MOMMY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS CH -6 (by:- Thomas_LM_Windsor)

Once they arrived at the hospital, Zoe barely managing to not come to a screeching halt, Chris was already waiting for them outside with a wheelchair. He had a nervous smile on his face and his T-shirt was soaked with sweat. He opened the door and smiled at his mom, looking down at her belly.

"Hey mom," he said as gently as he could.

"Hey babyyyyyyy," Claire moaned as another contraction took her, her face a grimace of pain.

"Oooooh. Gentle, gentle," Chris mumbled as he helped his mom lower herself into the wheelchair. Looking back into the car at his sister, he raised an eyebrow in question.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Go Go! I'll park this bitch and be inside in a minute," Zoe rushed, making a shooing motion with her hand.

"Language Zoe!" Claire managed to moan weakly. Chris smiled at his sister and nodded his head before wheeling his mother towards the hospital entrance where a nurse was waiting, a clipboard in hand.

"You're gonna be fine mom," Chris said nervously as the nurse fell in step with him. She smiled encouragingly down at Claire.

"I'm sure she will do spectacular. It's not her first rodeo," The nurse said. Claire offered a smile through her grimace.

They quickly got Claire to a room, and their doctor came in shortly afterwards. Chris was next to his mother for the whole labour. At one point, the doctor suggested he leave, but Claire was adamant that her son stay in the room next to her. She held onto his hand and squeezed the life out of it. Chris clenched his teeth and smiled through the pain, offering nothing but support as his mother pushed out his baby.

After the final push, Claire lay back, panting, glad for her labour to be over. When she heard the cries of her third child, and her first grandchild, she looked up, her tiredness forgotten. Her head came up, and she held out her hands to the doctor who was tying up the cut umbilical cord. Chris stood next to her bed, looking at his own son, and little brother with a face of awe. The doctor smiled as she handed the crying baby to its mother. Claire cooed as her heart filled with love and she looked down on her tiny little baby. Pulling back the blanket, she smiled as she looked at his little face all scrunched up and angry looking now that he was out in the world. She felt a fierce sense of maternal love and that would do everything to protect this little guy; just as she had for Zoe and Chris when they were born.

Claire looked up as she felt Chris' hand on her shoulder. She smiled up at him and turned their son so that Chris could get a better look at his boy.

"He's so tiny," Chris whispered, his eyes wide as saucers as he bent down to look at his little boy. Claire couldn't help but laugh tiredly.

"So were you when you came out all those years ago," Claire mumbled, bringing her baby back to her chest.

"Surely not that small. Look at his lil hands!" Chris laughed. Claire smiled down at her baby son and gently prodded his little hand. She gasped and cooed when her wrapped his adorable little fingers around it and gripped hard.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit," The doctor said warmly as she backed out of the room, shoeing the nurses away as well. "We will be back in about 15 minutes to check on you again, but you can press that button if you need anything before," she added, nodding to the button on the arm of the bed. Claire smiled and nodded, before looking back down at her baby, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him, and neither could Chris.

"So, what are we gonna name him?" Chris asked after a moment. Claire looked up at her son, they had discussed many names before, and they had both agreed on one they liked best.

"I think Timothy suits him very well."

Chris smiled and looked down at his son. "Timothy it is... You little handsome devil."

Claire sighed in pure happiness, and gazed back at Timothy. Just then, Zoe came storming into the room.

"Ugh, they finally let me in to see you! I get you're the dad, but really, I'm her daughter, and I should have been here too," She mumbled grumpily as she came around the bed. "Ooooooooooooh!" Her face lit up with joy as she looked down on her little brother/nephew. "He's soooo cute!" She cooed as she moved as if to bop his nose with her finger. "Goooochy goo," She cooed dumbly. Chris rolled his eyes but smiled.

Timothy began to cry at his sister/aunts prodding. Zoe pulled back with a slight blush, and Chris chuckled which only made her blush worse. She stuck her tongue out at her now second youngest brother. "So, did you end up naming him Tim?" Zoe asked their mother.

Claire nodded tiredly, but smiled. "I still think Tyson would have been more badass," Zoe said with a shrug. Claire laughed, and rocked her baby, getting him to quiet his cries.

"No, I think Timothy suits him just fine," She whispered gently down to her new little boy. He burbled and snuggled into his little blanket, falling asleep.

John ended up arriving hours later, having to travel all the way from a meeting in Ottawa. Claire and Timothy were both asleep at that point, resting from the exhausting work they had done that day. Zoe was also asleep, sitting in the one comfy chair the room had. Chris was awake, looking down at his little brother/son in his box beside Claire's bed. He too found it hard to keep his eyes off of the little guy for long.

John gently knocked on the open door and smiled when his son looked up at him; Chris looked tired.

"Hey dad," Chris whispered, quickly looking back to check that Claire was still sleeping; her breathing was even and restful.

"Hey Chris," John replied just as quietly. He gently padded across the room and stood next to his son, looking down at the peaceful sleeping baby.

"You're a grandad now," Chris whispered, nudging his father in the shoulder. His dad chuckled quietly and nodded his head, looking down at his first grandchild.

"So, it would seem," he whispered wonderingly. He had forgotten the magic of a new baby. "What's his name?"

"Mom decided on Timothy,"

"Mmmm. Well, hello there little Timmy," John cooed softly as he bent down and took a closer look at the little guy. In his sleep, Timothy kicked, his foot bulging at the bottom of his blanket burrito. Chris and John both smiled, silent chuckles shaking their chests.

John looked up and turned around, peering at his wife and daughter, both sleeping peacefully. Well, Claire was peaceful, Zoe had her mouth open and a bit of drool running down her chin, but John still thought she looked beautiful. He walked over to his daughter and brought the blanket she had back up to her chin, and he wiped what little drool there was. Smiling, he nodded his head to the hallway and Chris followed him out.

Once outside, Chris ran his hand through his hair. "Long day dad?" John sighed tiredly.

"A long day, yea. I wasn't expecting to come back until tomorrow, but you can't really delay the birth of your grandchild, eh?"

Chris chuckled. "No. I suppose you can't." Father and son stood in silence for a moment, not needing to say anything.

"You're going to be in for some long days yourself Chris. You know that right?"

Chris looked at his dad, his face serious. "I know... But I don't think I'd rather be doing anything other than taking care of Timothy and mom... It'll be hard, but heck, you started this family with mom when you guys were 16, and you still managed to build a great family. I think, having a dad like you, and the example you set, I just might be able to manage," Chris finished with a grin on his face.

John felt his heart swell with pride at his son's words. He had always tried to be a good father, but hearing those words from his son's lips, on a day like today when he was starting his own journey of fatherhood, hit home, and John felt some tears come to his eyes. He chuckled ruefully and wiped them away before turning back to his son with a smile of his own. "You know son, I think you just might do me one better."

Father and son hugged and shared a moment before John sent Chris off to go and find some chair somewhere to pass out in while he watched his wife and daughter. Chris was hesitant, but John promised he would come find Chris after a few hours. Chris gratefully accepted his dad's offer and was soon passed out next to the vending machines on a bench, snoring where no one cared.

John looked in the window to his wife's room and smiled as he shook his head. You never knew what life was going to bring you, but John knew he loved his family, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.


The next few weeks seemed to fly by in a blur for the family. Claire knew what she was doing since this was her third pregnancy, so she handled most things by herself, but Chris was home every day after class helping her with anything that she hadn't managed to get done during the day while she was taking care of Timothy. Zoe took a few weeks off of work so that she could spend time with her newest little bro and help her mother.

John still worked about the same, but whenever he came home the house was that much more vibrant and full of life, if not a little hectic. He also found that his daughter was much more willing to jump his bones; it seemed the baby in the house had her engine revving. John cautiously asked her one day if she was thinking about having a baby, but Zoe scoffed it off, though John wasn't totally convinced. Either way, she still had her IUD so she couldn't get pregnant, and even though the idea seemed to turn her on, she wasn't about to go and get it medically removed so that she could live out her kink.

While the baby seemed to spice up Zoe's and John's sex life, it inevitably tamped down Chris' and Claire's. Claire's poor vagina had suffered some damage from lil Timothy, who hadn't actually been that little. The mother was unable to have sex with her Chris, but she did make up for it by giving him regular blowjobs and tittyfucks. Her milky tits made for some very interesting titty play, and Chris never complained, knowing that his mother needed time to heal and recover her energy.


A few months later, and Christmas rolled around again. Claire's pussy had recovered with her careful attention. She had been using creams and ointments like crazy, and been doing her Kegels daily. She should have been able to have sex with Chris for a few weeks now, but she had extended the wait until Christmas so that she could give her son a special Christmas present, just like she had last year.

It was Christmas eve, and the Blackcomb's had a quiet, family only celebration. Little Timothy was dressed up in an adorably ugly little Christmas onesie, which he seemed to really like, as he kept giggling and gurgling, his hands reaching for the fingers of his parents or sister and grandfather. However, he didn't last long before sleep took him and he was put to bed in his nursery next to his parent's room.

Chris and Claire now slept in the same bed, sharing the master suite. John had moved out as soon as Timothy was born, and had moved into his daughter's room. Zoe had complained at first, but John had hired some guys to renovate their room and knock down the wall between it and the guest, essentially creating a second suite. After that, Zoe was very pleased with her new room that she shared with her father, and she didn't complain anymore. Chris and Claire were very pleased to be able to share a bed each night, though they had yet to actually fuck in it. But tonight, that was about to change.

Once Zoe and John retired, Zoe dragging her father up the stairs with a naughty smirk on her face, Chris looked to his mother, who had a blushing smile on her face and kept twisting on the spot.

"What's that smile for mom?" Chris teased as he walked to his mother and leant in for a kiss. Claire bit her lip before letting her son sweep her off of her feet. Giggling, Claire relished the feeling of butterflies in her tummy as her son spun her before setting her back down on the floor.

She looked up at Chris and batted her eyes. "Mommy has a special Christmas present for you baby... If you're willing to stay up a bit later to open it that is..." She teased as she cocked her hips.

"Hyyaaaaaah..." Chris fake yawned, smacking his lips. "You know, it is late, and I'm terribly tired. Do you think this could just wai-OW!" Chris yelped as his mother indignantly slapped him in the tummy. She scowled up at her son, even though a grin tugged at her lips. "Okay. You know I would love to stay up... As late as you want me to," Chris offered more suggestively as he pushed his hips, and his obvious erection, into his mother's tummy.

"That's more like it baby," Claire whispered as she stroked her son's cock through his pants and urged its growth. "But not down here. And not in these clothes," Claire rushed as she looked up at her son and began leading him up the stairs. Chris eagerly followed his mother's swaying hips.

Once in their room, Claire had Chris lie on the bed as she went to the washroom to change into her outfit. In the meantime, Chris lit some candles and placed them around the room, setting a romantic ambiance. It wasn't long after Chris had finished arranging all of the candles that Claire came out of the bathroom. The mother paused a moment, surprised by the candles, before regaining her sexy composure and strutting to the bed.

Chris openly gaped as he watched his sexy mother stalk towards him in an unbelievable Mrs. Clause outfit. The bright red and fluffy white lined baby doll nightie pushed up her, now more than generous, mommy milkers wonderfully so that a sea of pale creamy cleavage drew the eye. It fell just short of her belly button, and all the workouts she had been doing could be seen to have paid off, as she had gotten rid of the mommy tummy Timothy had inflicted on her. She was wearing a set of bright red stockings and garters, with a creamy white lace set of panties tied with an adorable red bow. And to top it off, she had on a cute little Santa hat.

Stalking to the bed, her auburn curls seemed to glow red. Chris swallowed as his gaze travelled up his mother's smooth curves to settle on her ice blue eyes. "My god mom," He whispered hoarsely. Claire smiled at the effect she had on her son.

"Do you like it?" She asked demurely, as she ran her hands up her sides. She had gotten her nails painted red and white, striped liked candy canes, and the effect really worked with the outfit.

"Do I like it? Does a bear shit in the woods?!"

Claire rolled her eyes. "Language honey," The mother scolded her son even as she approached the bed and began to crawl up it.

"Sorry mom-mmmph!" Chris mumbled before Claire attacked his lips with her own, cutting off his apology. The mother and son rolled around the bed, as Chris began to slowly strip his mother of the clothes she had just put on. He took his time, only removing one item of clothing at a time, as he unwrapped his mother like the sexiest present Santa had ever brought.

Claire basked in the kisses her son lavished on her flesh as more and more of it was slowly revealed. When her titties came out, Claire had to push Chris off of them because he kept drinking longer than was necessary, lost in her milk. Giggling she lowered her son's head to her legs, where she still had on her, now sopping, panties.

"Save some for your son silly," the mother purred as she guided Chris' head past her belly button. Chris hummed his assent, reluctantly letting go of her nipples to trail kisses down her taut tummy. Once at her groin, Chris bit his mother's panties, and with her help, peeled them off with his teeth.

Claire eagerly kicked her panties off and they flew to the side. Reaching between her legs, the mother had no need because her son was already back at her pussy, lapping at the place he had come from all those years ago. Claire moaned loudly and let her back arch; her head thrown back as her sensitive button was attacked. Chris moaned into his mother's pussy, glad to be munching on her muff again.

Chris didn't spend long eating his mother out before his own horny desire demanded he slide his cock into something warm and willing, thankfully his mommy was right there to accommodate him.

Claire eagerly hissed "Yesssyesyes babyyyy," As Chris moved up her body and positioned his hips between her wide-open legs. Claire reached between them and slotted her sons bloated, spongy head between her hot, slick lips. Claire kept her eyes on the precious dick she had created, waiting for it to enter her, and when it didn't move, she whined, undulating her hips, trying to trap the cock in her wet folds. Looking up at her son with a pout, the mother gasped as she looked up into her son's burning blue eyes, they raged with desire and love.

"I love you mom," her son whispered before sinking his hips, and his cock, deep inside of her clinging tunnel. Claire managed to stifle her scream as her pussy was spread for the first time in over 4 months. All those Kegels she had been practicing had definitely paid off, because she felt TIGHT! Chris groaned dumbly, amazed at the tightness of his mother's pussy, though his moans were drowned out by his Claire's wails and whimpers.

Gasping, Chris pulled back, his cock unable to go balls deep on the first thrust. Claire thrashed and whined as her pussy was deprived of the cock it so desperately needed. Her Christmas nails raked her son's arms as her legs wrapped around his hips, her heels locking behind his butt as she drew him in, back into her warm motherly embrace. Chris whined himself as he pushed back into his mother's scorching and downright slippery pussy. This time, his cock continued to push her clinging walls apart until, with a satisfied sigh from him, and a dumb grunt from his mother, he felt his balls come to rest on her soft pillowy ass.

Immediately, Chris felt his mother clench around him, her pussy acting like a vice as it tried to trap his cock right there, as deep as it could possibly go. His eyes shot open before fluttering closed as his mother's pussy milked him in a way he had never felt before.

"Mmmnnnnmom!" He groaned as he felt his orgasm approaching concerningly quickly. Claire only whimpered and raked her son's back with her nails as she rocked her hips, continuing to squeeze with her strong Kegels, unaware of her son's words trapped as she was in her own world of sensations that came with being absolutely STUFFED full of her son's thick cock.

Chris tried to pull back to escape his mother's embrace, but she clung to him like the worlds warmest, sexiest front backpack. "I'm gnnnnnna Cummmm mom," Chris hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes closed and his face a grimace of ecstasy.

Finally, Claire registered her son's words, and she reached her mouth up to his ear. "Do itttttt!" She hissed, her breath hot and most before biting his ear. "Fill mommy uppppp babyyyy! Mommy's pussy has been waiting so long. Fill me up with all your hot, ughhhh ughhhhhh... baby batter," Claire moaned as her son started to buck into her. "Yes... yesssss... Unnngggh!" Claire wailed, her face flushing a deep splotchy red.

Chris continued to buck into his mother, somehow managing to stave off his ejaculation for the time being. Claire felt so proud of him as he pushed in and out of her.

"You wanna knock momma up again baby?!" Claire chanted quietly, thinking that she couldn't possibly be ovulating again yet, but totally unaware that in fact, her body was primed to breed once again. It seemed her fertile body bounced back quick.

"Oh mom.... Fuck... please get pregnannnnnnt!" Chris groaned, his orgasm now back on the brink at his mother's words. "Have my babies mommy!" Chris groaned as he felt his cock swell to unimaginable stiffness, and then, his release came with a shuddering moan.

Claire wailed, her toes curled and her body shook as she felt her son plaster her womb with rope after sticky white rope of potent nut. Her thighs clamped around his sides, and her arms slid on his sweaty back as she clawed at her baby boy, her primal instincts encouraging her to cum and suck the cum out of his balls with her clasping pussy.