Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko
**Originally posted in Fanfiction and Archive**
Published: 04-24-20 - Finished: 07-16-22
I made some illustration on deviantart and tumblr how everyone looks like at this fic just incase you cannot imagine with my poor english how they LOOK like. Tanjiro in black kimono is also there wearing the green black checkered scarf. ALSO GIYUU'S HAORI LOOKS- Ooops spoiler , thats for you to read below xD
You can see also there that Senjuro has grown up pff you really gotta check that one. Im a bit proud on drawing Senjuro xD
I wonder what Gotoge planning, there is rumor 4volumes left. Who the hell will be the enemy if Tanjiro is no longer demonic? :0 i have a bad feeling!
Anyhow as Said English sucks so do Not Except it to be written beautifully or whatever. I'm doing this out of pure fangirling and fantasy.
No Flames you are not a Breath Flame User xD
Im just doing this cuz of Quarantine, But once everything is back to normal I will be busy on my Work again as an Adult. SAD ADULT FAR AWAY FROM ANIMES HUHU
REVIEW To inspire me to update. ROLF
Surprised Nezuko had dogde Urokodaki's attempt to hit her a slap in face as first test if her reflexes are good.
Nezuko blinked again and wondered. "W-what was that for?" She felt scared a bit.
Urokodaki felt like he was been trolled. "Your brother...he was slow on reacting." Nezuko did not know that Urokodaki slapped Tanjiro during the shrine demon becuz she had quickly hid from sunlight that time.
Urokodaki clears his throat. "Ehm, just because you are a girl I will go easy on you. You know well how deadly is this job...Like how your Brother Tanjiro tried to achieve." Urokodaki knew the bad news how Tanjiro was turned into and the antidote was not enough to save the boy.
"Yes! Please train me to the hardest!"
Nezuko bowed with determination. "Am the second eldest! If the eldest needs help, I must be there to stand and pick him up back...!"
A smile cross Urokodaki's face , not that anyone see his reaction behind the Tengu mask.
"Eat first before we start." Urokodaki welcomed them inside for meal. He is sure Nezuko have been craving for food.
"Yes by all means!"
Giyuu, Nezuko and Urokodaki went inside the house.
The day is still long...
"Here." Urokodaki placed a bowl on the table that is meant for them to eat. "Wow!" Nezuko says in a wonderful glee, "Did you cook this for me Urokodaki-san?"
"Nikujaga." Giyuu said the name of the food. "That is rare for you to make." Urokodaki continued to place some pot and cups where they will put water to be able to drink, then other plates needed for extra rice. "It was suppose to be a feast." He told them. "Nezuko, it has been 2 years since the last you have eaten a human food. I wanted your first to be nutritious as possible."
Urokodaki placed his thoughts for her, "I was hesitant at first that maybe your stomach might be surprise from it," Urokodaki smirks, even beneath the Tengu mask you can feel the change of his emotion. "But since you will be under going training, might as well not to babysit you." If her stomach becomes upset then she fails the endurance of something that can punch her insides.
Is the purpose of it.
Nezuko smiled, "I...I do not know how to thank enough Urokodaki-san." Nezuko felt melancholy by this overwhelming care. "Though I wanted my first meal after those 2 years... to be with you and and Oniichan." She wanted that happy dream to come true. "Just the three of us living peacefully onto these mountains..."
Giyuu chokes.
Nezuko realizes that this is also used to be Giyuu's home. She retorts, "O-of course Giyuu-san can always come by to play!"
Giyuu who forgot he had no right hand to take the cup of water far from his right side reach...He really felt thirsty, but he also felt too tired to walk up to the other side of the table just to grab the water pot and since Nezuko is facing him might as well ask for help. He politely ask Nezuko but still stoic. "Can you help me get my water?"
Nezuko knowingly understood the situation and handed the cup of water to Giyuu's left hand. "Thank you." Then he drinked the water.
"Alright let us pray and eat."
Nezuko and Urokodaki clasp their hands together and notice Giyuu cannot do the same thing. "We do not meant to be rude!" Nezuko was a bit worried to make Giyuu felt left out.
Giyuu raised his one and only remaining hand, making the other air some imaginary hand clasping on it. "Thanks for the food." He said.
High five! Nezuko suddenly put her hands onto his making Giyuu jump at his sit. "There! I put your prayers onto mine Giyuu-san!" Then she went back to pray with her own hands. "THANKS FOR THE FOOD!"
Then proceed on grabbing her own chopsticks.
Urokodaki simply watched. '...she is acting like a eldest sister.' Seeing Giyuu acting like he cannot keep up on his own defect, Urokodaki find it funny. '...Giyuu still is a younger sibling after all.'
His thoughts trailed off to Sabito. He sometimes remember the days how he raised and trained Sabito and Giyuu. After that he pick up Makomo. Till the tragic tale is left to be reminiscence.
'Dear gods, may you shine the path of Tanjiro who is currently in darkness...just like Nezuko used to be.' Is that he prayed for along with the food.
Nezuko begun to eat, it melted in her mouth the meat and vegetables. "Uwaaaa It is so good- Ah! Hot!" Nezuko accidentally burned her own tongue but not enough to make her curl like a ball. Urokodaki quickly gave her the pot of water to pour her cup. "You are human now... not a hungry beast, calm down." He was like a doting father.
Nezuko laugh it out though, "ahahaha, sorry, sorry-"
Giyuu's nikujaga fell onto the table and rolled over till it reach the floor.
"It fell." Giyuu stared at the meat feeling rejected. 'The food does not dislike me right?'
But this time Urokodaki and Nezuko's heart become pitiful of Giyuu's situation.
Becuz Giyuu is right handed. He cannot use the chopsticks properly for using his left arm.
"I remember I had a spoon..." Urokodaki sats up and began searching for a better food tool for Giyuu to dine in. "Where is it..?"
As he searched in the drawers of kitchen, Giyuu's stomach growled. Nezuko felt responsible so she took her own chopstick to grab another meat from Giyuu's bowl to feed him temporarily. "Here, say ah~"
Giyuu made a chibi confused faced. "Excuse me?"
Nezuko pouted. "Come on, do not be prideful! Eat up!" She shoves the food in Giyuu's mouth making him more and more confused. "I can handle it myself-" but he chewed the delicious food until he gulped down.
Nezuko teased, "Better?"
Giyuu felt ashamed as an older person getting spoon feed. "T-thanks."
"You are most welcome!"
'..she reminds me of Tanjiro.' Tanjiro's kindness.
Finally Urokodaki found the spoon that usually used for soups. "Here you go. Just adjust to it like Uzui the Sound pillar did."
Giyuu politely bowed as he accepted the spoon. "Yes I will." And proceed on struggling to eat using his left hand.
Nezuko also proceeded to eat as Urokodaki did too.
When they finish, Nezuko had a lonely thought. 'Onichan must be very hungry right now...'
Even though it is her first delicious meal after all those years, she wasn't really satisfied for some reason.
It did not felt surreal.
Maybe because the problem and trial was never over...
A little bit later Nezuko took a bath that Urokodaki prepared. Meanwhile Urokodaki and Giyuu is having a conversion.
Urokodaki helped to undressed Giyuu's haori to take a look at his bandage body especially the missing right arm. "With this you cannot be a Pillar anymore...you should resign Giyuu. There is nothing to be ashamed." He lectured.
But Giyuu instead found his pocket and took out something that made Urokodaki gasp and almost felt a stung onto his heart. "That clothe, it is...a piece of Tanjiro's haori..?!" He remember them so well. It was the boy's trademark besides his scar on forehead.
Giyuu gripped tight onto it and glanced at the right sleeve of her sister's haori that is torn up.
He put Tanjiro's remaining parts of haori to Urokodaki's hand. "I have a request." Urokodaki can tell what it was. This happend before when Sabito died and the fact that he missed his sister's presence.
In order not to break Tomioka Giyuu, Urokodaki will allow it if it is the reason why the man still stood onto his sanity.
"Please sew Tanjiro's haori as the replacement of my right arm sleeve."
Urokodaki gently accepted Tanjiro's haori. It still had some blood but not enough to stain the rest of it. It is still washable and reparable. "Alright. I understand." Urokodaki took a box of sewing kit. "But you...you do not plan to rest don't you?"
Urokodaki saw it...the rising tide in Giyuu's usually blank eyes. He is sough-ting to fight despite the lack of grip onto his sword. "Am responsible." He told him. "Till the end. I'll always be."
Urokodaki decided to put aside the sewing box for now after noticing that the haori for Giyuu and Tanjiro's should be cleaned first and so then he stood. "Your haori and this haori need some laundry and so are you. Take a bath after Nezuko."
"Thank you for hospitality." Is all Giyuu responded with his mind occupied by sunshine. 'Tanjiro...I'm sorry I failed to protect you. I will try harder.'
If another miracle will occurred, Giyuu prayed that Tanjiro will fight the hunger and remain humane as possible. Otherwise it will be all too late...
Nezuko who undressed. She was advised by Aoi to be-careful letting hot water touch her wounds. "Looks like today's bath won't be that relaxing." Nezuko hope bathing now would not sting or reopen her wounds.
Slowly she unwrapped her bandages from her left shoulder then to her back and chest. Nezuko is unable to see the wound behind her back as for there is no mirror on this bathroom. But she did glance onto her shoulder's bite mark. "...They are almost healed?" Then she marched forward...
There is thankfully a tub and a drum. Nezuko can choose to dip in or just little bit of sprinkle?
"I really want to bath badly." Nezuko knew training will be bruises and dirt. Might as well be all cleaned.
So she chooses the tub. "Oh wait..." she realize she has not unwrapped her hands bandages. She wondered how her rips off nails looks like. "Ughh I hope not that terrible..." she gulps. Then proceeded to remove the bandages surrounding her hands.
Until her eyes widen. "Eh...?"
Her supposed to be rip off nails had apparently grown back just after spending travel of 3days..?
"Is this even normal...?"
Kumotori Mountain, this is where Tanjiro and Nezuko home is. It is in Okutama county, Tokyo Prefecture. Tanjiro finally made it back home after long hectic ride. But it was not a victorious return, for he cannot be with Nezuko.
Saburo jaw dropped upon seeing the boy he had not seen for almost 2years!
"Tanjiro...?!" Immediately Tanjiro flipped around the other way and scrambled to the darkest spot of the household with hopes that he won't be discovered too soon. He raised up his hands to tell the man not to get close. 'He will see me...! He will see me...! What should I do..?! He will be scared for sure..!'
"D-don't come near me!" he shrieked.
The old man Saburo is confused. He can tell by the hair and the voice it is definitely the sweet young boy he had always took care off whenever the kid gets late to go home. "Its ok...Tanjiro," he placed his one hand to his chest, patting on them and forcing a relief smile, he is still of course too shock on this reunion! "It's me Saburo! Do you not remember-" as he stepped closer that's where he fully seen how Tanjiro looks like.
Red eyes demon with strange marks on his face, sharp claws with fangs, quickly Saburo's comforting voice turned to a terrified squirrel.
"Y-you! You are a demon!?"
'...no!' Tanjiro's mind screamed to try and explain to the elder. "NO!...T-that's not it...! Am-"
"AAhh! D-don't come closer!" This time it was Saburo's turn to put his hands on air. "Y-you...Do not tell me you killed your family?!"
Tanjiro eyes flickered in realization. 'does that mean...the one who clean the blood here is...Saburo-san...?' Tanjiro went silent.
The old man Saburo begun sweating and his legs were so heavy to even run. 'noway, Tanjiro is a demon all this time...? Wait I need some weapon, but it might be useless...they cannot be easily killed...!'
Tanjiro replied as if he heard man's thoughts. "No Saburo-san. My family, or...To be exact Am a human since my birth. But 2 years ago..." his red eyes glimmered with sadness making Saburo caught with it, 'such gentle eyes for a demon...'
Tanjiro stood and continued to re tell the story if he even remember it correctly. "You see, two years ago when you told me not to go up the mountains cause it is late. That a demon's might come and appear...I-I was not expecting to meet my family slaughtered by the rumored demon you speak of." Tanjiro stared at the floor trying to recall the right memories. "Everyone is dead..except Nezuko, my little sister is breathing."
'..Nezuko!' Saburo does remember there is a second eldest named Nezuko. "W-where is she then?" he asks.
Tanjiro bit his lips and continued to share the old man the old tale. "..Nezuko was turned into a demon and she attacked me."
Saburo shakes his head and pointed, "Is that why you are also a demon-"
"No! I...I was able to bring Nezuko back to her senses. But Nezuko is not the one who eat my family's corpse. There was a different demon named Kibutsuji Muzan. According to that devil he always hated these Hanafudda earrings I have." Tanjiro touched his earrings making Saburo look at it as well, intently. "He killed them out of spite...then A Demon Slayer came to save me and helped me to tamed Nezuko's cravings."
Tanjiro put a sad smile. Saburo recognize very well those gentle eyes, you cannot call them demonic. "I became A Demon Slayer Saburo-san..Those 2 years...We fought demons, I left this place without saying goodbye for I do not wish to harm Nezuko...or this place the people in it." Tanjiro shrugs a little and touch his forehead softly.
'..what was the next thing happen again?'
Tanjiro paused as Saburo is waiting for him to finish explaining. "...And ..M-my sister was been revert to a human, I killed this Muzan. But..." Tanjiro felt like crying but he couldn't. 'do not break down yet! you can do it! you are the eldest!' "Then, suddenly he consumed me on his last breath to transfer his bloodline as a demon." Tanjiro felt so disgust. "That is why..." he was trembling. Saburo felt his warnings on body had been washed away. 'aahh this is indeed Tanjiro. He is not a demon that killed my wife and child...'
"That is why I had become like this...!" Tanjiro suddenly felt the man so close and embraced him.
"I'm glad you are not dead...!" it tighten, making Tanjiro's eyes widen. 'He...he touch me...? I mean, this me...?'
Tanjiro never felt much comfort until this present. I mean he had been running from his urges into a demon. "I went up to check to you and your family you know...!" Saburo had his own tears streaming down his cheeks. "I was wondering why you had not gone back to re sell charcoals. Only to find some graves on the front yard, then..then when I looked inside. It was the same scenery I experience when my wife and child was been eaten!" Saburo felt the remaining anger he had, even though the demon was been slayed by some random Demon Slayer of who knows years ago..."I counted the graves, but there were two missing. I could not tell whose and which bodies were buried...! So I decided to clean the house up, that maybe someone will come back..."
He ended the embraced and showed Tanjiro his smile. "Turns out you and Nezuko were okay after all..."
Tanjiro felt so warm that his eyelids finally registered to cry as well. "Saburo-san...!"
Tanjiro cried out on his arms. "Uwaa...wuu...Saburo-san! Help me...! I'm so tired and hungry...! I don't know what will I do from now on...!" he avoided to put his nails on the man's clothes, he just put them on the man's chest in a form of fist, he did not want to accidentally scratch them. "I cannot go back to Nezuko's side...there is no antidote left or anything that can kill me...!" Becuz Tanjiro is ordered to eradicate Demon Slayers. It might be safe with other humans rather them.
Saburo understands yet doesn't really see the clear picture since he is not that knowledgeable how Demon Slayer works and what antidote is he even referring to.
Saburo just patted Tanjiro's shoulders. "For now maybe you should change clothes. This is your home after all. The drawers where your family's stuffs are still there." He pointed at the drawer.
Tanjiro nodded like a good boy and begun sniffing around the clothes that were not been stained by that bloody day.
Tanjiro opens the drawing and found colorful haori's and kimono. He missed them. 'It's Hanako's favorite kimono...' He shuts that drawer and opened another one.
"Oh." Tanjiro saw a black kimono for men. He touch the fabric and he remembered another distant memory. "These are the Monfuku we used when Otosan died..." Tanjiro pulled out the black endearing kimono. And took a sniff, 'so nostalgic...so lonesome..' but somehow Tanjiro felt nice with it. 'maybe I wear this...?' Tanjiro didn't really like black haori's or kimono's, but something makes him like the black ones now. Little did he knew that was Muzan's taste.
Tanjiro decided to unfold the Monfuku to see if it his size to wear, then his eyes dropped down to a green and black checkered scarf. It was Takeo's spare scraf.
"This is...!" quickly he grabbed and hugs them. "Takeo..." he is still Tanjiro after all. Tanjiro really liked his green and black checkered haori. But it was been torn and he had no idea where it's other parts is. Tanjiro nodded, "This two will be my outfit now."
Quickly he unboton's the worn out Demon Slayer uniform, Saburo suddenly noted that he should take a bath first if he is planning to change onto it. After all he had trails of blood on his arms. "By the way, whose blood is that...?" there was a bit of suspicion with Saburo's eyes. He feared Tanjiro had eaten a human being. Tanjiro immediately said in defense. "It's my blood! I fell on a tree trunk and uhh..It healed." partly yes, partly lies.
'it's okay he does not need to know I eat my own left arm and then it regenerates like that.'
Tanjiro grabbed his new intended outfit and went to their house's restroom.
Undressing himself completely, Tanjiro looked at his body. 'The marks had spread-ed huh...'
Ignoring it, he went inside the drum. They are poor to build an actual bathtub.
Minutes passed...
...This drum is filled with hot water. Looks like Saburo had been maintaining their household for them. 'I see, Saburo-san's wife and child were eaten by a demon. No wonder he was so concerned to me those days...' Tanjiro splashed some water onto his face for rejuvenation. He sighed. 'But now am a demon. Not like Nezuko but...like Muzan...'
Tanjiro realizes the water drum he is in, he can see his 'face' reflection but not fully as there is not enough space to do so. He touched his own face and ran his fingers to cover his right eye that should have been blind. "My eyes...they look just like his-" Suddenly hands snaked onto Tanjiro's back.
Even though physically Muzan is not there to touch him, he felt them real. Shadow hands tried to make his body shiver. "~And why is that you did not attack the man hm?~"
Tanjiro spoke alone, he forgot Saburo might be hearing him. "M-Muzan!"
The water splashes making the amount of water in the drum decreases. Tanjiro cannot move as Muzan's hugging him at the back. "You should just give up. Your family is dead. There is nothing else for you to cling to your humanity."
Poisonous lies, lies...Tanjiro's head begun hurting again. "Why can't you do your own tip?! You are long dead for decades! You should start thinking to rest in peace...!"
"Tanjiro, no,no,no,no~" Muzan whispered in his ears making his body so tensed up. "That is wrong Tanjiro~ If you are that lonely. You can use your Blood Demon Arts. You have it in you...try it, and you will be appreciating my blood that I had passed onto you~"
He covered Tanjiro's eyes by his cold hands. "It is time for you to make servants who will help you hunt food~"
"Hn..!" Tanjiro had made a small cut to his own finger. Muzan is controlling him. The blood made it's way to his water drum. Making it look like a pool of blood.
His heart became anxious.
He feels frenzy now.
Hahh,hahh, no, no..! STOP IT!
Tanjiro's drum fell over when he violently got startled by Saburo. "AAAHH!"
"T-Tanjiro?!" Saburo was a little bit scared, but seeing Tanjiro's eyes were not scary he decided to trust a little. "You okay...?" Seeing Tanjiro naked, Saburo tried his best not to stare on the weird marks on the lad's body.
They look like an image of fire. Because it is too many, it looked like some fraternity tattooed the boy. Or a Beast had marked it's property?
Meanwhile Tanjiro's head have look side to side and Muzan is not there. 'He is gone..'
Tanjiro then realized that the drum was not filled with blood but just plain water. 'I'm hallucinating...that's not good.'
"Um, Saburo-san...I really appreciate you caring for me but I rather have you go back home." Tanjiro cannot trust himself with another human being. He might get too hungry and be unable to stop it.
Saburo knows why, "...you said you are hungry. How will you possibly eat without eating a human?" He was curious.
Tanjiro rubbed the back of his head. There is a way actually.
Blood. Just blood is enough.
Tamayo said so. And together with Yushiro they had proven that. But...
Can he even revert back to a human if he taste blood? What if that only pushes him further for demonification? Like for real, just blood with no flesh?
Well Tamayo and Yushiro was judge to be human by demon Nezuko. So maybe it is okay for him? But he did not want Muzan to be happy. "...I met a demon once, who said they can survive by just blood. Does not necessarily means to eat human flesh to flesh." He felt uncomfortable on this topic . "Though, It has to be a human blood no matter what..."
Saburo narrowed his eyes then turns his back. "I...I do not want you to kill anyone. I will be back. Get dress, fix yourself. Let me try to ask some blood bag from the village. They has a small clinic there-"
"N-no! I can't have you do that! Saburo-san that is a crime!"
Saburo was angry. Because this good boy Tanjiro had to become like this.
It is too awful to bare.
He wanted to at least let him stay humane as possible.
"I-I'm sorry." Tanjiro shook his head. Saburo went away to wear his slippers and tapped the doorway. "I will be back tomorrow. I bet even if I get the blood it will be by dawn...I treasure my life." He knew Tanjiro is just worried that he might kill him accidentally. But there is nothing left for Saburo to treasure.
So it is okay...
"Do not open the door to anyone except me, got it?"
Tanjiro decided to obeyed. "Okay..." and tenderly said, "Be safe."
Saburo wave a hand without looking back.
The door shuts and left Tanjiro in this dark household. Tanjiro felt lonely indeed. He give himself a hug to clear the unnerving embrace of Muzan earlier.
"I hate myself like this..." he sobs, "Aniki...I cannot set my heart ablaze anymore...I'm so...sorry!"
Rengoku Household.
Senjuro Rengoku, Kyoujiro's little brother. Another day for him to sweep the front yard of their household. He had no talent to become a Slayer even if he wanted to. Tanjiro told him it is ok not to follow his brother's footsteps, since there must be a different line of talent awaits for him.
Not until Shinjuro Rengoku, their father told him the bad news. "Tanjiro...he had become Muzan's successor."
"Eh?" Senjuro couldn't believe his ears as he is usually sweeping the yard. "They are searching for him...But for now the Pillar had been eradicated." His father scratched the back of his head. "Were doomed."
Senjuro's heart sank. "Noway...Tanjiro nii san has..." his hands unknowingly gripped tight at the broomstick he was holding. Meanwhile unaware, Shinjuro kept on scratching his back, head and his buttocks. "...Should I just go back to become a Pillar...?" he thought out loud.
Senjuro heard it and snaps in bewilderment. "R-really Father? You will return back to the way you used to be...?!" Senjuro was wishful yet worried that his father is not really in shape anymore to fight.
Shinjuro got irritated though, but not directly to his son. It's just to himself. "Well...were damned! Of course there's no choice! Who else could...?!"
Senjuro sensed that his father is just stressed out to make decisions. So Senjuro decided to say something he never thought he would say again. "I'll be the Pillar."
Shinjuro almost fell on the floor and angry. "EXCUSE ME?" he pointed at his son. "You can't even lift a sword properly!"
Senjuro is unfortunately determined. "If there is a will...There is a way!" Senjuro is angry for the first time "Aniki and Tanjiro nii san...they taught me the things I can never seize...!" Senjuro threw the broomstick somewhere and puts a fist to his chest as a resolve. "I want to be like that too!"
This time Shinjuro is trouble if he should get angry or not. I mean there is a tendency Shinjuro will die and no one will carry on the Rengoku clan further.
Maybe as the Father he should sacrifice instead.
"Look, you can't be like your brother." He discourage him purposely.
Senjuro furrowed his eyebrows though, "I'm not trying to be like my brother! Father!" He stomped his feet and made his Father eyes widen.
For a moment he saw Kyoujiro's spirit shadowing Senjuro.
The boy exclaimed. "I will be someone who can do the things he wanted! I want to make you, Aniki and Tanjiro nii san proud...!"
'Ahh...he is growing up isn't he?' Shinjuro feared it. Feared his remaining son will go away somewhere. Will he lit a fire somewhere and become a smoke.
It really is in their blood. 'I used to be like this wasn't I...?'
"I know you will not teach me, So I will take my leave..." Senjuro went inside their house and it looks like he will pack some things. Shinjuro begun panicking, "W-wait! Where the hell are you even planning to train to?!"
Senjuro stubbornly pack his things and answered. "Uzui-san may help me...I might become a pulp but...If it is the only way-" this time Shinjuro grabbed Senjuro's shoulders. "STOP IT! I CAN'T HAVE YOU DYING ON ME!"
Senjuro froze. '...I never seen Father so desperate about my existence.' Kyoujiro's death was really devastating. '...I know he does not want to loose another son, but still.' Senjuro needed to grow up, it is what he told himself. 'I can't remain as a little boy forever. Not until demons are gone for us to all live a normal life without being even afraid...!'
A moment of staring contest.
The other gave up.
Sighs, "...Look, I'll teach you."
Shinjuro heave another sighs. "We used to train together. It won't be different than today." It is merely a fact from the past. Shinjuro has completely resigned from Senjuro's will to become a Demon Slayer wannabe once more.
"F-Father...!" tears of joy forming in Senjuro's eyes, 'damn it! why does our bloodline always thirsty to help others...?! Is it because we are strong...?' Yeah, even Shinjuro's father or the grandfather of Rengoku kids is always onto justice. The protect the weak because you are strong mindset.
'..since when did I stop becoming like that...?' Shinjuro stopped believing because no matter how many times he fight demon's nobody is really saved. Just another empty hole to fill for another new youth sought to become a Demon Slayer either revenge or the worry and care to not let others experience what they did.
Never ending tragic cycle.
So he thought to give it up.
But not his two son's who he already influence and hammered that kind of belief to their heads.
That is why Kyoujiro died.
His wife died.
And now his son Senjuro is starting to grow up and think for himself, on how to use his body, mind, soul and his heart.
It sucks really.
And so Father and Son went to their yard where they used to train together as an image of Father having bonding with his kids. But now it has been decreased to one, Just...Just there is Senjuro.
"Alright, let's see." Suddenly Shinjuro whipped Senjuro by the Shinai he is holding. WHAM! Senjuro also had his own Shinai but he did not expect his Father to start right away. Immediately Senjuro flew meters from one whip on his Shinai to the other's Shinai. "Waah!?" Shinai is a kendo sword.
Senjuro fell over his butt and rubs them. "O-ouch.." then the tip of the wooden sword was pointed above him. "RULE NO.1! ALWAYS STAND UP AFTER GETTING BEAT UP!" his father glared down. "I HAVE BEATEN YOU MANY TIMES WHENEVER I'M DRUNK, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN EASY FOR YOU TO BARE!"
Senjuro's eyes blaze with a bit of fear and excitement. '...Father is...not taking lightly of my resolve...!' he slowly stood and tried to compose his stance. 'I shouldn't waste this opportunity while he is still motivated!'
True, it is not like Senjuro was not beaten by his father. Whenever his father is drunk and Kyoujiro is not there to calm the angry man, he would throw him some bottle of sake and punch him, kick him, or pull his hair out of being simply annoyed when he is told to stop drinking.
"Yaaa!" Senjuro swung his kendo sword, "Too slow!" this time Shinjuro whipped Senjuro's legs, the kid bawled like a hurt monkey. "Arghh! T-that really hurts!"
Shinjuro slaps the Shinai to the ground, "IDIOT, IF THAT WAS A REAL DEMON HIT, YOUR LEGS WOULD HAVE BEEN TORN OFF!"
His father is not holding back it seems...He got to try harder. "2 years..."
"Eh?" his father made another sword stance. "If 2 years you can't land a hit on me, I won't let you take the Final Exam. Nor will teach you the Breath of Flame." Shinjuro had been there. The Final exam had demons. Senjuro, he cannot see him surviving that. Maybe it was futile after all. But then he did not want to disrespect his son further than what he did at the past before Kyoujiro's death had opened him up to fix himself once more.
"Yes Father!"
They keep doing body beating to eachother, Senjuro had never landed a hit on his father. So other exercise for becoming a Flame Swordsman most of the time is of course is staying in a sauna and must not collapse from meditation. Being able to touch hot pots without flinching. Doing 100 sword swings. Running and foot practice.
Carrying weight of 2 jars that has a pack of ashes inside.
Senjuro Rengouku started his hype training with his father.
Meanwhile inside the Butterfly estate.
"He isn't waking up...how weird." Aoi checked on Shinazugawa Sanemi. Even though he is very injured but it is not something that make you put in a state of comma. It has been 3 days since the incident with Muzan's deadly battle. Sanemi should be up by now. How strange. "Doesn't he want to wake up at all...?" By that Aoi went out of his room and proceed to go to Kanao's room.
"Kanao-sama...I'm entering...?" But Kanao is not there at all. "Kanao-sama?!"
Aoi ran through the whole butterfly estate and finally spotted the girl whose hair already tied up to her usual side ponytail except she had no butterfly hairpin attached to her head. "What are you doing...? It only has been 3 days, you are not completely oka-"
Kanao instead starting to focus on her breaths. It's normal for Kanao to ignore everyone. Not until Tanjiro taught her to speak or reply if she wanted too.
"Aoi-chan." Kanao called, Aoi slowly went near her until she is in her field of vision. Much better. "I have to train. Please let me. This blurry world, I need to adjust myself. I will be fine." she smiled. And it broke Aoi's heart. "K-kanao-sama..." Because...Kanao's right eye is completely blind and her left eye just barely can see.
'you will really become blind if you keep fighting Kanao-sama...! Is this what Shinobu-sama would have wanted? Or maybe she is better off...' Then it struck Aoi. 'wait, Kanao-sama is not a coward like me...So I should respect it. In fact I should be doing this as well..!'
Gritting her teeth, Aoi began to accept the reality that Shinobu is no longer here for some final decision, obviously Kanao has to be responsible now. It made Aoi thought to practice as well. "Alright!" she lifts her fist. "I will also start to improve my sword skills."
This time Kanao blinked. "E-eh?"
Aoi then placed some jars in a form of circle then provided Kanao a wooden sword. "Hit them as you dodge me!" she said. Kanao then is able to see that Aoi is also holding a spare wooden sword. "If you cannot master this. You cannot be on the battlefield anymore." acting smart, Aoi is good at doing therapy training after all. So she knew exactly what Kanao needs to master. It is for her to be able to move and attack even if her world is not as clear as it used to be...
Their training started.
Kanao who is a bit nervous that she had always relied with her eyesight. She thought about Gyomei the Stone Pillar. 'Gyomei-san is able to act like he see things despite not seeing things.' Closing her eyes to focus, seizing the impending darkness that should have consumed her long ago.
"I have to become one with the darkness and see the traces of light...!"
Kanao saw from her behind inside her imagination field. Aoi is gonna pose a strike. WHACK!
"W-what the!" Aoi is surprise Kanao had moved away, 'Is my blood thirst that strong she felt it?' Aoi is a bit challenge, 'as expect or a Tsuguko.' a smirk laid on her lips 'then how about this..!' From a direct attack Aoi lifted and swung her wooden sword horizontally by purposely aiming to break Kanao's footing. 'take this...!'
Kanao meanwhile got alarmed since Aoi was too fast for her to see. 'oh, it is not that Aoi is fast..she is infact slow...It's just i'm not used to my new vision graphics.'
Kanao tried her best to move to the other side and begun to attack the nearest jar. WHACK!
The jar shattered in front of Aoi, the jar had some water on it ,it splashes onto her, she immediately squeaked. 'oh shoot..!' Realizing is Kanao will do a surprise attack any moment...!
However Kanao disappeared from her eye range. 'w-where is she?!' Kanao actually leaped above her and smashes the other jars with intention of making Aoi get wet. WHACK! WHACK! CRASH!
'I can see...! I can see...!' Kanao's world is still blurry as ever, her vision is like a window glass that had some fog on it. She can see the unclear figure of Aoi. She can only see Aoi's face clearly whenever she is too close to be in her face. That's how bad Kanao's vision is after using the Breath of Lily spider on Tanjiro.
Shinobu did told Kanao, she can freely use all kinds of Breath Flower attacks except the Higanbana.
Aoi felt frustrated and does a U-turn whipped of her weapon. "Stay put...!" what surprised her Kanao got hit.
Kanao is now frozen in spot and slowly her hands made it's way to her head that had some bump from Aoi's attack. "O-ow..." Kanao began shaking in her chibi form.
"K-Kanao-sama!?" Kanao is not the type of person to get hit on training, she is surprise by it herself. 'Aoi-chan hit me like that. If that is a demon am surely dead...'
Aoi started to pat her head while frantic. "S-sorry! There,there! Let me massage the lump!"
"T-thank you Aoi-chan..." Kanao sobs like a little girl but not overreact. It made Aoi smiled. "There, there."
After a bit of rest the two decided for round two.
"This time! I'll make it more threatening! Get used to it Kanao-sama...!"
"Bring it on!"
Basically Kanao had her eye training and Aoi improving her sword skills. She is good at hand to hand combat but that does not apply to kill demons. Aoi is helped by Kanao on sword as she help Kanao for eye theraphy.
In Mount Sagiri...
Nezuko is done bathing. She was reluctant to share the weird thing happening to her finger nails. 'Maybe they do heal for 3 days...? Right? right?' She is not a demon still right...?
Her thoughts were cut off when Giyuu entered the bathroom. "You are done right?" Giyuu's chest is expose with his wounds, he had a towel beneath. Nezuko blushed a bit, she does see a male's body since she takes care off her little brothers and sometimes Tanjiro will be naked when dressing at home. But it sure is uncomfortable to see a stranger almost naked.
Giyuu whose not even realizing he is being rude and dense, Nezuko just got out of bath duhh! Nezuko though already dressed in new kimono that Urokodaki prepared. It resembles the clothes Tanjiro wore when he was in training.
"Urokodaki is calling for you by the way." Giyuu proceeded to enter the bath as Nezuko made her way out. "O-Okay."
Nezuko shuts the door and sighs. "...He is awkward I must say."
That's why nobody like Giyuu. He is awkward and weird. But it was not a bad thing. Nezuko should adjust. She brushes her hair and notice a familliar box on the room. She slide the door and found her box.
"This box...! It is Oniichan's box!" Nezuko knelt down to check the worn up box. Yes, it is the box Nezuko had stayed during her travel with her brother. "How on earth did I fit here..?" She tried to enter the box out of curiosity.
Nezuko realize her buttocks are in the air as she attempted to enter the box. She now begun to feel so embarass! 'Oh right! I cannot fit in this box anymore!'
Urokodaki decided to ignore her flushed face and says, "Follow me outside."
Nezuko went outside and saw Urokodaki had another drum with water on it. "You done?" he asks.
Nezuko walked to him. "Yes." Nezuko had peeked onto the drum, Urokodaki begun instructing her what her training is. "First you must practice not to breath for long in that drum. After that you had to do 100-push ups, 100-swing of sword."
Nezuko was a bit disappointed. She thought she will be climbing the mountains like her brother did. But it looks like Urokodaki is doing a different approach of training to her. "You are not going easy on me right...?" Nezuko hope Urokodaki will take her seriously. Urokodaki coughed, "I'm always serious. It's just that...Your bloodline is a Fire Breath user right? What I did to Tanjiro is the way of Water Breath user." Urokodaki tapped the drum with water. "I'm gonna teach you still the Breath of Water but in a different exercise. I do not know much regards Breath of Fire but I tried looking to other context of books that this can help you with it."
So basically Nezuko will be using Breath of Water and yet she must not. "You are telling me to train the Breath of Fire on my own?"
A nod.
"I got ya!" Nezuko slapped her cheeks "Alright...! here I go!" and drowns herself in the drum. Urokodaki echoed. "The longer you able to focus not breathing there, the better chances you can climb the mountains than your Brother did."
"Ssure-gulps" is Nezuko's mistake. She accidentally drank some water and coughs violently. "I-it hurts..!"
Urokodaki casually smacks the back of Nezuko. "Do not waver...!"
Then Urokodaki realize what he has done. "Forgive me child, Is your wounds still hurting..?" Nezuko then wonder about her back. "Uhh..." Urokodaki watched as Nezuko decided to strip to show her back. "A-actually...I'm not sure, can you look for me?"
When she showed her back, Urokodaki gasped. "W-what is it? Is it ugly scars...?" Nezuko is nervous, she hope it was not what she thought. Urokodaki touched her back, his finger ran to the small marks of wounds. But now they are too faded to even call scars. "You do not have the wound anymore..? What in the heavens is this...?" Nezuko's bitten shoulder or suppose to be...it is also gone. It looked like pimples but it eventually faded like it was never there.
Nezuko puts back her kimono on and tied them. She faced Urokodaki and unwrapped the fake bandages she to her hands. "One more thing...My Fingers nails went back too fast. Though it's not yet it's original size...but they had grown after 3 days...is that...Normal?"
Urokodaki went silent. He thought silently, '...is Nezuko still half demon then...? It takes 6 months for finger nails to grow back. And the wounds she had been given will last about at least a month depending how deep the wound is.'
"Nezuko...is it alright if we get to an advance phase of training?"
...Moments of silence, Urokodaki and Nezuko had climb up the mountains...Reaching the peak point. "You know the drill." with that Urokodaki disappeared. Out of nowhere a trap of log swung to hit Nezuko, but Nezuko reflexes was to kick it. "What?! What!?" KICKS!
When she kicked the log another trapped activated. "What the-" some random Bamboo pipes made it's way to attempt on hitting her. To Nezuko's surprises she jumped over it and kicks another trap away from her. "W-w-what's happening on my body! This isn't normal...!"
It's like Nezuko had use a cheat code. Her body is moving on it's own. As if...'I know..my body remember the days that I had fought demons. Maybe that is why my body is not surprised but my mind is...!'
Landing with her feet like a alerted cat, "ahh?!" Nezuko's ground collapsed. Nezuko's able to grab on wall and tried to pull herself up. "T-that's close." She gulps as she saw underneath her were sharp things. "I take it back...he is not going easy on me." Nezuko did not know that Urokodaki is used to training girls as slayers too. Like Makomo, she was not physically strong but is quick and smart. Except one flaw, Makomo is short tempered. That is why she was piss off by the boulder demon in Final exam.
"I will get down this mountain...!" Nezuko began running down the mountain path as traps kept on activating. She got some bruises along the way. She even hit her head to a tree trunk forgetting to duck down. Her breathing started to feel hard to grab oxygen. "I-I can't-" angry muscles appeared on her face that resembles her demon form when going in action. "..loose!"
Surprisingly Nezuko is able to go down the mountains back to Urokodaki's house. She was faster to go down than her brother. The fact she had less bruises and scratches shows that she is very agile.
This is promising.
Its just making Urokodaki question it.. . Is Nezuko strong as human? Or because of the previous influence of becoming former demon?
But Urokodaki saw how Nezuko is hurt and is tired. Maybe in the end it is indeed the Kamado's sibling powerful trait. They do not give up once they started something they wanted.
Next Morning Came...
Tanjiro opened his eyes because he heard a knock on the door. Knock,knock, came the voice of Saburo. "Tanjiro..? You awake?" the Man was hesitant first to open the door, he hope Tanjiro is still sane. Incase, he had a machete with him.
Since Tanjiro is not responding at all, Saburo opened the door and found Tanjiro lying at the floor, it looked like Tanjiro just woke up. "Why are you even sleeping at the floor without having a futon...?" he questioned the boy. But Tanjiro is zoning out.
"...You are okay right?" He wave a hand to Tanjiro who suddenly sniffed. SNIFF,SNIFFS, 'what is that smell...?'
Tanjiro looked straight to Saburo who is kneeling to be on his level, "I was able to get a blood bag." Saburo opened his bag pouch and revealed a blood bag. He put it onto the floor and pushes it to slide to Tanjiro's reach. Saburo was still alert. He decided not to be too close to Tanjiro knowing the kid has not eaten anything.
For Tanjiro he was not listening to him, he was busy sniffing the blood bag. 'it smells weird...it doesn't smell the normal blood...'
"D-don't be embarrass. I will get used to it." Saburo gulps and wipes his sweat on his forehead. Tanjiro grabbed the blood bag and licked it. He purred... 'it's soft...' Then his fangs went bigger and dig in to bite the bag.
Saburo tried to clear his through. 'A-amazing...he is really not human anymore...!'
Tanjiro who doesn't seem to be himself had fully drink the blood bag until there was nothing left. "Ahh~" he was relief, as for Saburo he made his way to the door but still watching Tanjiro. 'Am doing the right thing...?' Saburo thought this a million times in his head when he headed to the village, if Tanjiro can be petted to drink blood so that he won't urge to look a human flesh.
Tanjiro who is dozing off, wipes the blood in his mouth and smiled. "Thanks for the Meal Saburo~"
How Tanjiro thanked him did not feel like Tanjiro at all. He felt something is wrong. "Tanjiro, you are you right?"
Instead he met a smirk on Tanjiro's gentle face, the demon marks appeared brighter and his eyes shine like a crimson flower. "Saburo-san right...?" Tanjiro tilted his head and started approaching the old man. Saburo's heart started to beat again, 'calm down, calm down...! don't scare Tanjiro! do not make him angry!...Or maybe he doesn't recognize me...?' Saburo hoped he did the right thing.
He just blinked, then Saburo felt a finger lifts his chin up, observing eyes of Tanjiro is there and he is...wearing an evil smirk..?
"Tanjiro!" he called him. Tanjiro yawned. "Marechi. You found me a very wonderful blood bag. I must...reward you~?"
'marechi...? what? reward...? huh? am even speaking to Tanjiro...?' Saburo felt restrained even though Tanjiro had already let go of his face. Tanjiro casually stretch then proceed to poke his finger one to his fangs. "Right, I should reward you. I will make you see your beloved Wife and child."
When Saburo heard that, he thought Tanjiro will kill him when he said you-will-meet-your-wife-and-daughter. "T-Tanjiro snap out of it boy!"
to his surprise Tanjiro drip his blood on the floor. The other free hand of Tanjiro is hovering on his forehead. As if Tanjiro is trying to recollect memories.
An image of Wife and Child that Tanjiro used to talk on his human days before they had passed away. He took all it's detail. Carve it into his blood. 'that's how they look like...hmm~'
Suddenly the blood that had stained the floor begun rising up as if it is molding into something!
"Aah?!" Saburo panic and grab his machete, "Don't do this to me Tanjiro!" he cursed.
~.~Blood Demon Art, Replication.~.~
Saburo's world stopped when the blood took a human figure. It was his Wife and Child...!
"W-what...?" How is this even possible...? His Wife and Child is there infront of his eyes now! Alive! "My love..." is his wife, "My little darling...!" his child.
Saburo tried to control himself not to be fooled but ended up hugging the two figure. "I'm sorry!" till he burst out crying so hard. He always wanted this..! To be with them! To see them once more! Not those torn up bodies...! "Forgive me for not being able to save you...!"
If there is something wrong, it is the color of the skin of his wife and child. They are too pale to be even called alive and those hollow eyes and their lips remained smiling with no warmth..."Did you resurrect them? Or is this an illusion you can create...?" Saburo did not want to be fully fooled. But Tanjiro walks away and went outside the house.
Tanjiro glanced to him one more time and said, "That is your reward. Take care Saburo-san."
Tanjiro then disappeared.
Leaving Saburo with his dead yet alive Wife and Child. "..what the devil I has done..?"
Tanjiro found himself back to the woods. He was confused at himself. "What am doing again..?" he then remembered Saburo fed him. "Oh..." his stomach does not feel hungry anymore. But his mind is not even slightest bothered that he drank a Marechi blood. He walk through the forest, it's morning and the sunlight is tracing the beautiful leaves around. "Why do I feel lonely...?"
Tanjiro clutched at his head, another memory popped out. "W-what is it...?"
There is an Image of flame haired man. There in his memories saw a young adult of tall stature with bright yellow hair with red streaks, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes. His outfit consists of the regular Demon Slayer uniform along with a white-yellow gradient pattern and red flame-like ridges at the end.
"Why you miss him so much~?" Muzan mused on the shadows starting to trick him again. "If you miss him that much, you can make him. You have the power to do so~Like what you did to the Saburo guy~"
Muzan coiled around Tanjiro's body. "Come on~ Make use of the power I gave you. Make your servants...You are lonely right...?" an evil chuckle.
However Tanjiro is indeed feeling lonely. 'I want to see Rengoku-san once more...' Like a hypnotize person, Tanjiro bit his finger to produce blood. He allowed it to the ground while trying to construct his memories. He saw a upper moon named Akaza and that demon had made Kyoujiro's body like a donut hole.
'i'm going to fix you Rengoku-san..just wait...' like he was in a spellbind. Tanjiro created his first guard demon. Rengoku Kyoujiro from Tanjiro's molding blood became real. He had the same outfit due to the fact he is created based on Tanjiro's memories. The color of his eyes are also still the same except Tanjiro's memories is quite jumbled. Kyoujiro's eyes were in a shape of a star. In his right eye there is japanese character written on it. Tanjiro had thought of Akaza upper moon, however the way how he created Kyoujiro it changed the letters.
It says kaen no taiyou. Means Flame of the Sun.
That is right. The Twelve demons have been converted into Sun's.
As the fact that Tanjiro is a new heritage of demons.
Another thing that is strange on Kyoujiro's creation is that he had line tattoos on his face as if it's trying to replicate Akaza's criminal tattoo. Lines on his face were through each of his eyes from below his ears to over his temples, another black line running from the center of his hairline to the bridge of his nose, with two more lines running around his neck, three others branching off the lower one to his torso.
Tanjiro felt like he was been hit by a train. "R-rengoku-san..?" He saw him again..he met him too fast and got left too soon. But now, he saw him again! "Re..." he touch the figure and embrace the taller man. "Rengoku-san!" he cried. Tanjiro couldn't control his emotions and he couldn't put the reason behind it. All he ever felt after becoming a demon is always confusion and mixed feelings.
Always feeling so lonely.
As for Kyoujiro, he was not able to speak but he had a smile on his face. Further and further making Tanjiro's lonely and guilty heart sank deeper into the abyss. "I..I always wanted to apologize that I was not able to be a help of power...I'm sorry...!"
Tanjiro knew this is a fake Rengoku, but same time it did not feel wrong.
Little did he knew he was slowly becoming like Muzan's state of logic.
"That's right Tanjiro~ Keep replicating your dead comrades into your soldiers. We will eventually build our empire~"
Is what Muzan is looking forward too.
Days passed, Nezuko basically did the following repeatedly. Drowning herself in the drum, jogging up and down the mountains with traps. 100 push up, 100 swing of sword. Swimming to the water fall. Getting punch and kick. Sparring with Urokodaki.
Nezuko is on fire.
On the other hand...Giyuu's haori already been sewed with Tanjiro. Then some doctor went by to check on Giyuu's arm.
This doctor is someone allied with their organization but not exactly part of butterfly estate or kakushi. Just some doctor located in the city.
"We are promoting prosthetic arms. Would you like to try it?" The doctor asks with a smile. Giyuu was skeptical. "Hmm, if I have that you speak of, am able to hold a sword with it? And any other objects? Wouldn't it break?"
The doctor looked through some documents that he has with him. "Forgot to mention, this prostethic arm is not like a puppet's arm. It is made from Nichirin Blade by an ex sword's smith who decided to make dolls instead."
Giyuu liked how it sound. "Then please let me have one of it." The doctor immediately pack his things. "Ok then, I let them know. It may take 1 month. Since we lack supplies."
"It's ok. But the better quality is important."
With that the doctor bowed and left. Urokodaki who happen to be in the kitchen heard it all. "I see you really want to fight..."
Giyuu looked at the window and saw Nezuko doing her 100-kicks that makes it as her foot practice. "She's wild." Is what Giyuu replied instead. "She is like Tanjiro but same time not..."
Urokodaki knows what Giyuu is referring to. Tanjiro had his fire but so gentle. Nezuko is on fire but feels bloody. Maybe she is a demon even before becoming a demon.
"Girls are scary." Giyuu noted.
"Agreed." Urokodaki proceeded to eat his own meal hours. As for Giyuu, he also does his practice by slashing bamboos with his left hand. It was difficult. Giyuu wondered how he was able to fight during Tanjiro's berserk. Guess in desperate time you can ignore the alien feeling of using your unused hand for chores.
1 year Later...
Giyuu and Urokodaki had look at eachother. "Is...Tanjiro dead? Or perhaps..." on the doorway Nezuko entered the house, she was done with her usual exercise. She heard the crow said. "Oniichan is alive of course." She stated. "You told me Urokodaki-san I was asleep for 2 years. Maybe Oniichan too." It is a relief there was no deaths but it feels alarming than some demons attacking people. "THE MONSTER THAT IS BEING READIED FOR FINAL EXAM WILL NOT BE HELD. THERE ARE NO DEMONS AROUND TO CAPTURE AND TRAIN TO! CAW!"
Feeling uneasy, it is nothing they can do. So For now Urokodaki thought that this is still the time to make Nezuko to prove her strength.
...They went up again the mountains and there is a large rock. It looked like the rock that Tanjiro sliced. But this is a new one!
"I have taught you everything I could. Now left is you practice your own breath of form. Your own skills on sword's man ship." Urokodaki tapped the rock. "If you are able to slice or break this. You pass." Urokodaki has not forgotten that there will be no Final Exam so it would be hard to even tell if Nezuko is strong since she will not be able to try it out on a actual low rank demon as experience. But because she had an OLD experience, it is safe to say if Nezuko can break this rock or slice through it with sword is enough to assume she can fight demons.
Nezuko stopped his tracks. "If there are no demons to fight, even if I break this rock means nothing." Nezuko bowed to Urokodaki."Fight me please! As I try to slice the rock...! That will be my handicap!"
Handicap? Really Nezuko...?
But Urokodaki saw it again the fire in Nezuko's eyes.
"If you really want me to hurt you, so be it!" Urokodaki removes his clothes to show his build up muscles. "I Won't let you break or slice this rock Kamado Nezuko!"
'...6 Month's passed. I still haven't break nor slice the rock. Until this moment finally came to fruit my hardwork...'
"You cannot pass over me brat...!" Urokodaki just punched Nezuko in the face. Nezuko falls to the ground and rolled over but immediately stance with her sword. She was so tired and feeling hungry. She gritted her teeth as the grip went tighter to the sword's handle. She spitted blood. "pphew!"
'When i'm hungry...when i'm cold...I will always remember you Oniichan...! Just like how I always see our happily family! In my memories! I won't give up!'
Nezuko charged forward putting all her strength onto the sword Urokodaki gave her. 'Kick through...! Even if the path is narrow! Oniichan is...waiting for me!'
Unaware this is a Breath of Fire dancing in her veins.
"HAAAAHHH!" Nezuko roared like a beast. 'move yourself like your exploding blood...! Nezuko! Do it..! Break the rock Urokodaki-san prepared for you...!' It put Urokodaki a bit distracted, for a moment he thought Nezuko reverted back to a demon. But no..the veins and muscles popping onto Nezuko's face and arm grips were purely her power of rage to defeat him!
(Explosion sound)
Urokodaki's mask fell off as it was slice in half.
Same time the rock behind him had been sliced too.
Nezuko panted heavily and slowly realize what happend. "Urokodaki-san?!" she turned to face him and found the elder unharmed. What shock her is the most gentle face ever. "U-Urokodaki-san...your face..." they look like the face that can't even hurt a fly.
Urokodaki surprises Nezuko with a embrace. "...you broke the rock. Well done. With this you will be ready once more." Nezuko still cannot believe what just happend but it did. "I...I won..?"
Nezuko hugged back. "I...I did it...!" and cried tears of joy.
Urokodaki whispered to her. "Save Tanjiro...Tell him to come home here. I will be waiting."
"You can never hit me! You do not have what it take Senjuro!" Shinjuro yelled, Senjuro prepared to strike.
'I'm also a Flame Breath user...! I'm sure..! Just like Brother, Grandfather and Aniki did...! I can make a fire of it...!'
Senjuro's background flamed for a second. "Hah! You are easy to read!" Shinjuro charged first only to find Senjuro disappeared. "Where did you-"
Senjuro was not flaming at all. He is nothing near it. Instead...he appeared like the remnants of flame.
Senjuro appeared above his father. Shinjuro saw it.
Senjuro Rengoku is the Flame's Smoke.
Shinjuro's world started to feel dizzy.
'h-he hit me...?!'
Collapsing on the floor, Senjuro snapped back to reality. "What did I just did...?!" Senjuro could tell he almost went for a killing blow. He got scared. "F-Father! Hang in there...!"
His father coughed blood. The hit was really hard. "I may need medic."
"I'm sorry!" but Shinjuro laughs. "You made it." and patted Senjuro's head. Senjuro whose stunned by the gentle hands of his father. 'when is the last time he did this...?'
"It's been 1year and 6months. You finally did it." his father coughs a bit. "There may no be demon's to use it on actual use, but that's how Kyoujiro is strong. Even without enemy he keep doing training." but tears begun to fall down on his eyes as well with Senjuro's eyes. "He saved those people in the train...such a great boy."
Shinjuro shielded his eyes by his elbow as tears streaming down rapidly. "That goddamn son is too good! I'm sure you can do better...Senjuro...!"
Senjuro decided to give his father a hug. He took this advantage to be able to be close to him again. "Yes Father...! I will...I will...!"
When Nezuko went up to the Mountains to try and break the rock Urokodaki prepared. Remember the doctor? 1month passed he receive his new arms. Giyuu then left and went to Butterfly estate for some medical help.
Kanao's condition and adjustment with her eyes has been good.
As for Aoi...her sword skills are good too but she couldn't even use the breath of insect. Even though Shinobu was also her mentor.
Once again Aoi felt an ice freezing her in place. 'Maybe it is useless after all..'
"Hello, I would like to have a check up." Aoi looked up to find Tomioka Giyuu. "SINCE WHEN YOU ARE HERE?!" her heart jumped, who wouldn't?!
"I did not mean to scare you...and...I have a favor. Can you help me get used to my new right arm?" he showed him his prosthetic arm.
Aoi thought about it. If Breath of Insect, Flower does not fit her...Maybe Water...? "Then how about we make a deal?"
Aoi looks determined. "Teach me something about Breath of Water...! Please!" Aoi is desperate. Giyuu who used to like rejecting on teaching other, he had no choice. He needed help too. "I got it." he deadpan. "I will teach you the Breath of Water, but do not expect it to be good. Am not the original Water Pillar..."he trailed off.
But to Aoi she ignored it and is happy. "Alright! Get inside! We'll make use of that new arm...!"
6months of therapy same time Nezuko is able to break the rock. Aoi is able to make her own breath form.
She breathed as she is facing the largest thick jar they have at this household.
"Breath of Ice...first form," she emotionlessy sliced the jar, "Ice Butterfly!"
She flew like an insect yet she became one of the water with motionless flower. Cold as Ice that melts someone's heart.
Aoi Kanzaki discovered her own Breath Form. Breath of Ice derived from water,insect and flower form.
Those are all the Events after 2 years.
"NEEEEEZUUUUKOOO-CHAAAAAN!" Zenitsu jumped to hug Nezuko who out of instinct had dodge making Zenitsu land on the ground. "I MISS YOU!" he just ignored it. Nezuko laugh in response. "You are energetic as ever Zenitsu-kun."
That heavenly sweet smile made Zenitsu pulled something from his back. "Here...!"
Nezuko who is wearing her Demon Slayer uniform accepted the gift. "Is this for me...?"
Zenitsu nodded, "I told you I buy you new kimono and err Haori!" Nezuko felt a blush on her face and decided to unbox it. She found a pink haori. "I notice you like color pink! I hope you like it!" Zenitsu wiggling his butt.
Nezuko is speechless. 'he really did...do it.. I thought he was kidding.' Nezuko had never receive a gift before beside her family. She hugged the new haori that kinda look exactly the same as her old one. "I will treasure it Zenitsu-kun. Thank you!"
"STRIKEEEE!" Zenitsu had another nose bleed. "LETS GET MARRIED NOW!"
Inosuke uses his head to hit Zenitsu's back. "BOAR THRUST!"
Inosuke pointed at him annoyed as he had his boar mask on. "JUST BECUZ TANJIRO IS NOT HERE YOU CAN DO AS YOU PLEASE!" The two started a death glare debate.
"you Jealous? You JEALOUS?!"
"You fighting me? FIGHT ME! MONITSU!"
Nezuko ignored them and starts to put her new pink Haori. "...Oniichan, My journey has begun."..
Senjuro and Aoi called them. "The meeting is starting quick!"
When Oyakata sama assigned them as New pillars...even though there was no upper moon to prove their strenght they were simply chosen because of unique breath forms. It is a first time have Lightning,Beast,Ice a brand new Breath form, Smoke derived from Remnants of Flame Breath and the Ancient breath form of Fire.
Yes that is the base of their annoitment to become a pillar. New set of Elements. New future of swordsman ship.
Nezuko prayed. "Oniichan, I will definitely, as Your Little Sister...Will Bring you back to normal..."
They were chilling outside until...
Zenitsu,Inosuke, Nezuko looked above the speaking crow assigned to guide them from Oyakata-sama. Senjuro and Aoi glance at eachother. Then Kanao whose just there standing motionlessly gripped onto her sword sheath. Nezuko thought...
"...Asakuza Tokyo..isn't that place..." Where Tanjiro left her from the noodle stable and encountered with Muzan,Tamayo and Yushiro.
The wind blows, Something feels wrong indeed.
To be Continued
Kanon58: i hope you are not bored onto this chapter lol but so far let me know how are u liking this fic on reviews like share me which moment did u find funny xD
Me like nezuko tried to go inside her old box lolololol. That urokodaki spot her doing that is priceless xDD ! Also the part Saburo accidentally bought a Marechi making Tanjiro sunk into Muzan's possession hee hee
I also want to know if i wrote tanjiro without being ooc. I want him to be half muzan half tanjiro lol...and sorry if the action part sucks but...d-dont worry i will try to improve it lol. i hope you were able to picture how the training went by *sweatdrops* plz review! And yep Nezuko's still has a bit of healing ability but not as much as it used to. I hope the idea regards Giyuu's haori is ok along with Nezuko still has a bit of healing abilities. I mean 3days after all, the rip off nails shouldn't grow. Atleast not exaggerated like how her leg got ripp off before lol. I also hope you liked Aoi and Senjuro's decisions to suddenly work hard as a slayer lol.
The reason Aoi and Senjuro is valid pillars remember they are trained but somewhere along the line Senjuro stopped cuz his father begun hitting him then Aoi doing theraphy to every injured slayers meant she is still fit. Just that her swordsmanship she needs more heart to it and erase the fear she once had from final section.
And admit it guys when it comes to Tanjiro everyone gets the urges to stand up cuz of his influence xD ship ship
Nezuko's line were inspired from her own ost someone in youtube made a english ver of it named MEWSIC. If you know her you can check lol. Just saying that I credit the lines of Nezuko 'if i'm hunrgy and cold i will always remember you' OMG THE FEELS.
Make sure to check the illustrations i made for this fic to my tumblr or deviantart to which u have easy access! I change the cover photo of this fic. If you zoom in its photo u can actually see the demon form of tanjiro with demon pillars then slayer nezuko and other new pillars xD
Next: Strange events of suppose to be dead people are on the living list again. It is Nezuko's first mission as a Slayer, will she meet with her brother Tanjiro...? The Demon King has a strange plan, that is to take over Japan.