
Angelika Derichs had one mission. Just one simple mission; assassinate Commander Jane Meyer and hack into the Stormfalcon to retrieve any classified information.

How did it go so very wrong?

Black Tigers, a villainous group she's in, had gotten word that the spaceships Stormfalcon and Phantasm (Which Erika Barnes, Ava Booth and Jane's younger sister Bridgette Meyer are stationed at) are heading to the human colony Eve to discuss the counterattack against the Luxrns with their Zoktrok allies in one of the cities that had been abandoned after the Luxrns overwhelmed the defensed a few months earlier.

As one of the Black Tigers' best sniper and overall individual, she herself volunteered to infiltrate the secret meeting and kill Jane Meyer. With UEEF soldiers running around in a state of absolute disarray to find the perpetuator, Angelika would have enough time to sneak into the ship and get the information they needed to gain an advantage over the Expeditionary Forces. One good hit and it's all done.

The moment she pulled the trigger, the female terrorist knew that it went downhill from there. She expected many things , but she didn't count on the Vulkro's heightened senses and pushed Jane away to take the shot himself, nor did she count on their carapace withstanding plasma bullets. The attack not only failed but her shock of disbelief gave them enough time to find the source and expose her position.

"Der Scheißkerl (Son of a bitch!)" Angelika cursed as she clutched her injured shoulder, running in the alleyways as the UEEF soldiers are closing in on her location. Jane managed to spot Angelika and, with precise aim, shot the female terrorist in the left shoulder, forcing her to drop the rifle she'd been carrying and retreat with the marines following. Though the injury she sustained caused her to slow down.

Hearing the footsteps coming closer and closer, Angelika pushed past the pain and continued her escape, ducking, leaping and turning managed to find an open door and quickly went in. Closing it quickly yet quietly, Angelika leaned against the metallic structure. She held her breath as the soldiers looked around, trying to figure out where she was.

"She can't have escaped for us this long. Jane managed to shoot that bitch in the shoulder."

"Well no one shot in the shoulder could've travelled this far."

"Quiet! She might hear us and hide."

"Wait, I think I heard movement from there."

A few painstaking seconds went by before the footsteps got farther and Angelika breathed a sigh of relief and got on her feet. Hesitating for 4 seconds before she opened the door and she poked her head out to see if they were still nearby. Sensing no one, Angelika took a deep breath and stepped outside before going into the direction she came from.

Only for a pair of hands to grab her and put her in a full nelson that caused her to gasp loudly in surprise. "I got her!" A UEEF soldier shouted as he held her in a tight grip, refusing to let go. Moments later the sound of footsteps returns and were closing in fast. Angelika struggled very hard, but her injury caused her more pain than good.

"You're not getting away!" The male jeered as he kept the struggling terrorist from escaping. Out of options, Angelika smashed the back of her head against his face, breaking his nose. His grip loosened as the UEEF soldier cried out in pain while tending to his bleeding nose. This gave Angelika the time to reach for his belt and grabbed two stun flashbangs before kicking him into nearby trash bins.

The female terrorist pulled the pins and tossed them into the direction where the soldiers are arriving. Just as they are seen, Angelika turns as the explosive are set off, she ran as fast as she can while the soldiers shouted in surprise and pain as they were dazed and temporarily blinded. She decided to head to the dense forest where was plenty to hide from them.

She kept running for two minutes before she was sure they're no longer following her. Her adrenaline quickly and exhaustion soon takes over. Leaning against a tree, Angelika closed her eyes and sigh as she tried to regain her breath. She touched where Jane shot her and winced as she felt pain a deep bruise forming. She could still move it but delayed treatment might make it worse.

Angelika reached for her earpiece and opened her mic. "This is Angelika Derichs, Is anyone there?" She asked, hoping for some response, but the only response is static." Hello. Is anyone there?" She tried again, but there was only static. Angelika sighed in frustration as she realized that they must've enabled their jammers to prevent her from calling reinforcements. She propelled herself off from the tree and try to find a more secure area to call for backup.

"So you're the one who tried to assassinate me." Her eyes flew opened as she turn to her left and saw her target, Jane Meyer, standing a few feet from her, and a smug look from her face as she had her arms crossed.

"You...." The female terrorist growled as she got into a fighting stance as her left arm limped. Even when handicapped, she wasn't going down easily. Jane merely looked amused at her defiance.

"I admire your bravery soldier, even if we're supposedly enemies." Jane stated before glancing over her adversary's shoulder. "But I think my friend there would be better suit to subdue you."

Angelika was confused by her statement but then felt a presence behind her. Immediately, Angelika turns and throws a right kick to her would-be victim, only for her limb to he immobilized quickly. Her eyes widened as she sees the same Vulkro who'd taken the shot for Jane in front of her as he blocked her attack with his hand. The alien then pulls her put before punching her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her.

The last thing she sees is Jane walking towards her and gave a victorious smirk before losing consciousness.


Angelika felt groggy when she woke up, feeling her body recovering from the blow. She tried to move, but then opened her eyes to discover her situation. She had her arms bound over head, her legs chains to the floor while spread and was stripped to expose her shave pussy and E-cup breasts, earning an angry and flustered blush from the female terrorist. Strangely enough, her left shoulder is completely healed.

"Seems you're finally awake." He head snapped to her Jane with a smirk on her face with the same Vulkro standing beside her. Angelika cursed in German and tried to lunge at her but her restrains limit her movements. Jane swiftly delivers a kick to her gut, making her gasp in pain.

Jane pulls her fist as she coughed. "It's useless trying to fight. I suggest we get this over with and spill your secrets. I might let you off easy even thought your tired to kill me." She offered.

Angelika looks at her with a glare. "I'll say nothing." She growled as Jane sighed. But she was taken aback when Jane soon chuckled. Even more so when the alien next to her stepped forward and she tensed up for what is to come.

"I was hoping you would say that." The commander from Stormfalcon said as she snaped her fingers and the Vulkro begins to excrete his special pheromones to reel her in. As soon as she got a whiff of his scent, her eyes dilated as she began breathing hardly and her body squirmed. Seeing her state, Jane gave him a nod and Angelika watched with morbid curiosity as the Vulkro's massive cock springs to life, hard and ready to bred the female terrorist.

"W-Where are you going?!" Angelika said with some fear in her voice when she notice Jane walking out to the door. "You can't leave me here with this..... thing!"

Jane looked over her shoulder and smirked. "Oh, I just did. But don't worry, you still have for company while I'm out. Enjoy~." She waved her hand mockingly before closing the door with aloud bang, leaving the female terrorist at the mercy of the horny alien.

Angeliks immediately began to struggle against her restraints, cursing in German as she fruitlessly tried to break free. But Vulkro walked up to her and stared her down, causing her to freeze. She held her breath as his hand reached out for one of her breasts and gave it a squeeze, causing her to bit back a moan. Not help by the pheromones she'd inhaled.

"Don't touch me...." Angelika panted and tried to wriggle away as the Vulkro kept squeezing her chest, but her strength is being sapped as time went on. Her breathing became ragged as the alien kept fondling her tit while she was helpless to stop it. She gave a sigh of relief as his hand withdrew. But then her fear spikes as his begins poking through her womanhood.

"No.... you can't...." Angelika muttered as her breath came out as pants, her once defiant attitude had been broken after inhaling too much of the Vulkro's pheromones. The alien rubbed his tip against her entrance before penetrating her completely. The female terrorist reared her had back and gasped, feeling full in an instant. Her belly bulged slightly from how big he is. The Vulkro gripped her waist as he began thrusting in and out of her.

Angelika began to moan as his cock slid in and out of her cunt like smooth butter as she was held in place, her arms tugging slightly against the rope as she twitched every now and then from his thrusting. She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth as she tried to shut down the pleasure being sent through her body. His hips smacked against hers as he continued to rut her cunt.

Every thrust into her wet pussy caused to shift as her body betrayed her feelings and started to responded bit by bit until his cock hit a sensitive area that caused her to twitch uncontrollably. "..... Der Scheiß (Shit)." Angelika paled as she realized the Vulkro hit her G-spot. She then cried out as the Vulkro read her face and began pounding her faster and harder. No matter how hard she tried, the sensation was overwhelming.

The combination of his huge cock and her G-spot being hit repeatedly proved too much and Angelika cried out as she had an orgasm. The adrenaline gave her legs enough strength that she'd broke the binds from her feet and wrapped it around the Vulkro's waist as she squirted love juices all over the cock as the alien came as well. Yellow semen flooded her womb as it spewed virile liquid into her. The female terrorist's body shuddered as she's being creampied hard by the Vulkro.

After the orgasm ended, the alien slowly pulled his cock out and watched as his semen leaked out from her stuffed cunt. Her legs were free but with her strength at an all-time low, it was of no use. However, the Vulkro is still hard and barely sweating. He went behind Angelika and got into position where he grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them apart, revealing her tight asshole to him. Angelika tensed up as she felt her backside being poked but made no attempt to resist it, the pheromones making her complicit.

In one swift motion, the Vulkro sheathed his cock into her backside. Angelika gasped from the intrusion, but the juices from their climax lessened the friction needed to part her asshole. Pain flared a bit before pleasure began to set in and Angelika moaned loudly as her ass is stuffed by an alien cock. This time, she began to move her hips back against the Vulkro as he rammed her ass, flesh slapping flesh echoing.

Saliva dripped from her mouth and down her chin as she began to feel unfathomable pleasure from having her ass stretched wide by the alien. Her anal holes constricted around the huge cock as the Vulkro was relentless pounding her tight backside. Her legs, though freed, dangled helplessly as she was being rocked back and forth from his thrusts. In time, the Vulkro slammed deep into Angelika's ass and tensed as he came.

Angelika gave a gasp as her anal hole had been flooded with yellow cum, the hot liquid splattering inside her made her body quiver with pleasure. Her head hung low as she was nothing more than a cum dumpster for the alien. The Vulkro sensed that Angelika is completely spent and no longer considered a threat. As he is pulling out, the Vulkro reached for her bound hands and tore the ropes binding them. Angelika panted as she fell on her ass, extremely exhausted from the two climaxes. Her lower holes leaked of yellow semen as it forms a pool of puddle beneath her.

The Vulkro gets in front of the female terrorist and she looked up to see his cum-covered cock in her face. She knew exactly what it wanrs yet did not attempt to fight it. Even if she'd escaped, she doesn't know where she was and they might torture her for more information. 'Might as well get used to this.' She lamented before opening her mouth and allowing his cock to slip through, filling her mouth. As she began to bob her head up and down, she surprisingly find his cum and her own juices to be tasty.

The Vulkro combs his big fingers through Angelika's purple hair as she serviced his cock. Not as experience as Maria or Jane, but she was close to that. He moved his hips back and forth motion in a slow pace so she didn't choke on his shaft. Her tongue wrapped around his cock as she licked his cock cleaned of their juices and despite how big he was, Angelika is able to take him in without gagging.

After giving him a blowjob for a few minutes, Angelika felt his cock swell before cumming inside her. The female terrorist's eyes widened as she felt warm liquid went down her throat as she tried to swallow it all. But after 10 seconds, the Vulkro pulls his cock from her mouth and began spewing semen all over her. She grimaced as she felt sticky cum splatter on her face, purple hair, E-cup tits, stomach and more before he stopped cumming, his limp cock withdrawing back into his carapace.

"Having a great time I see?" Angelika glanced sideways to see Jane near the doorway with a smile and her arms crossed. The female terrorist didn't answer as she kept her head up, shame and humiliation filling her gut. She was waiting for her verbal taunting but Jane had another surprise.

"You know, despite how our first encounter went, I'm willing to drop the charges if you cooperate with us." Angelika's head shot up as she looked at the commander with weary and curiosity as she grabbed a chair and sat on it while looking at the prisoner.

The two women stared at each other for a long time before the female terrorist sighed. ".... What do you want to talk about?" Jane smiled as Angelika spoke.