Captured by Aliens

Lieutenant Erika Barnes was being led with the rest of the prisoners along the trail at the edge of the marsh. The engagement with the Zoktroks had not gone well with the United Earth Expeditionary Forces and the command post had been overrun by the invaders. So here she was with the rest of the communications staff being taken to their unknown fate. The Zoktroks were humanoids aliens with yellow beady eyes, blue skin and having small slits where its noses are. They also have have sac-like organs between their legs which is likely where their cocks are.

She was twenty-five years old and had been in the United Space Marines for about two and a half years. While not the most muscled of her peers, Erika was certainly the most athletic and in good condition. Even in her captive state she didn't away from being displayed naked. Her long brown haired tied to a pony tail as her perky E-cup tits and shaved cunt were all to see, with her brown eyes lit with .

However, the Zoktroks were interested in keeping the human females. They were an all-male race and so needed women to breed and satisfy their needs. From the last three prison camps, Erika saw up to a hundred women being subjected to sexual entertainment by Zoktroks, their moans of pain and pleasure as they were forced to watch Zoktroks breed like animals before being led to another camp.

That next evening they had come to another encampment. As the company they were with set up camp she could see several fenced pits that she couldn't see into. However, the moaning that could be heard from them meant that something unpleasant was going on in them. After the camp was setup, the women were taken and forced to watch what was happening in them. Dozens of women where being fucked by the Zoktroks. They were civilians ranging from teens to adults.

Erika even saw a few female marines being bred by the Zoktroks. One particular blonde marine in the caught her attention in the middle of a gangbang. To her horror and surprise, it was her squad leader Captain Jennifer Hess. 2 weeks before, Erika was worried when Jennifer and a few marines went missing after they've never reported back. Now, she knew what fate had befallen them.

One Zoktrok was beneath Hess, thrusting his cock up her pussy with another from behind her entering her ass. A third one seems to enjoy using Jennifer's mouth as both his hands gripped her head as he made her bop up and down on his cock. Two more Zoktroks simply decided to her hands to compensate. Muffled moans exited the marine's mouth as her obsidian eyes rolled up. The sight of Jennifer getting gangbanged in front of her horrified yet fascinated Erika. To her shame she felt her pussy clenched a bit at the sight of her leader being used.

Gurgling from the Zoktroks caught Erika's attention as they seemed to be engaged in a conversation, glancing a few stares at her and the rest of the prisoners. Seconds, they all seem to nod their head as if they reached an agree, what is it Erika will never know. To her surprise, the leading Zoktroks freed the women from their chains, but the alien gurgled again, as if it was saying something. He raised his arm and pointed to where the women were being fucked, then to pointed his arm into another direction.

Following, Erika's eyes widened with fear and panic as he saw a pit filled with large worms slithering around the area. Dozens of bones were scattered all across the pit which indicated that the males prisoners were used as food for the creatures.

The Zoktrok from earlier gurgled as he pointed at the human females and gestured to both directions. While the marine didn't know what he was saying, she still understood what he was implying. Taking a deep breath, Erika turned to her fellow prisoners.

"It's telling whether we chose to become sex slaves for them or be come food for the worms over there." Erika told them the inevitable outcome. Majority of the prisoners were silent with a few muttering about choosing to choosing death until she heard a sigh from one of the younger marines.

"I supposed being treat as a sexual object is better than being food. At least Zoktroks provide food and shelter compared to those nasty Luxrns." A private scoffed as she crossed her arms under her breasts, causing all of the captured women to agree with her and Erika couldn't blame them. The Luxrns were not keen on keeping prisoners as they'd kill everything on sight and those that ARE captured were immediately killed and devoured shortly after.

Having made up their minds, Erika turns her head back to Zoktrok and nodded while gesturing to the orgy happening. It gurgled and and accepted the decision as the women where led to the gates and herded inside.

This brought the attention to the other Zoktroks who are watching from the sidelines as many stared, their eyes . Many squirmed nervously as the aliens gazed at their nude bodies. Some though liked the attention and and Erika could feel her lips going dry as the sacs beneath their legs started to open, revealing their hardened blue cocks to the prisoners.

"They're certainly well hung." A technician behind Erika gasped, marveling at the sight of their studded captors as the Zoktroks approached the women and began selecting one of their choice. Soon the women are sprawled all over as they and the Zoktroks engaged in intense sexual intercourse. Gasps and moans escaped their lips as they were fucked in every position possible.

With no time to spare Erika finds herself one top of a Zoktrok with her pussy slowly entering its thick cock with moan. Before she can adjust to its size however, another moved behind her and spread her ass apart, revealing her tiny hole. Erika gritted her teeth as its cock. She was lucky that their cocks seems to emit slime which acts as a lubricated. Still, it was still uncomfortable about having her backside penetrated by a thick cock.

"Damn Zoktroks." Erika groaned as her pussy and ass were getting skewered by their cocks. Every thrust made they make sends a jolt of shock up her spine as she panted and moan. A third one got in front of her with its cock stiff an ready. However, it seems fixated on her large tits as it point at her chest then his stiff rod. Biting her lip in hesitation, Erika reluctantly reached up and cupped her tits and mashed them against its cock as it began thrusting up and down.

Glancing at her side, she saw her fellow human females getting the same rough treatment as their cocks invaded every orifice available. She saw the private earlier who she knew as Anna Beckett being held by two Zoktroks as they penetrated both her lower holes as moans escaped her lips. Another one the technician, Jeanne Foxx as Erika recalled, was on her knees with three Zoktroks standing above her with their cocks out. She had one in her mouth while using her free hands to grabs the other two and began stroking them.

"Ow!" Erika grunted as her attention returned back to the aliens using her body. The one beneath had gone a little rougher then expected. "Yeah, yeah. Don't have to be that rough." She snapped as she resumed her titjob to the alien. Not long after, the two aliens in her pussy and ass slammed deep inside Erika as they reached their climax with the third one ejaculating on her face. She closed her eyes and sighed as Erika felt cum filling her pussy and ass with some splattering on her face and tits, covering her upper body with hot blue liquid.

However, she knew they weren't done with her as the two aliens pulled out of her holes before the third one pushed her on her back. More of them came to replace the ones finished with her. A Zoktrok knelt before her and shoved its cock up her ass as she arched her back with a groan. Another one sat on her chest as its fingers groped her tits and thrust its cock in between her soft flesh, giving itself a titjob.

A third one grabbed her hair and wretched it back as it shoved its cock in her mouth without warning. "Gauk!" Erika cried out as she struggled to breath from the cock that was preventing her from breathing, which was hard as it was rough with its movements.

A pair of Zoktroks, who saw every orifice was currently, settle for the marine's as as the restrain each are and have them over their cocks as the forced her to jerk them off. The Zoktrok moved very out of sync as they used moved their cocks in and out of every part of her body they used. She began seeing stars in her eyes as she feels her strength fading from the rough intercourse.

The last thing Erika saw before her mind went blank was another group of Zoktroks coming towards her location.


"Erika? Erika?" Two feminine voices called out from the darkness as Erika opened her eyes. She had to over her eyes with her arm due to the intensity of the light. When her vision cleared, she saw Captain Jennifer Hess and Anna Beckett looking down on her with worry and relief. They were in a barrack of sorts.

"What..... what happened?" Erika groaned as she sat upright with Anna supporting her. She noticed a towel covering her naked body. Looking around she saw the female prisoners in various groups. Some were discussing on how HQ would come to rescue, while others were giggling and commenting on how Zoktrok cock made them feel good, which her pussy, to her mortification, got wet from hearing, but didn't show it.

"After the Zoktroks were finished with all of us, they put us in here and returned to their camp." Jennifer said as she and Anna helped Erika up to her feet. Her entire body was covered in blue cum with some getting on her hair. Anna has some on her chest and a bit from her thighs.

"Any idea we could get in contact from HQ here?" Erika asked, hoping to get in contact with the higher command and request backup.

But Anna shook her head in response. "Unfortunately, not. They destroyed every equipment we when they overpowered us in the command post." She sighed.

"On the other hand, at least they're still kind enough to give us food and water for the time being." Jennifer shrugged as they made their way towards the other side of the barrack, regrouping with her marines. "Hope you have a strong spirit soldier, cause we're gonna be here for a long time."

"You mean like when I saw your face when you're getting gangbanged like that Ma'am?" Erika asked with a raised eyebrow, making her sputter and blush as she and Anna laughed at her embarrassment. Though secretly, Erika knew Jennifer was right. With the war still going on, they'll have get used to being fucked by the Zoktroks over and over again until HQ could get to them.