Awry Exploration

The cave was pitch black and quiet, a little too quiet for Lieutenant Maria Evergarden's comfort as she shivers from the cold wind while reaching the ore-filled area in front of her. It was so quiet inside that every time she hears the faint sound of water dripping against the cold stone floor, she turned every now and then to make sure it wasn't an alien stalking her by using the quietness of the cave.

Even with the alliance of the United Earth Expeditionary Forces and Zoktroks, the Luxrns' sheer numbers had proved too much for them to handle and casualties are rising by the dozens. Fortunately, the other planets of the SS-627 Galaxy had valuable resources for them to gather.

Unfortunately, one of the planets her unit had been assigned had Luxrns roaming around with other potential hostiles. But with the situation growing dire and the alliance losing too much ground, the Council made the risky decision to sent divisions down on several planets to get ores and minerals in the hopes to turn the tides against the alien wolves.

"I feel like I'm getting crazy the longer I'm here." Maria groaned as she got her tools out and began to mine, cautiously making sure not to make as much noise as possible to avoid attracting inhabitants outside into the cave.

She couldn't believe that out of all her members in the unit, she had gotten the short straw of collecting minerals and other stuff in the cave. They had scanned the surroundings for lifeforms back at the ship but had seen none, which seemed a little suspicious for Maria, as there tended to be at least some type of life within the massive caves that spanned across the planet.

She was to collect the materials for the ship in the cave and then get out. It seemed like a simple mission but not everything is as it seems. She had heard reports from other division that some got lucky and other got attacked. Finally, she found the materials she needed after moving through the cave for thirty minutes.

At some point, she lost communication with her ship. This wasn't very alarming and tended to happen quite a lot in the on several occasions during her exploration of the cave. To gather the resources they needed, she had to travel quite far within the narrow passages, which means signals are very weak down there.

Halfway through using her tools to get the last batch of ore she heard a strange noise from behind. She thought little of it and continued with gathering the materials for the ship. It wasn't until a good two minutes or so later that she heard the noise again, prompting her to stop completely. Had an alien heard her mining and decided to investigate? It sounded like a distant panting. Could their scans have missed picking up some kind of alien creature in here? Wouldn't be the first time it happened or the last.

Other than several Luxrns encountered, most alien lifeforms they encountered were harmless or have no interest in humans that stepped foot into the planet. But she grew nervous about an unknown alien ready to attack and is hurrying her process so that she can get the hell out of here.

Maria had a blaster at her hip to defend herself with, but she was not sure if was effective enough. There were several instances their advanced weapons failed to pierce armor or skin against other aliens.

Once she was done, the female soldier quickly began to back up and ready to leave. But she froze when she head a snarling noise behind her coming in fast and made the decision to jump out of the way. Just in time as something big slammed into the walls and where she should've been a few seconds ago.

Maria draws out her blaster and aims at the unknown alien as it got on all fours after its failed attack and snarls at the human. It's body posture and color is all Maria needed to know that it was a Boleax, huge feline-like aliens that dwells in forests. They're known to be solitary hunters and prefers to ambush their prey, which this one seems to attempt on her.

"Stay back fucker! I'm warning you!" She shouted as she steadily walked backwards while her blaster is aimed at the alien. The alien simply snarls and crawled closer to the female soldier.

'Your funeral asshole!' She thought and pulled the trigger.


She blink as blaster made a clicking noise. She tried again.


Maria's face morphed into that of horror as she stared at her weapon in disbelief, wondering why it was malfunctioning as the worst moment. Then reality kicked in. When she leaped out of the way, she landed on the side where her blaster was and the ensuing landing jammed it.

The Boleax, sensing his prey's vulnerability, roared and leaps into the air, claws out and ready to tear the female marine. Maria, basically defenseless, crossed her arms over her face and closed her eyes, seemingly awaiting for its teeth to plunge into her flesh.

Only it never came.

Instead, Maria heard the sounds a loud thud from something being slammed to the ground and a pitch pitch squeal coming from her would-be killer. Slowly opening her eyes, Maria is shocked when he witness a huge, brown humanoid alien holding the Boleax down as it struggles. The Boleax snarls and lashes out with its claws, but they merely bounced off his skin as he stands up with the Boleax firmly held by his hand. He towers over Maria by 3 inches as she was a good 6'2 feet.

Maria distinctively knows the other alien as a Vulkro (Think of the Terraformars), humanoid cockroaches that resides on the planet. She remembered her unit encountering several of them in the wild and though they made eye contact from time to time, not once as they shown hostility to the humans. If anything, they seem rather curious. And now it seems one of them had arrived just in time.

As the Boleax fruitlessly struggles against the Vulkro's grip, the humandoi cockroach snorts and with a flick of his wrist, he broke the Boleax's neck. The feline alien's body went limp in his grasp as he tossed the corpse away like it was nothing and turns to face Maria Evergarden. He tilts his head as to say if she was alright.

"O-Oh um, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me." Maria thanked him as she dusted off dirt from her space suit and whipping her luscious silver hair to the side. Looking at her jammed blaster, she let out a soft sigh. "But my weapon got busted and I have no other options to defend myself."

The Vulkro made grunting noises as he patted himself on the chest and points at her. Maria looked surprised by his action before she caught. "Are you saying that you'll help me carry the minerals and protect me?" When the Vulkro nodded, Maria smiled. "Thanks a lot! You're a lifesaver, it means a lot to me! I don't how I could ever repay your kindess....."

As Maria continued to express her gratitude, she us unaware that the Vulkro began excreting special pheromones from his body. It was a scent that is designed to attract females of any race, but for humans like Maria Evergarden, it is very effective. The moment the female soldier got a whiff of his smell, she stopped ramblings and took a deep breath. Moments later, she turns to the Vulkro with a daze and seductive look.

"Hey, I notice you're feeling a bit..... lonely." Maria purred as she swayed her hips while walking and placed a finger on his chest, running it up and down. "You, I can keep you company for a while." She pulled her zipper down to reveal her mountainous G-cup tits to Vulkro.

Seeing the female human reacting to his pheromones as it should, the Vulkro grunts as the carapace between his lower legs parted to reveal his huge 10-inch brown cock to the female soldier as she licked her lips in anticipation.


"Aaaaah~." Maria, who had stripped her uniform and facing the wall, let out a big gasp as she felt the Vulkro's massive cock entered her awaiting pussy, her cunt easily accepting the massive shaft invading her womanhood. The female marine's fingernails dug into the rocks to get as she was being penetrated by her alien partner. The Vulkro was patient enough to allow Maria to adjust to his cock as she took ragged breaths.

Sensing her comfort, his hands moved to her hips and began slowly thrusting motion as his thick shaft was easily able to slid in and out without difficult. Groans and moans escaped Maria's lips as she her body rocked heavily from her partner's strength. Her impressive G-cup tits swayed back and forth.

The female marine bit her lips as she could feel her pussy being stretched to the absolute limit by his cock as her fingers scraped against the rocky surface of the walls as she moaned. Her plumps ass jiggled as it collided against the Vulkro's hips as he let out soft grumbles as he continued to thrust into his female companion.

As much as it felt really good, all things must come to and end and the Vulkro slammed deep into Maria and grunted as he let himself cum inside her. Maria moaned and felt lightheaded as yellowish semen flooded into her snatch and began filling up. From how much was being pumped into her cunt, Maria guessed that it hadn't fuck for a couple of days.

Her legs felt like jelly as they struggled to support her weight as she felt boneless. Thankfully, the Vulkro's hands on her hips kept her stable as she panted from the climax, feeling full for the moment. However, she felt his cock inside her stuffed cunt still rock hard and his hands digging into her hips indicated he knew too. She shivered from having to go another round at at the same time, aroused her.

Soon, Maria laid on her back with her legs spread apart as the Vulkro got on top of her and slid his cock back into her pussy, causing her to sigh in pleasure as she locked her legs around his waist to let him get deeper as he wraps his arms around her body to pull her close they they did missionary. "Can't get enough of your cock~!" She cooed as her body rocked back and forth from his powerful thrusts.

Her soft G-cup rubbed against the Vulkro's smooth carapace as he hammered away, pulling his cock away slightly before plunging it back into her awaiting snatch. Squelching noises echoed in the cave as Maria moaned as the intimacy between female human and male alien grew. The Vulkro grunted as he held Maria Evergarden closer as if to protect her should an unknown attack them during their intercourse, which thankfully never happened.

Drool came from her mouth as Maria felt her cunt being stretched as she writhed beneath her sex partner. Unable to hold it in, the female marine cried out and arched her back as she came on the Vulkro's cock, her fingernails harmlessly scratching his carapace as she squirted love juices. The Vulkro grunted as he tensed up and came as well. His cum flooded her cunt a second time as hot liquid filled her pussy.

After the intense creampie, Maria groaned as her whole body felt boneless and her legs unwrapped from his waist as he slowly pulled his still hard, cum-covered cock from her stuffed pussy. Semen leaked out in copious amounts as it trickled down from her pussy,

Maria's silver hair overlaps her face as she tried to regain her breath, basking in the afterglow as she was exhausted. Suddenly, the Vulkro got on top again, this time he gently sat on his chest (remembering he was far stronger than Maria) and placed his cock in between her mountainous flesh of tits, the shaft sticky with semen and her love juices. She looks up to the Vulkro and gave a sultry smile. It was the least she can do for the Vulkro saving her life a few minutes ago.

"Allow me to pleasure you." Wrapping her hands on her breasts, she mashed them against his lubricated cock, which earned her a sigh (from Maria's opinion) from the Vulkro as she moved them back and forth, giving her partner a titjob from the female marine. She then opened her mouth and leaned in to suck on his cock. She is surprised to find his cum and her love juice to be delicious and began humming as she bobbed her head.

The Vulkro grunted as the female marine service hos cock with her big tits and mouth while he simply watched from his position. Occasionally, he could rock his hips to thrust his shaft now and then, but mostly left Maria to do what she wants. Her mouth provided warmth surpassed only by her tight cunt as her tongue swirled around his cock to get a better taste. Her tits are soft to the touch as she gave him a titjob.

Still, he had limits and after a while, the Vulkro grunted as his body became tense and eventually reached his climax. Noticing his cock twitching, Maria closed her eyes and deepthroats him as semen came bursting out. She gagged in reflex as cum is shot down her throat as she gulped it down, trying to swallow as many as she she can.

Somehow she managed to drank all of it before the Vulkro's cock went limp in her mouth, signaling him to pull out and get off Maria as she sat upright, using her fingers to scoop up cum and love juices from her tits and brought them to her lips, making Maria sigh from the taste.


A bald man with a scar on his right cheeks raised an eyebrow in amusement as he watched the Lieutenant rubbed her arm sheepishly as she returned to the spaceship with the Vulkro at her side, carrying the minerals she'd been ordered to collect. It was fortunate that he was the only one inside or else they'd never live it down.

"So..... I don't supposed you'd tell how'd get you your friend here to help you?" he asked, prompting her to gulp and blush. The Vulkro looks on confused as to why his partner turned red.

"I-It's a long story, sir." She stammered.