Act 4: Asakuza Tokyo New Demons

Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko

**Originally posted in Fanfiction and Archive**

Published: 04-24-20 - Finished: 07-16-22

Important note from the REAL author of this fanfic Rise of the Demon King Tanjiro VS Demon Slayer Nezuko: Please report Gaby_Dagohoy who reposted my fanfic here in WEBNOVEL, without my permission...what more he claimed he own this fanfic that I wrote with blood and sweat.

Kanon58: things will start to be mature,dark or gory...ehm hope that hypes you? Btw Quarantine end is approaching...Im so sure my work will kill me. uhh im not sure if i can finish this fic.


As Said English sucks so do Not Except it to be written beautifully or whatever. I'm doing this out of pure fangirling and fantasy.

No Flames you are not a Breath Flame User xD


Im just doing this cuz of Quarantine, But once everything is back to normal I will be busy on my Work again as an Adult. SAD ADULT FAR AWAY FROM ANIMES HUHU

REVIEW To inspire me to update. ROLF







Zenitsu,Inosuke, Nezuko looked above the speaking crow assigned to guide them from Oyakata-sama. Senjuro and Aoi glance at each other. Then Kanao whose just there standing motionlessly gripped onto her sword sheath. Nezuko thought...

"...Asakuza Tokyo..isn't that place..." Where Tanjiro left her from the noodle stable and encountered with Muzan,Tamayo and Yushiro.

The wind blows, Something feels wrong indeed.







In an Abandon Mansion that is owned by the late Muzan Kibutsuji...

"How is Tanjiro-sama~?" A petite girl with pale skin and large, compound-looking eyes that do not possess pupils, only a haze of gradient purple, which make her eyes appear similar to those of bugs. Her right eye has been converted to a pupil of a Butterfly Eyes shade of red and black dots while the left one remained the same gradient purple- but does written a japanese character says

Mushi No Taiyo.

Translated as Insect of the Sun.

Her face had some butterfly tattoos hinting she has a poisonus body, if you stare at her dots it will show you butterfly wings and the eyes of butterfly itself.

Her hair is still shoulder-length that fades from black into dark purple, usually styled at the back of her head into a "yakai-maki" style and fastened with a white and purple butterfly ornament. Shinobu like Kyoujiro is created from Tanjiro's memories...

She wears the standard Demon Slayer uniform with gold buttons, consisting of a dark-purple tinted straight-lined black jacket and hakama pants that are tucked into a butterfly pattern fabric around her lower legs along with her white haori that previously belonged to her older sister, which has a butterfly wing pattern that fades into a turquoise then pink color on the sleeves and bottom edges which are cuffed with a black and white dotted trim.

She wears white sandals with purple straps for footwear. If there is further difference is her finger nails are sharp claws with poisonus colors of black, pink and red.

Kyoujiro the man Shinobu had asks is the very first demon guard of Tanjiro by his own Blood Art shrugs his head. "Not good." On his lap is the head of Kamado Tanjiro whose hair length is like the days he battled Sabito in mount sagiri. He still had his Hanafudda earrings and wearing a black monfuku with a green and black checkered scarf similar to his former trademark haori.

"Nnnhh..." Tanjiro is moaning and whimpering on his sleep. Whenever he do this, it meant one thing. "Tanjiro-sama is too hungry." Kyoujiro patted the red locks from Tanjiro's uncomfortable face. "He...ate himself again."

Shinobu the second one Tanjiro replicated sighs. "Tanjiro-sama is a picky eater~" she pouted with her fingers for you to see her nails longer than average demon claw. "Whenever we give him human blood he refuses to drink it. His tastebud are only for Marechi's..." She rubs her temples, "..but searching for a Marechi is rare and very hard to find." She intertwines her finger in a form of contemplating.

"Even Tokito-kun surely will have hard time to find one! Tehee~!"

Shinobu sat on the bed that Kyoujiro is sitting as his laps were like the king's pillow. "Really~ A troublesome King." Revealing a gentle smile. Shinobu's poisonous finger traveled to Tanjiro's wrist that had blood. It is the proof Tanjiro just regenerate from eating his own wrist out of hunger.

This is the problem on baby sitting their king. Tanjiro pallette is sensitive. If it is not a Marechi, Tanjiro will proceed on devouring his own flesh and drink his own blood. Refusing to eat human will rather sleep than drink a regular human blood.

He is high class demon it seems.

"You sent Mitsuri and Obanai to the Red Light District right?" Kyoujiro asks in a hurry. Shinobu hummed, "I did. I told Mitsuri to seduce people and make sure she finds a Marechi. Then the rest she can eat them for all I care~but I told her to count them so that Tanjiro-sama will replicate their dead bodies to be listed alive again~!"

Shinobu is a sadist and Kyoujiro accepts it but he is a bit worried it will cause chaos. "Look, tell Obanai to stop Mitsuri if she over do it. You do know it will Ruin our plans if Demon Slayers found out we demons are still out here."

Kyoujiro had a huge sense of justice for Tanjiro's sake. "We need to make his dream come true...!" He chuckles.

Shinobu nodded in agreement. "Yes of course~A world where Demons and Humans can co exist~" she licks her lips. "Definitely delicious~! Ehehe."

"Mmhh.." the two paused and saw Tanjiro's red eyes shining. " that smell ...Shinobu-san...?" He rubbed his eyes. Kyoujiro clears his throat. "Tanjiro-sama...just call me Kyoujiro. You do not have to be so polite!" His heart is running in excitement. 'Tanjiro-sama so kind...!'

Shinobu had a friendly giggle. "Ahh~ I forgot you have sensitive nose. After all I'm full of poison. It must have been irritating. Forgive me my lord."

Tanjiro shakes his head. "Its not like that...I always like how you smell Shinobu-san, it smells like a flower the butterflies..." with that Tanjiro fell again to sleep.

"Ara~Ara. Sweet dreams Tanjiro-sama."


Tanjiro had fallen again to the abyss and have another conversion with Muzan. Happens in 2 years and until now!

"Not bad~" Muzan praised Tanjiro who is trapped with his embrace. Tanjiro is too tired to even response. 'Just ignore him Tanjiro...he is just lonely, that is why he wanted you to stay with him.' Is what Tanjiro been convincing himself. Tanjiro had lost count when Muzan is upper or his personality is upper. Whenever Tanjiro create's a dead person or a ex pillar, his memories would decrease until the only memory he had is Muzan's.

That is why Tanjiro cannot fight off his desires. Tanjiro wanted to fulfill his dream and he hoped Muzan will be happy if he did it. 'I wonder how Muzan really feels...?'

Or maybe he did not care. Tanjiro will be forever confuse with his relationship with Muzan. "Are you sulking on me~?" Muzan felt offended whenever Tanjiro is ignoring him. "Do I look like happy that you always suffocate my body with your cells?" Tanjiro glared.

Muzan got bored of it. "Hn, you are mine now~" he made an evil smile that made Tanjiro squint. "Just keep collecting Marechi~ you are so powerful by then~ hehe."









Tanjiro had woken up. He is lying on this king size red bed with curtains. "Rengoku...Kyou...?" He searched for his loyal bodyguard but nowhere to be found. "Did he went out to eat?"

Tanjiro left his bed and brushed his bangs up. "Taking a stroll won't hurt." Despite being their creator, Tanjiro was told by Kyoujiro to never go outside alone. Maybe because he likes devouring himself and that can cost chaos. But Tanjiro missed the outside and the people. As if he is still human.

He grabbed a hat called newsboy and slid up his hair to look shorter. He looked at the full moon shaped mirror that was hang up in the wall. It is big enough to see his head to toe. Thinking he looked good, Tanjiro proceed to snuck out of the mansion. "Forgive me!"

He made his way downtown... to Asakuza Tokyo.

Kamado Nezuko, from the day she was set free of being a demon at age 13. She is now 15yrs old. Her chest had grown and she is wearing the standard Demon Slayer Uniform, in her belt strapped the Black Sword she receive from Haganezawa.

If you unsheathe her Nichirin sword it has taints of Fire lights. Nezuko is wearing Zenitsu's gift the pink haori with a star patterns. Her hair is un-bun, she let them loose as a new image. Her hair is decorated with several small, light pink ribbons,her black hair fades to orange near the bottom. Her eyes are deep red as a human. On her feet and legs, she wears pink zori sandals, white socks, and black leg wraps.

She was known to be as a great beauty in her home village.

Because she is a village girl, arriving at Asakuza Tokyo late at night is something exciting. She is amazed how the lights are so bright. Her reaction is completely different from Tanjiro's first time in city. It is because she had the memory when she and Tanjiro strolled here. The reason she is still admiring it because she is now conscious! She can appreciate everyone and everything she sees! "Woooww! So lively!"

She is overjoyed. Behind her is the overwhelmed Inosuke. Inosuke is forced to wear a Demon Slayer Uniform because in city they will arrest people who is naked.

Inosuke had protested he isn't naked but covered with his natural furr, however Nezuko and Aoi said they will be mad so he complied. But you can see his boar mask had some extended furr. Yes it has improved some cloak furr. His hands were holding at the end's of Nezuko's haori like a kid scared to be lost.

"You think this is awesome? It sucks." He snarled.

Zenitsu whose at the side of Nezuko is in heavens gate. Zenitsu still wears the same outfit from how we met him. Except his hair had a ponytail now. His hair grew longer to be tied up above. His gold locks tail is resting in his left shoulder. Showing some kind of maturity vibes. But his face still looks of that coward. Zenitsu, he clearly thinks this is a date and not a mission. "Hehehe! Nezuko-chan where do you wish to go? That store? Or thaaat store?!"

Inosuke stepped to Zenitsu's foot. "KYAH!? W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

Inosuke looks away. "I thought it is a bug. It was just you!"

Zenitsu tried to calm himself to look 'adult-ish' infront of Nezuko. "I will tolerate you. I have before didn't I...?" Giving his fake smile, Nezuko is also feeling like a child. "Hey, hey Zenitsu-kun?"

Turning that happy boy face, "Y-Yes my Nezuko-chan~?"

Nezuko pointed at a food stall with western food display. "What is that? Is it good?!" Nezuko has never seen a Curryrice before, even Tanjiro would have questioned it. Zenitsu had one thought. 'She is so innocent!' If it was Tanjiro he would insulted about country bumpkin. But it is Nezuko! So it is okay..!

But then Inosuke tap his shoulder's "What's that?" Landing his eyes to where Inosuke is pointing. "Ahh that's A Gold Fish Scooping." With a very bored tone. It pissed Inosuke off, "I'M JUST ASKING? WHY YOU ARE SO MOODY?! STUPID!"

Zenitsu covered his ears "yeah,yeah."

Only to be pulled by Nezuko, "N-Nezuko-chan?!" Nezuko wanted to eat curry. "Can we eat first? I'm sure Inosuke would love to eat as well! So let's eat please! Zenitsu-kun!"

Unfortunately it looked different to Zenitsu's vision. To him, Nezuko is asking to be dated.


Inosuke snapped and is now excited. "Really?! We are going to eat!? Bring it on!" The trio went to the Curry stable.

When they were told to go here, they were advised to split in two groups. So meaning it is Zenitsu, Nezuko and Inosuke. The other team will be Kanao,Senjuro and Aoi.

Being Pillar's should be sent only IF it is really out of lower Demon Slayer's grasps. However this mission is bizzare, dead people are alive again? They have sent low rank slayers but failed to find the actual truth. It made the crow a laughing stock. But the crow continued to report what it sees.

So Oyakata-sama hoped by sending Pillars, this time they will caught those in act.

"Here you go...!" The chef placed the curry in plates. Then Nezuko and Zenitsu prayed first. "Thanks for the food!" Only to see Inosuke already eating. "Inosuke you have rice on your mouth-" because she is an elder sister. It is just an automatic body. Nezuko took that rice on Inosuke's mouth and eats it. Zenitsu was thunder shock- that he almost faint in jealousy. "N-N-NEZUKO CHAN HOW COULD Y-Y-YOU CHEAT ON YOUR FUTUTE H-H-HUSBAND-"

Out of nowhere, Zenitsu heard a peculiar heartbeat.


"Eh?" Nezuko and Inosuke were busy eating, but Zenitsu was...was a bit worried...he was alert in the strange sound.


'What is this sound...? I hear everyone's heartbeat. But this heartbeat runs so differently? ...' he closed his eyes to concentrate. 'I remember a demon's is quite close to how it sounds...' you cannot blame Zenitsu, after all 2years had passed there was never, not even a single demon he heard ever again. SO he then realize that heartbeat was-'oh crap! It is a demon!'

"Good evening."

Zenitsu frozed as a lady with pale white skin and dead eyes and a plastered smile is in between him and Nezuko. Her dark hair is down and is pretty long but looks dry. As if it is a dead strands. "I'm here to ask for the un used parts of the meat. May I have them sir?"

'Shit! Shit! Shiiiit! It is a demon! But...but why does she still looks like a human?! Usually there is fangs and scary red eyed pupils!' But this lady eyes are just deep black.

"Hahh? You again. What are you even using them for? And aren't you ill...?"goosebumps. The chef pulled a bucket full of unused meat with blood included on it. "Anyhow,Take this and get away! You are making my customer's uncomfortable!"

The lady smiled and bowed. "Thank you very much..." the lady left.

'S-she just left without asking if were Demon Slayers at all?!' This is weird. Normally demons reacts to Demon Slayers. But they were ignored!

"Zenitsu-kun," Nezuko called him back to reality.


Nezuko turned serious as she is done eating the curry rice meal. "That is a demon isn't?"

Zenitsu nods. "Y-yes but...How did you realize that as well?" Nezuko smiled. "She has a weird smell..that's all."

Nezuko can smell as well, but not strong like Tanjiro's.

The trio went to follow where the weird white lady is headed.

They had reach an empty eerie street. It is still within Asakuza territory but more houses are here. It kinda resemble the street when Yushiro lead them to Tamayo's house. "She...she is gone?" Nezuko observed her surroundings as her hands were on her sword.

Zenitsu listened silently and pointed in a direction with the most creepy looking house. "I can hear the demon's heartbeat. She must be inside that building."

"Alright let us go-"

"WHAAT?! TOO SOON! NO!" Zenitsu squeeked in fear.

"B-but have done this many times with my brother, how is this different?" Worried Nezuko, Inosuke marched forward waving his swords. "Leave it to me! Inosuke-sama will put him to sleep! Gyahahaha!"

Zenitsu whined more, "IYAAAH! STOP! THAT IS HARASSMENT-"

Suddenly they heard a loud crash inside the old japanese house. "W-what?" The three were uneasy. Nezuko took a deep breath and went inside. "I will go first!" Making Zenitsu go inside with Inosuke. "Wait for me Nezuko-chan...!"


Inside the house there were lots of family picture. "From the looks of it, they are a whole clan..." Nezuko touched the frame with a happy family picture made her also smile a bit before letting it back to where it is placed.

"They are all alive...alive."

"W-What is that?!" Inosuke readied his swords but felt some chills on his bones. Zenitsu pointed infront that there is an old woman curled up like a ball. They saw the cabinet on the floor. It must have been the crash sound they heard earlier. She wears a white Kimono with some blood on it and her hair is tied in a bun. Typical japanese hairstyle.

Instead of thinking it as a demon, Nezuko went to approach in care. "E-Excuse me! MADAM! You okay? You aren't hurt right?"

The old woman whimper..."The rumor is true...this family died from illness...6 months ago! And...they keep rising numbers...!" Inosuke and Zenitsu copied Nezuko. They remained still.

"You mean...the people in the picture?" Nezuko pushed for further information. The old lady nod but still speaking in the most hoarse voice ever. "They ate meat...apparently it had bacteria. All died..died..!"

The old lady becoming crazy, the old lady grabs her own head. "But then! But then! The demon came...!"

Inosuke who got tired of long story, " OLD WOMAN HURRY, IF ITS A DEMON TELL IT IN FIRST PLACE! SO WE FIGHT IIT!"

Nezuko hushed Inosuke and glance back to the old woman. "What does the demon look like? Does it have name? Is it...a family member?" Nezuko feared the demon could be a victim from Muzan..or...perhaps it is...

"...he had the most gentle demon eyes..." the old lady is trembling. "...even though he is smiling so gentle,it is also there...a malice...!"

Nezuko patted the old lady's back as she kept grabbing information. "What did the demon do?" The old lady grabbed Nezuko's haori and whispered in her ears. "He...remade them by his blood. Now the rumors that this family died became a fat lie...!" The old lady creepily chuckled, she is insane yes. "...they eat people,but as if they were never eaten...heheh they return to their families...hehehe!"

Nezuko's eyes opened in bewilderment, Zenitsu heard a slurping sound within a another room. "Eek?! This someone eating? D-demon?!"

Nezuko stood as the old woman seem to be repeating everything she just said. "Sorry Madam, if that Demon gave you a traumatizing thing instead of miracle." With that Nezuko went further inside the house with light's turn off.

Inosuke and Zenitsu just followed. Until they saw one bulb of light swinging creepily.

As they approach more, there is blood on the floor and the smell of course...reeks.

"T-this is...!"

There are 3 children whose pale as well with smiling dead lips and eyes are black. Ages can be rank as 10-13yrs old. Then one old man at the corner chewing on someone's body. But seeing the body, Nezuko recalled the image of the family picture. These families are dead, revived as a demon and is now eating other people...!

"Good evening."

In the center of blood... stood the lady from Curry Stable earlier.

Immediately Inosuke and Nezuko stand in defense as Zenitsu begun biting his finger nails. "Ah-oh,-ah-oh...!"

The lady who seem to be least aware of what is happening explained the situation. "I see~ you here to visit the rumors of dead people becoming alive again." That wide smile pretend to be nice. "Demon Slayers~"

"You! You have to stop this...!" Nezuko pleaded but she just unsheath her sword to point at the enemy.

The lady chuckled and licked her finger nails with blood. "Worry not, people will not find out. After all, whenever we demons eat someone...We ask our Lord to revive them. As if they were never been missing." She made a creepy giggle. "This is the system of our Lord!"

"Whose Lord is that?!" Ir rate Inosuke.

The lady said in a very jolly way. "What's so bad on this~? Previous demons just eats...Then leaving their love ones in despair. But now look! Even if they fall victim as our prey...they can return home! As if they never dies!"

"W-what...that's not even!" Horrible. So horrible. It is like you took a toy, broke it, so that your friend would not discovered that it is broken. You will buy a new toy that would look exactly the same as that.

As if...As if the original was never been destroyed.

It angered Nezuko. "That kind of thing...! It's like lying to their families! They cannot even mourn because they do not realize their Original love one is long gone..!"

The white lady demon's head crack up like it is possessed. "Ahh so you are planning to ruin this peace...Very well~" then the three kid demons and the old man demon along with this white lady. Their eyes from black pupil had transformed into demonic eyes and their plastered smiles revealed growing fangs. Their finger nails that has normal size also begun growing sharp claws.

Yep. Completely the Demons of Tanjiro's.

"Raaahh! DIE!" The demons attacked. Inosuke went wild as usual and sliced two heads at once. He killed the old man demon and one male kid demon. "YAR DA WAN WHO DIEZ JACKASS! GYAHAHAHA!"

Meanwhile Zenitsu was pulled to the hallway by the 2 remaining Demons. "AAAAH! NEZUKO CHAN!"

He reached out but the doors closed before Nezuko can grab his hands. "Zenitsu-kun!"

"Rather than thinking about your friend~," the white lady demon's body became eslastic. "THINK FOR YOURSELF!" Her tongue went to choke Nezuko's neck! "Ghh!"

The tongue is so hot that Nezuko thinks her collarbone is burning! 'Ow..! Ow! My neck might melt inhalf! Got something...!'

Her foot had left the floor. Nezuko is being hung up high and high. "NEZUKO!" Inosuke charge "Graaahh!-" only to be slapped by big elastic foot with claws from the lady. "Gah!" And got stomped on floor.

Nezuko gasp for air "L-let me-" her slayer pants begun melting as if they had become skirts! Inosuke saw the tongue licking on Nezuko's and it burns her flesh little bit by bit...!

"Ghhh...!" She lifts her Nichirin sword and sliced up the tongue that been choking her. "ME GO!"


"GRAAAHH! BRAAAT!" Inosuke who got himself free from being stomp onto, The white lady demon's legs caught Inosuke's right leg and slammed him to Nezuko's vision. "WAAH!?"



The world went dizzy for both of them. "U-unfair...!"

The white lady's body grew and grew like a elastic rainbow. "I WILL DEVOUR YOU TWO...AND BE THANKFUL, OUR LORD WILL REVIVE YOU AFTER IT! KEKEKEKEKE!"

"I will free you out of misery..." Nezuko feels sorry for this family but at the same time they have eaten too many people and met the same fate. Becoming a Demon.

They multiply. During Muzan's reign, they multiply if you get some of Muzan's blood. Now during this time, to multiply, you have to be a corpse or someone whose long dead...and then you get replicated by their Lord.

Nezuko's guts is hinting...'it must have been Tanjiro Oniichan...' I mean, isn't he the successor of Muzan? Only a Demon KING can create another demons. Tanjiro did not kill or eat anyone. He is indirectly doing it by helping someone revive their dead love ones...only to find out they are demons who will eat people and then the cycle repeats.

Tanjiro will replicate them all.

The white lady demon kept attacking with her elastic body as her claws chasing Inosuke and Nezuko through out the room. "I Know now...!"

Inosuke replied "What?!"

"They use those unused meat to cover up the smell of human blood...! So that the neighbors will not report to the police that someone is dead! Since the smell of blood is mix with animal's rotten blood...!"

Yeah that was for all the act.

But why would they conceal it that much?

They used to be not wary in killing or counting how many they kills.

There must be a reason for this effort.

The claws made it's way to scratch Nezuko's cheeks with burns and also within her wrist just like how Inosuke's Demon Slayer uniform begun melting.

Apparently the tongue of this demon is too hot to melt their outfit.

Nezuko and Inosuke who just landed again onto the floor after multiple dodging stood back for an attack. Nezuko posed in a style of Total Concentration. -breaths- "((Hii no Kokyuu...Ichi no kata..)) "Breath of Fire~ First form..."

This is Nezuko's own breathing style. Breath of Fire. She remember the days their father would dance the Hii No Kagura. However Nezuko also seen his father make other kinds of Hii No Kagura dance. Like this one.

"((Bakuhatsu no Hii!)) ...Exploding Fire~!" This is the type of dance where you act like you are holding a torch and blows on it to flare more. Making it burn more fire. "Haaaahh!" Nezuko jumps and spins with a exploding slash. "AAAARGHH?!" The demon Lady's tongue got burned on it's own tongue and begun bleeding "Y-YOU ARE...DON'T TELL ME!"

But Nezuko did not listened and procees to slash off her head. SLICED.

...the head of white lady rolled. She muttered a name that made Nezuko and Inosuke froze.

"...Tanjiro...sama" then she turned into a red liquid. Technically blood.

"W-woah?!" Inosuke scratched his head in confusion. "Demon's when killed suppose to become ashes! Not blood!?"

Nezuko trembled inside her heart. "I hope this is not some kind of Blood Art Demon..." she knelt down and pulls up her handkerchief. "Maybe I ask Yushiro-kun." Nezuko took a sample of the demon's blood by wiping her handkerchief on it. To stain the clean handkerchief with it's blood.

"..this demon said it?" Inosuke's hands turned into trembling fists. Nezuko made a sad face and puts the handkerchief to her pockets. "Let's go..."



Inosuke raised his fist up to the air and points after to Nezuko. "Were brothers! You are sister too!" Feeling proud of that statement. Nezuko laughs. "Thank you Inosuke."

Then they heard a some sound of thunder strike behind the closed doors.



Sliding the door open they saw the remaining demon kids one boy and one girl already heads are sliced. Seeing Zenitsu snoring. "Zenitsu-kun!" Zenitsu's standing body collapsed and Nezuko catches him. "Hey!"

The snoring bubble disappear when he felt that HUG.

"Ne..." and started clinging to her. "NEZUKO CHAAAAN! IN S-SKIRT SUPERB!" Zenitsu saw Nezuko's bare legs. Yeah her pants melted. Turning into skirt length.

"EEEeehhh stop it Zenitsu!" Pulling away. Inosuke stared intently at Nezuko up and down..."W-What?" Zenitsu and Nezuko had a puzzled face. Inosuke's so called Demon Slayer outfit is already gone. He is bare chest again.

Inosuke breaths in his mask and said, "The burns in your cheeks and legs from the demon tongue...Did it just disappeared?"

"Eh?" Nezuko touched her cheeks that is suppose to have the scar and burns from earlier is not really gone but they have already turned into bruises instead of open wounds. She took note of her bare legs became the same. "...I knew it."

Don't get it wrong. She still had some burns, but they weren't bad as earlier.

The atmosphere became heavy. "I maybe...still have my demon healing abilities..." if another 3 days passes and these wounds heal, that really confirms it.

Zenitsu blinks. "...Nezuko-chan..." and decided to give a assuring smile. "Nezuko is Nezuko. I will always love you."

That statement made Nezuko blush for a second before it disappeared to a friendly smile. "Thank you!"

The three looked around them. The corpse have all become liquid. "I think I get it." Nezuko begun explaining. "People are no longer turned to demons...Instead they get created from someone's memory."

It is her guts telling her. The demon also said it, people who were devoured by demon they get recreate as if they were never eaten. But of course they are demon now.

"Let's leave this place..." Zenitsu said, "Let the police do the burrying of body." Nezuko knew that is the right thing. After all, if they bury the corpse in a city, that will be mistaken as a murder took place. "You..are right." Demon Slayers are illegal after all.

Nezuko, Inosuke and Zenitsu left the mansion. Nezuko did a glance of wishes for the old woman who is left there insane. "May they all rest in peace this time..."









They made their way back to the crowded place. Stables, and shops. Aoi, Kanao and Senjuro where standing in front of a Ramen shop.

"Oh! There they are...!" Senjuro whose body had become bulk alike to his older brother, if there is a difference it is how his haired is pony tailed up. He is possessing unruly orange hair that flares out around his face, becoming redder near the ends above his ears and shoulders, that he wears messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin and large, orange eyes that redden near the pupils, that are slanted inwards and shaped so as to give him a determined yet kind appearance.

Senjuro is of course wearing a Demon Slayer uniform. He had a cape that looks like Kyoujiro's but this one is a RED-yellow gradient pattern and CRIMSON flame-like ridges at the end.

Beside him is Aoi, Aoi has deep blue eyes that fade to a lighter blue at the bottom, along with white pupils, straight black hair with a parted fringe, and twin tails. She wears two blue butterfly clips to keep her twin tails in place. The Demon Slayer outfit she wears were pants and not skirts, she wears the standard uniform with the addition of her light blue Haori.

Her haori had diamond shape designs that were darker contour. If you stare at it, it will make an image of ice spikes. Her uniform is tinted slightly blue. She is often seen with a frown, but those frown disappeared in relief as she spotted Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke unharmed.

Last but not the least our Kanao. She has large, gentle eyes of a pink-lilac color that are framed by thick eyelashes. Except the fact her right eyes had become faint maroon and half grey. Indicating it is blind. She has thin black hair, worn tied into a ponytail on the right side of her head and fastened by a pink and green butterfly ornament that once belonged to her adoptive sister, Kanae Kocho, the left side of her head simply had the butterfly ornament memento for Kochou Shinobu.

She has a straight fringe and two loose, chin-length strands that curve downwards from above each of her ears. Regards the outfit is still the same slightly purple-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, just with a knee-length pleated skirt in place of the usual hakama pants. Over this, she wears a short white cloak, fastened on one side by a dark pink triple knot, also sporting knee-high lace-up white boots with tan soles, heels and toes.

"W-woah! Nezuko! Your appearance is...!" Senjuro had a bit blush, The melted hakama pants were too short, shorter than Kanao's skirt lenght. Haha,Nezuko from pants got skirts now. But what really caught attention were the light burns and bruise. Some small scars on her leg and cheeks. "Ehehe, we fought some demons..." she trailed off.

Aoi marched forward with hands on her hips. "Yes...the Crow reported to us you guys had found the evidence of demons for this bizarre case." She furrows her head. "The case of dead people becoming alive again...I see, so they were demons."

"After eating their human prey...They get replicated by some Blood Demon Art." Nezuko showed the blooded handkerchief and quickly hid it back to her pockets before anyone sees it. "The demon we killed turned into blood instead of ashes..." worried.

Senjuro patted Nezuko's shoulder. "It's at least a start..." well they do not need to ask who might be behind this except the missing Sunshine right?

Kanao started to speak up, "Inosuke? Where is your can't walk bare chest in city. Cop may hunt you." Inosuke snorts, "This ARE MY REAL OUTFIT. Hmp!"

Aoi rolled her eyes, "Anyhow let us leave and immediately report back to Oyakata sama..."

With everyone nodding in agreement they started walking as a group. Making their way to the crowd.

Meanwhile Nezuko's phasing becoming slower...'...I...I don't feel well...' dizzy. 'Crap, I hope that demon's saliva is not poisoned or anything...'


Her ears started ringing.

Hearing random conversation echoing.

She can hear the imaginary bell's.

Random different kinds of footsteps.


Not realizing her group disappeared within her front vision. '..Am...?'

Her eyes caught some jaggling Sun Kagura Earrings that walk pass through her.


Abrupt movement from Nezuko's hands. "Hold on...!" She grabbed the shoulder of a someone whose wearing a black Kimono it seems. What made Nezuko's heart beat faster is the fact this person had a scarf similar to Takeo's, her little brother.

"You Are...!" She cried out in desperation, making other people stop to take a look at her scandalous sound. This person is a bit smaller than her. This stranger is 165cm while Nezuko...previously 153cm..but cause she had grown up reached 167cm. Hmm, just bit height difference. Zenitsu and the rest are STILL taller than her. But not this guy...

When Nezuko forced to make the stranger face her, the newsboy hat accidentally fell off...revealing a young man with rather tanned skin and an athletic physique. He has long ruffled, black hair with burgundy tips, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide. His pupils are vertical, like cat eyes, and colored plum red. He also possesses sharp, reddish nails on his hands it seems. Nezuko gaze at the Demon slayer scar on the top left of his forehead.

No doubt

No doubt...!



Nezuko opened her lips as if they went dry out of the sudden. The boy's reaction was astonished that a girl just touch his shoulder's and turned him around forcefully.







To be Continued






Kanon58: did you felt tense up when the reunited? Hope you did! That was my fav part here... Like Muzan first encounter!

if you guys have not realize Nezuko has sense of smell, taste, feeling,eyes and hearing. I describe them all to avoid re describing their appearance over and over again. I took some lines from wikia and re arrange them. Im jumbled in english so i needed that guide lol. Are you guys liking thos fic so far...? Let me know on reviews :)

Next: Nezuko reunion moment with Tanjiro ended up being locked in a box that she used to be okay with. Senjuro, Aoi and Inosuke encounters the first Demon Guard of King Tanjiro, Rengoku Kyoujiro! How will Senjuro cope with this twisted reality...?! A fight commence!