Stress Relief

Commander Jane Meyer entered her quarters and gave a sigh of annoyance as placed her weapon on a nearby table and rubbed her forehead in a vain attempt to soothe her growing headache. She had just come back from her debriefing with Commander Adalwolf Ebner and needless to say, it a a very unpleasant meeting.

"Fucking asshole. I hope the Luxrns tear your sorry ass." Jane muttered angrily under her breath as she threw herself onto the bed. Lifting her arm over her face and tried to cool down, to no effect.

Ever since she'd been assigned as one of the two commanders of the Stormfalcon, she'd been at odds with that douchebag Ebner. Whereas she'd rose through the ranks of the United Earth Expeditionary Forces as one of the best, Ebner have simply been promoted simply because of his intellect. So what if he was smarter than the rets of her unit? That won't stop a Luxrn from tearing his ass to tiny bits. And she'd seen plenty of cocky bastards kick the bucket.

Upon enrolling in the Expeditionary Forces with her younger sister, she quickly became one of the best in her batch, impressing the observing commander-in-chief. Jane was renowned for her quick thinking and graceful movements in a fight and thus earned her the nickname " Valkyrie" amongst her peers. In just 2 months, she'd surpass Erika Barnes and Ava Booth and became a commander.

Unfortunately, no training would her her deal with Adalwolf Ebner who might as well have the words "I am an smartass and proud of it" hanged around his neck and a "Kick Me" in his ass which Jane would've happily obliged. But in doing so would caused her to be dismissed for insubordination and Ebner to rub it in her face.

"If only Bridgette was here....." Jane sighs as she thought about her younger sister who'd helped her calm down whenever Jane's temper got the better of her. But alas, Bridgette had been assigned to a different squad from another part of the SS-627 Galaxy, pushing back the Luxrns threat with the UEEF-Zoktrok coalition. While it was a rough start, they finally got some ground and began the offensive against the alien wolves.

After minutes of breathing heavily, Jane felt the headache go away for a moment. Sighing, she sat upright walked up to a mirror. Crossing her arms beneath her chest, she pushed them upwards causing her G-cup tits to be pressed against her suit. Like most females marines in the Expeditionary Forces, Jane Booth had a curvaceous body normal women would kill for. Having a pretty face, hourglass body, plump ass and larger than normal breasts.

Jane had to admit, being in space for so long and having too much means she was deprived of sex and her date on Tinder left her sexually frustrated. Normally, most men would asked her out for a date or even a chance to fuck with Jane. But it clear the men she in her division are clearly different as not even one had approached her. Apparently they preferred "softer woman" to fuck as she heard them say and there were only a handful non-combatant females in Stormfalcon.

She scoffed at their taste of women as did some of the other female marines under her watch. Grabbing the zipper in front of her suit, she pulled them down completely as she discarded her uniform. Looking back back at the mirror Jane began to assess her appearance. Standing at 6'4 feet, she was a bit taller than most of her colleagues. Her soft round G-cup tits is appealing to look at as her shaved pussy. After inspecting her body, Jane rubbed her head as the headache slowly began to return.

"Perhaps a shower will help me ease the headache." She said to herself as she grabbed a towel underneath the drawer and wrapped around her body. Taking a nearby conditioner and soap, Jane closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she walked out of her quarters. But with her lack of vision meant she didn't know what was in front of her until she collided with someone.

Jane moaned as she took a step backwards, rubbing her chest. "Oh, sorry commander! Didn't see you there." The commander opened her eyes as she saw Lieutenant Maria Evergarden and a huge brown alien beside her, the former wearing a towel as well. Jane's eyes widened slightly as she got a good look at her companion, which just so happens to be a Vulkro Maria encountered a few days ago.

"No, it's my fault Maria. I Should've look where I was going." She apologized to her subordinate. "The debriefing with that asshole Ebner gave me a headache and needed to take a shower to relieve some stress." As her superior ranted about what had happened, Maria looked at the Vulkro and nodded. He nodded back and releases his special pheromones from his body. Not enough to fully subdue Jane, but still entice her.

"..... Say Maria, you wouldn't mind if you're friend could keep us company in the showers?" Jane said suddenly as the pheromones hit her nose as she glanced at the hulky alien with glint in her eyes. She didn't know what came over her, but she suddenly feels a bit aroused.

"Of course ma'am, that's exactly why I brought him with me." Maria smiled and took Jane's hand as she and the Vulkro headed towards the shower area.


"Oh fuck! That hits the spot!" Jane bit her lips and her cheeks flushed as she heard Maria having wet, passionate intimacy with the Vulkro as they fucked beside her, her moans reaching her ears. The commander tried her best to ignore the sounds and just focus on cleaning her body. It was a very good thing the people who made Stormfalcon had the the idea to put soundproof walls or else everyone would investigate the lewd noises.

Jane suspected Maria planned the entire thing so she can get in on the action. Her pussy moistened in mortification as she was basically getting off from hearing them fuck like animals. She'd already seen how good Zoktroks are in sex, but here she was seeing a new alien who could match their prowess.

For a minute, Jane thought Maria and the Vulkro were done and she could finally shower in peace, but then her head began to feel lightheaded and senses went haywire as she began to feeling aroused once again. It was then Maria came from behind and wrapped her arm around her commander's waist while her other hand went for her stomach which prompts Jane to gasp.

"M-Maria?! What are you doing?!" Jane cried out as her fingers slid down to her cunt and began inserting her fingers in and pumping them in and out, making Jane moan from the sudden intrusion. She would've fought back easily, but her lightheadedness and unknown scent she was smelling lowered her defenses considerably.

"I'm just helping you relax commander, that's all." Maria purred as she nibbled on Jane's neck, causing her to shudder from the sensation of Maria's warm lips on her soft skin. "You said you wanted to relieve stress, right? I'm sure my friend here can help you with that." She turned her body around as they were both facing the Vulkro who already had his cock cock, hard and ready to fuck.

Another wave of that unknown scent reached her nose and she immediately figured out who was responsible. "Y-You....." Jane stuttered as she inhaled more of his pheromones while having her lower area fingered. It went one for a whole minute before Jane fell to to her knees, panting with sexual breathes as Maria still fingered her cunt.

"Mmmmph, yes, don't fight it commander, we'll help you relieve stress and you can start by sucking his big, juicy cock." Maria giggled as she motioned the Vulkro to come closer until his cock was within inches of their faces. Jane looked at the rigid appendage with glazed eyes, showing nothing but lustful fire in them as she opened her mouth and he took that as his cue to slowly insert his shaft inside her warm mouth.

Jane gave a muffled moan as her orifice had been filled with his cock, his scent all over her as she placed her arms on his legs too avoid choking. Slowly, but surely, Jane began to bob her head up and down on his shaft.

Maria giggled as she saw her commander become drunk with lust as she gave the Vulkro a blowjob and resumed inserting her fingers to Jane's wet cunt, which was already wet from her hearing them fuck. Maria's other hand reached for Jane's F-cup tits and began massaging them. Jane moaned around the Vulkro's shaft as she was getting teamed up but did not resist as the she swirls her tongue around his massive cock to further get a taste.

While the Vulkro would lasted longer, his earlier intercourse with Maria meant that he was already building up and when the time it right, tensed up and came in Jane's mouth. The combination of hot semen pouring into her mouth and Maria' finger her cause Jane to let out a muffled squeal as she came. Maria grinned as she felt her commander's pussy clenched around her fingers and excreted love juices. The commander gulped down as many semen as she can but couldn't swallow it all and some leaked from her mouth.

The double climax ended after a minute as Jane and the Vulkro calmed down from their orgasm. The brown alien withdrew his cock from her mouth with a loud pop as Jane took deep breaths, her experience. Maria scooped up some cum dripping from her mouth and brought it to hers, sighing with delight.

"It..... feels. good." Jane breathed out as she slumped against Maria, exhausted yet satisfied from her climax.

"Oh it does, commander. But I don't think stud here is done with you yet." Maria quipped as Jane looked up to see the Vulkro in front of her her, his cock as stiff as ever and Jane gained a glint in her eyes.

"Nngh." A minute later, Jane moaned as she felt the Vulkro's cock enter her tight ass with ease. The Vulkro had put her in a bulldog position as he started pistoning his shaft in and out of her like a machine on motion. Behind her, Maria sat upright as she began licking and sucking on Jane's cunt while her partner fucked her commander up top.

The alien's hands gripped Jane's waist as he thrusts his hard cock into the commander and rammed it in a smooth yet fast pace. Jane's moans echoed through the shower area as she was her ass is being penetrated while Maria was currently eating her out. The double penetration caused her to shiver in delight as she groaned from how big the Vulkro is in her backside. She was lucky his cock had been lubricated or else her first anal would've been painful.

Maria spread her cunt wider with her fingers as she continue to eat Jane out, her tongue flickering her wet womanhood and enjoyed the occasional twitches from Jane as she was double teamed. Inevitably, Jane moaned loudly as she came, her lower holes clamping around the cock and tongue respectively as she came on Maria's mouth. The Vulkro's cock began spewing hot cum into her tight ass, painting her anal walls white with semen. Jane panted as the Vulkro slowly pulled out from her ass, leaving a gaping hole which began to close from the lack of his cock.

But despite the intense climax, Jane still felt unsatisfied. She wanted another round. She looked behind her and Maria saw the look Jane gave and nodded, knowing what she wants. A minute later and both women are in a 69 position, with Jane at the bottom and Maria on top as the Vulkro penetrated Jane's awaiting pussy, earning a moan. This time, she and Maria began licking each other's womanhood, their tongues exploring their insides as the Vulkro started thrusting into the commander.

Jane's movements are still going strong as both female marines did the best as they can to see who can made the other cum first. Even having her ass filled and her teammate eating her twice now, she was still energized and began to poke her tongue deeper into Maria's cunt, which she retaliates by doing the same. The Vulkro meanwhile continued his thrusts into Jane while the two girls continued their actions.

Eventually, Maria squealed as she was forced to cum first, her pussy squirting in Jane's face and the Vulkro made a grunt as he came as well, his cock swelling and bursts out semen from the tip, flooding her cunt with hot bubbling cum. Jane's body shuddered as she got a huge creampie from the alien while Maria lapped up any semen that escaped the commander's cunt. After a while, Maria got off Jane and the Vulkro withdrew his cock, watching in silence as the two female soldiers tried to catch their breath.

Jane felt sore from the experience as her pussy and ass ached from the climax, but nevertheless had a small delighted smile on her face. 'Perhaps I could ask Maria if I could borrow the Vulkro when I have a day off.' She thought as she and Maria got up and continued their shower in silence. Neither spoke, but both knew that Jane would tell their threesome to her younger sister.