
Captain Ava Booth carried her tired body through the dark corridors of an abandoned command post rumored to be infested with lurking Luxrns with caution. The blonde-haired space marine took deep, ragged breaths as she passed through dark corridor after dark corridor on the look out for hiding Luxrns. Her weapon on hand and ready to unleash deadly plasma bullets on any unfortunate aliens wanting to get the jump on Ava. Her combat rifle jammed on her way and Ava was forced to use her pistol as her main firearm.

She had a killer body most women of the United Earth Expeditionary Forces would kill for. Aside from her hair flowing freely from her back, Ava's blue and grey combat suit hugged her body to show off her curves that caused her DD-cup sized breasts and pump ass to stick out. And it's pretty common among her peers that she didn't hesitated to use her body to get what she wants.

But her skills is warfare is matched by her beauty. Ava is amongst the greatest space marines the UEEF could offer, ranking alongside fellow captain Jennifer Hess and her friend Erika Barnes, who Ava could not contact two weeks ago before their command post was overrun. She hoped that they were given a quick death if the Luxrns got to them.

The woman glanced around her area as she scoured the building looking for potential survivors. What had once the was reduced to a ruined facility that became a famous sighting for Luxrns, dangerous and black wolf-like aliens that took no prisoners civilians and soldiers alike killing just for the fun of it. Those who did are devoured as food, whether they're alive or dead.

What little ammo Ava had had been tucked away in her pocket. Her pistol was pointed out in front of her as she used it and the equipped flashlight to scan the dark corridors to her front, left, and right. Her armed hand is steady despite how tired and weary she is as a result of the mission's endeavors. The captain had had enough experience in combatting the Luxrns thus far to know that lowering her guard down, especially whilst entering the former command post where Luxrns are seen, meant certain death.

Ava took a few more steps down the hall, scanning her circumference for sudden threats as she went. She suddenly flinched and diverted her gun and flashlight in all directions across the corridor in front of her as a howl pierced the silence of the station. However, the sound of a gunfire followed it and everything went silent once more.

The female marine's spine tingled and the hand holding the gun shook, it was there is another intruder in the abandoned command post. As her trembling body took a few steps back whilst she still wants to seek out the origin of the howling noise, she froze as her back of her foot collided with something.

She spun back around and paled as she discovered several Luxrns laying dead on the floor with their bodies riddled with holes. If she knew any better, it's probably the same ones responsible for the earlier gunfire. As she walked backwards to assess the situation, Ava failed to notice small movement behind her until it was too late.


Ava's whole body froze as she heard the recognizable noise of a cocking gun behind her and something cold pressed against the back of her head. Despite her instincts to turn quickly and shoot the hostile, the marine raised her hands up in a surrendering motion while slowly turned her head to get a good look of her maker. Her eyes scanned the alien behind her.

The perpetrator is revealed to be a blue humanoid figure with yellow beady eyes, slit for noses and a sac-like organ in its nether regions, in hand is a rifle ready to fire at the female marine if Ava tries to do something stupid. From what she knows from the encyclopedia back at base, recognized the alien as one of the Zoktroks, an all-male race that's renowned for their prowess in warfare and are the main adversary of the Luxrns.

They're also known to take human women prisoners in order for either pleasure or to breed. However, that doesn't mean they won't hesitate to kill a female if they're perceived as a threat. Ava's heart raced as she tried to come up with a solution to get out of this mess. Even if she could kill it, the gunfire could attract more Zoktroks or even Luxrns which could turn very ugly for her. Add in the fact she has very limited ammunition makes her survival very hard.

She then recalled Jennifer see several Zoktroks outside their command post in a recon mission before i she lost her signal and the base overrun by enemies. If they, then there was a chance that Jennifer, Erika and many of her colleagues might still be alive. And there was only one way to do that.

"I-I'm a friend, not an enemy." Ava said to them as she slowly turned with her arms still up in the air. "I mean you no harm." The Zoktrok garbled with its but nonetheless lowered its gun for a bit. Ava gulped down some saliva as her cheeks flushed what she was about to do. But better to be embarrassed than dead.

She slowly place her gun to the floor and lightly kicked it away from her, now she was disarmed. Reaching for her wrist, Ava tapped several buttons before some of her body armor fell of her with thuds, exposing her hourglass figure to the alien before her.

Convinced that Ava is no longer a threat, the Zoktrok seemed satisfied as as he lowers his weapon and lowers his weapon as he approached the marine. Ava felt her breath hitched as she wondered what he is gong to do next. Her eyes went wide as the Zoktrok's sac-like organ opens to reveal a big and slimy 11-inch blue cock with balls as big as oranges.

'Holy shit! He's packing a lot down there!' Ava thought with wonder as she stares at his raging boner. Then without warning, the Zoktrok leaped towards Ava. The female space marine let out a yelp as she had her hands planted on a wall with her backside facing the alien.

"Hey!" She turned her head to glare at him but gasped when the Zoktrok ripped her lower suit with his bare hands, exposing her supple ass and cunt to the alien, who's cock twitched in response. Ava tensed up as she felt the Zoktrok sliding his shaft in between her pump backside, the

'Calm down Ava. You can do this.' The female marine told herself as she glanced at the aliens and felt her lips go dry at his cock. "If I let you fuck me, will you lead me to your captured prisoners?" She felt it's a bit weird that she's letting the Zoktrok fuck without getting to know much, but it'll do for now as she's on a mission to find survivors and the Zoktroks are the only known aliens they've encounter to spare women, albeit for procreation.

Zoktrok let out garbles she again could not understand, but was relieved when he nodded, agreeing with Ava's demand. 'And now the fun begins~.' Ava thought as she gave a smirk and stuck her ass out to him.

"Then consider this pussy and ass yours~!" She purred as she reached for her ass and spread her cheeks apart, revealing her tiny asshole and wet cunt to the Zoktrok. If the alien had a mouth, it would be licking its lips from the offer as he gripped her ass while poking Ava's entrance with its lubricated rod. Ava tensed and waited for the inevitable as the Zoktrok slid his cock into her pussy without much issue.

"Ooooh~!" Ava's eyes widen as her mouth opened with a gasp escaping her the Zoktrok's cock completely sheathed. She was by no means a stranger to sex. But the size of the alien's rod put any of her exes to shame. The female marine had little time to think before the Zoktrok slammed his hips repeatedly.

"Ah! Mph! Oh!" Ava moaned and panted as her body rocked back and forth from the thrusts as the Zoktrok pounded into her cunt relentlessly. Her bouncing tits jiggled form her undamaged suit as her hands clenched the wall hard. "You Zoktroks are all naturally big, you know that right?"

The Zoktrok in question gurgled in his native tongue, but from the tone Ava felt like he was boasting about his race's sexual prowess, something she was experience first hand as their bodies creating slapping noises as they were locked in sexual intercourse. Her body is experiencing pleasure she never had even before joining the UEEF.

Sweat poured down her body and clung to the remnants of her combat suit. Ragged panting escaped Ava's lips as she felt her limit about to reach. The Zoktrok felt the same thing as his fingers dig into her soft ass while forcing her hips to meets his before leaning his head against her back as he reached his orgasm.

The alien's cock burst opened as floods of semen gushed out of his shaft and being pumped. Ava let out a huge moan as she felt the Zoktrok's cock twitching inside pussy as the Zoktrok came like a volcano. Drool drips from her mouth as her pussy gets filled to the brim with alien semen.

Ava gently pressed her forehead against the wall as she is exhausted form the orgasm she had with the alien. She sighs and closed her eyes to savor the moment, only to open them again as she felt the cock inside her cunt was still hard. She turned her head to meet the Zoktrok's eyes and gave a sultry smile.

"Mmmph!" Moaning could be heard through the hallways as Ava laid on the floor with the Zoktrok. They are in a missionary position with Ava's legs locked around the Zoktrok's waist. Ava had also ripped the remains of her suits to expose her DD-cup tits, which the Zoktrok was all too happy to stuff his face in between.

"That's it big boy. Fuck me like you do those women!" Ava cried out in pleasure as she arched her back, her mind going crazy and used the alien's head to get a grip. The Zoktrok let out a muffle garble as he was too busy motorboating Ava's tits while thrusting his huge 11-inch cock into her cum-filled pussy. Ava was far the best woman he'd ever fucked since those back at the base.

His thick meaty rod went in and out of the female marine's stuffed cunt as the alien bred the woman like a bull, their bodies making a rhythmic noise as Ava held on to the Zoktrok as if she was about to disappear. His cock sliding into her pussy with absolute ease as they made interspecies love.

After several minutes of Ava and the Zoktrok fucking senselessly, the Zoktrok soon reached his limit as he thrusted himself up and came into the female marine. "Yes!" Ava arched her back as she came as well, screaming as her pussy clenched around the alien's puslating cock as she squirted. Her vaginal walls are painted once again in white as Zoktrok semen flooded her cunt as old cum were pushed out, creating a pool of semen beneath Ava.

Not satisfied though, Ava decided to be the one on top as she rode the Zoktrok, this time she allowed the alien to fuck her backside and it was only because of semen and her juices that her first time with anal sex felt good.

"You've had your fun, now it's my turn." Ava told the Zoktrok beneath her as she stuffed his face in her DD-cup tits once again. The Zoktrok made no objections as long as he got to fuck her tight asshole. Her fingers digging into his shoulders as her body bounced up and down his slender body as she rode the alien.

The alien wrapped his hands around the female marine's jiggly ass to get a better grip as he helps Ava bring her ass down on his cock and impaled her repeatedly. Sweat from Ava's body dripped down on the floor or the Zoktrok as sounds of flesh slapping echoed. Her tits swayed in his face as his female partner rode him like a horse.

Finally both of them could no longer hold themselves. Ava slammed her hips and moaned as she came on the Zoktrok's cock, who held the female marine close with his arms as he explodes. Cum flooded her ass as his rod twitched and throbbed inside Ava. The heat sent her over the edge as as her body quivered from being filled by Zoktrok semen.

When the orgasm finally subsided, Ava fell forward and rests her head on top on the Zoktrok's head as the female panted in exhaustion, unable to continue. The Zoktrok felt the same as his deflated shaft slipped out of the female marine's stuffed hole. Unlike her cunt, her asshole prevented cum from dripping out. The human and alien laid on the floor, holding each other for warmth.


After recovering from the aftermath of their intense sex, Ava and the Zoktrok soon emerged from the abandoned command post with their weapons on hand. Since her combat suit was useless even for covering her body, Ava had to gather any clothes she could find in there. She only managed to find a green tank top and beige cargo pants, but it's better than being forced to walk around nude after being fucked by an alien.

"Fuck, my ass is sore." Ava groaned as she tend to her sore backside. The Zoktrok would've rolled his eyes if he had pupils as he gurgled about the female marine wanting to do anal in the first place. Though she didn't know what he said, Ava still took offense to what she understand.

"You don't have to rub it in!" She pouted at her lover which made him gargle akin to a chuckle. Nonetheless, Ava smiled as she followed the Zoktrok back to their base, focused on finding any survivors.

'Maybe I could get HQ to let me keep this one. And have Jennifer and Erika join for a foursome.' Ava thought to herself as she let out a small giggle.