The Sky Calls Part 1

A massive pressure filled the world. Monsters and humanoids alike all shivered in fear due to this sudden evil presence that seemed to be filled with murderous intent. At the gates to the underworld, a large fifty foot bulky red figure pulled itself through the gate and stood up, looking up at the sky. "To think the sky could be something other than grey. Haha! This world will be interesting."

"Kronkle, don't go trying to destroy this world, his majesty will not be happy." A young woman around twenty years of age with three horns sticking out of her head that was surrounded by purple hair that draped down to the middle of her back. Her big ample breasts bounced ever so slightly with every step she took. Her enchanting purple eyes made it hard to look away from her. But what really stood out on her small oval shaped face was the third eye in the middle of her forehead that looked like a ruby. Her black robe like clothing flowed out like liquid as she walked.