurt.

"It's not that I don't want you to... suck my dick mom,"


"Sorry... It's just that I don't want any distractions while I'm driving my mother, and our baby around."

Claire felt her heart melt at the concern her son was showing, and the responsibility.

"Fine. That's fair," she said as she sat back down and buckled on her seatbelt. "But you better drive fast," she said shooting him a naughty glare.

"Mom! What did I just say?!" Chris asked chuckling.

Claire sighed and rolled her eyes. "Then drive as fast as you think is safe baby. The sooner we get home, the sooner you can be back inside of mommy," She teased seductively.

Chris swallowed and pressed his foot on the gas just a little harder.


The next few months were heaven for Claire and Chris. John continued to work like a maniac, meaning Claire and Chris had the house to themselves most days. Some weeks, John wouldn't even come home but would crash at Zoe's place downtown. Chris and Claire were stuck together like two peas in a pod, a sexy, steamy, incesty pod.

Chris was amazed at Claire's body and would often comment about it. Claire loved the attention her body was getting, and she started to look at her pregnant self in a way she never had before. In her previous pregnancies she had felt ugly and fat, and often useless. This time, with Chris, she felt as if she was a goddess of sex. She saw all the curves that she gained as utterly sexy. She loved the way her breasts swelled a few cup sizes and how her hips filled out. She loved that her old bras no longer fit and she would often go around the house without them. The soft fabric of her shirts on her nipples often got her so aroused that Chris wouldn't need to warm her up at all before sinking his cock back into her hot tunnel.

Chris went with his mother to all of her pregnancy appointments. He showed avid interest in her changing body and their baby inside of it. They informed the doctor that Chris, Claire's son was actually the father. The doctor then told them about how ever since the world had shifted a few decades back, incest didn't seem to produce any defects in children. There were even some studies coming out that spoke to the benefits of incest. Claire and Chris were pleasantly surprised to find out that they were not alone with their incestuous pregnancy. During one of those trips is when they found out that they would be having a baby boy. Both mother and son were happy with that.

During one of Claires pregnancy workout sessions, where she did some easy yoga in the living room, Chris came downstairs and was greeted with the unbelievably sexy sight of his mother's full butt spread as she did the downward dog. He could see her sexy round tummy underneath, blocking the view of her now considerable tits.

Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around his mother and grabbed onto her tits. After an initial gasp, Claire giggled and pushed back into her son.

"Baby. You gotta let mommy finish her workout," she complained as she tried to wiggle away. Chris hummed happily and refused to let go, his hands massaging at her full breasts. Claire sighed and relented, realizing that her son wasn't going to let her finish. She didn't mind too much as she was most likely going to get a workout with him anyways.

Sitting up, the mother leaned back into her son who sat on the floor, his legs spread so that Claire sat in between them. Chris peppered his mother's shoulders and neck with kisses and he switched between rubbing her tummy and hefting her boobs.

Claire sighed and took off her sports bra, letting her heavy tits fall to her chest where Chris immediately latched onto their soft weight, focusing on her nipples. He teased her until Claire turned around, pushing her son backwards onto the couch.

Chris shucked his pants eagerly as Claire peeled off her yoga pants and panties, stepping out of them lightly as she cocked her hips, posing for her son. Chris smiled eagerly as Claire climbed onto him and slid her ass back, sinking him into her already sopping pussy.

Mother and son moaned as they felt their sexes messily joined again. Claire gently rode her son until he shot his warm load deep inside of her. Afterwards, Claire lay on top of her son, her tits in his face as she gently rocked her hips, enjoying the feeling of simply having him inside of her. The two sat like that for a while, losing track of time.

Both of them blushed furiously when John entered the house and coughed to get their attention. Claire tried to climb off, but Chris held his mother's butt down and Claire bit her lip, her body shuddering, feeling embarrassed but extremely aroused at her son's claim of ownership over her body.

"I will leave you two to it," John muttered awkwardly as he headed upstairs, not even stopping to take off his jacket.

"Thanks dad," Chris said as he smiled up at his mother and flexed his penis inside of her. Claire gasped and started to rock her hips again, now in the mood for another fuck. Her son obliged her and ended up dumping two more loads inside of her before her ever pulled out.

By that point, both mother and son were a sweaty mess, and Claire was sure she had gotten the equivalent of the workout she had missed.


One day, in the middle of July, at 7 months pregnant, her belly really starting to slow her down with how big it was getting, Chris suggested they spend a day at the beach. Claire was hesitant, but her son absolutely insisted. Claire rummaged around in her closet and found a bikini that qualified as fitting, even though her new mommy milkers were definitely spilling out more than they should. Packing that and a few other things, the lovers set out for the day.

It took a couple of hours to drive to the beach, but it was a beautiful day and they drove with the windows down and the music blaring.

Once they got there, Claire felt that the decision had been a mistake. Walking down to the beach she felt eyes all over her and she got self-conscious. Before she could convince herself to turn around, she felt Chris's arm around her shoulder. She looked up to see him smiling down at her encouragingly before looking up and glaring around at anyone who looked her way too long.

Claire felt her bikini bottoms moisten as she felt her son claiming her in front of all these people. From that point on, all of the eyes on her didn't bother her so much, because though they may have looked, she knew that her body belonged to her boy.

Settling down in a nice spot shaded form too much son, Chris unpacked their stuff and set out a folding recliner for his mother.

"Thanks baby," Claire said as she gratefully sat down and cradled her swollen belly. Just as she did, she felt a tiny kick and she giggled.

"Is he kicking?!" Chris asked excitedly rushing over.

"Hehe, yes he is!" Claire said fondly, rubbing her tummy and feeling a deep connection to the little boy growing inside of her. Looking up at her other boy, all grown up, she smiled and felt a warmth deep inside of her that had nothing to do with the summer heat.

Chris spread sunscreen all over his mother, taking his time to massage the cream into her so that her pale smooth skin stayed safe from the sun. Claire basked in the sensations of his hands, gliding over her body, and felt her bikini bottoms moisten.

Claire spent most of the day reading in the sun or the shade when she got too hot. Chris went in the water a few times, and on his last dip, he managed to drag his mother in with him. Clair giggled and yelped as Chris splashed her with the cool water. Playing around in the lake, the mother and son ended up locked together, their lips locked as they ignored the world around them and pressed their bodies close together; as close as Claire's tummy would allow.

Walking back up the beach, Chris grabbed all of their stuff except one small bag that Claire carried and they walked back to the car. The seats in the back of the SUV had been removed for space, and as Claire was bent forward, organizing stuff in the car, Chris walked up behind her and pressed his erection against his mother's bikini clad butt.

Claire gasped and looked back at her son, her eyebrows raised in warning, but Chris merely ground himself against her more insistently. Claire felt tingles. "Get in mom," Chris whispered gently down to his mother.

"O-okay," Claire mumbled before she climbed into the back. As she sat on her butt and turned around, she watched Chris climb in after her and shut the door. His eyes drank in the form of his very pregnant mother sitting on the floor of the SUV, a beach towel beneath her, long pale legs bent at the knee, her nipples poking through the yellow top of her bikini, and the rest of her large milk filled breasts spilling out of the sides.

"Oh my god mom. You are so unbelievable sexy!" Claire smiled and looked at her son's eyes, she easily believed his words.

"Thank you, baby," Claire said demurely. Her gaze flicked down to see the large tent in her son's shorts. "You're pretty damn sexy yourself mister," She teased as she slowly undid the ties of her bikini and let her tits spill free from the too small prison. She smiled to herself as she watched the expression on her son's face change from hungry to ravenous.

Chris' mouth opened as his mother's heavy tits fell into view. They had almost doubled in size since she had gotten pregnant. Now, he could see pale blue veins spidering beneath her smooth white skin. Her previously pale nipples now were a bright pink, and swollen. His mouth watered.

Crawling across the car floor, Chris sought out one of his mother's nipples. Claire sighed as she guided her son's mouth to her bosom and he began to give suck. Claire held one hand on her tummy, and Chris did the same as he softly suckled on her teat. Ever since her tits had started to swell and grow, Chris paid her breasts a lot more attention.

Suddenly, Claire felt something in her breast let go, and suddenly she felt milk squirting out of her. She gasped and shuddered at the sensation. Chris quickly pulled back, his face a mask of surprise and excitement.

"M-Mom!" He whispered excitedly. Claire couldn't help but chuckle at the look on his face. "I got some milk!" Chris continued excitedly, now looking at his mother's chest, which had one nipple dripping milk and the other looking positively swollen with lack of attention.

"Yes, you did baby," Claire cooed as she reached for Chris' head and guided him to her other nipple. He eagerly latched on and began sucking anew. It didn't take long for the other tit to let go and start releasing milk.

Claire fed her son for a while until her tits got sore. After that, she had Jason lay on the floor and she straddled him, her bikini bottoms discarded long ago. Reaching down between her legs, the mother slotted her son's swollen cock at her entrance and sank down onto his pole gratefully.

Chris grunted in dumb bliss as he felt his mother's increased pregnant weight settle on his hips. He looked up at her swaying tits, and her swollen belly over his, and he flexed his cock inside of his mother in appreciation of her sexy pregnant glory. Claire chirped cutely and smiled down at her son, grinding her hips to show her appreciation of his little cock flex. Languidly, the mother began to rock on her son, feeling his pulsing rod stimulate her sensitive pregnant pussy.

Claire placed her hands on Chris' abs and pushed her butt back against his cock, sinking him in deeper. She leaned forward and Chris' slimy pole pulled partway out of his mothers clinging cunt. With a grateful sigh, Claire pushed back again and felt her son spread her tight walls once more.

Soon, Claire and Chris had a steady rocking motion going, and they both lost themselves in the sloppy sounds and smell of their sex. Chris enjoyed the way his mother's pussy queefed when he slid out a bit too far, and he cherished her adorable little moans and squeals as he bottomed out in her.

For her part, Claire loved the way Chris would grunt dumbly when she pushed back fully and seated her ass on his thighs, his cock rubbing her cervix wonderfully. She also loved the way he squirmed beneath her, gently thrusting his hips up into her as his hands sought out her supple thighs or her round tummy; he always liked rubbing her tummy during sex now.

Placing her hands atop her sons, Claire bucked her hips and squeezed her pussy around his engorged cock. She felt her cum leaking out of her; ever since Chris had put his baby in her, her pussy gushed like a honey pot when he was back inside of her. Looking down at her boy beneath her, she smiled at him and squeezed his hands atop her tummy. Chris looked up at her through his blissed-out expression and smiled as well, rubbing her pregnant tummy affectionately.

After a few minutes, Chris' breathing grew heavier, and his cock started to swell even more. Claire smiled and began to bounce gently on top of her son, knowing his orgasm was coming quick and she wouldn't have to keep it up long.

Chris grabbed onto the bags around him and flexed his butt, pushing up into his mother as he gasped and began spewing into her pregnant pussy.

"Ooooooh. Yessssss. Babyyyyy. Just like that. Fill mommy's pussy nice and deeeeeep," Claire moaned as she closed her eyes and focused on the sensation of hot cum splashing deep inside of her. Chris gaped a silent O and his breath wheezed out of him as his whole body tensed in the effort of pumping his mother full of his spunk. With a deep breath, he crashed back to the floor of the car and shuddered as Claire's pussy continued to milk his cock for all it was worth.

Claire sat atop her son for a few minutes as he recovered. She ran her hands and fingers all over his abs, chest and arms, as she cooed sweet nothings to him about how good a boy he was for giving her such a big warm creampie. Chris felt very proud of his handiwork once Claire slipped off of him and a huge load dropped out of her swollen lips to land on his stomach with a wet smack. Both mother and son giggled at that before cleaning up and getting ready to drive home.

On the way back, Claire kept her top off, and really enjoyed the distracted looks Chris kept giving her the whole way home. Once they got back, they said a quick hello to John and Zoe, who were watching a movie, then headed straight upstairs where Chris promptly entered his mom from the back, pumping into her from behind. Claire's tits swung beneath her as her son rocked her back and forth before dumping another huge load into her.

They joined Zoe and John for the end of the movie. As they stumbled downstairs, still somewhat cum drunk and smiling like fools, Zoe spoke up.

"You know. You already got mom pregnant Chris. You can't put any more babies into her," She teased with an evil big sister smirk. Chris blushed and Claire looked affronted.

"Zoe!" Claire gasped in indignation, placing a protective hand over her tummy.

"Oh, come on mom. I was only joking. Besides, the way you guys go at it, you would think you were trying for twins or something," She mumbled, turning back to the TV.

"That doesn't even make sense dummy," Chris managed to retort.

"You don't even make sense dummy," Zoe shot back with a bob of her head but she still didn't take her eyes of the TV. Claire sighed and looked to the heavens as she sat down on the couch next to her daughter.


In September, On Chris' first day of class at UofT, Claire went into labour. Zoe was the only one home with her at the time, so she ended up driving her mother to the hospital.

As she was speeding down the highway, she called her brother.

"What Zoe?" he answered the phone whispering fiercely. "I am in the middle of class, why are you interrupting me?!" Zoe rolled her eyes and shook her head at her brother's tone as her white knuckles clung to the steering wheel. Claire moaned as she had a contraction.

"Don't give me attitude you little shit!" Zoe yelled. "I'm calling your dumbass to let you know you're going to be a father! Soooooo, why don't you get your behind out of that stupid lecture and come give our mother some support as she pushes your brat out of her!"

"Zoe!" Claire screamed in frustration as tried to focus on her breathing.

"Shitshitshitshitshitshit, Sorry! Shitshitshitshit!" Chris was mumbling. Both mother and daughter could faintly hear voices through the phone grumbling and things being knocked around. "Which hospital?!" Chris asked, his breathing heavy.

"Toronto General!" Zoe yelled back.

"Please stop yelling Zoe," Claire moaned, taking deep breaths.

"S-sorry mom," Zoe offered meekly, smiling sheepishly at her mother before looking back to the road.

"KK. I'll see you there in about 10 minutes!" Chris panted into the phone.

"You'll get there before us then," Zoe chimed back, careful not to yell, but her nerves were on fire.

"Great. Love you mom!" Came Chris' reply

"Love you too honey," Claire smiled tiredly at the phone; her face had a slight sheen of sweat on it. Chris hung up and it was just Zoe and Claire in the car. Looking over at her mother, the daughter smiled encouragingly. Looking back to the road, she thought silently to herself that she that was very glad she used protection; she did not relish the idea of having to go through what her mother was right now.