Can I Trust You?

After the disaster passed, the lives of the people gradually recovered, and the Flower Festival was especially lively.

There was also a peach tree outside the Wang Family Steamed Bun Shop. Unlike other shops, this was a real peach tree.

Old Madam Wang felt that the peach blossoms were too expensive, so she asked Wang Chuanfu to dig up a peach tree in the village and transport it over on a donkey cart to plant it in front of the shop.

The fragrance of peach blossoms from other families assailed their noses because of their peach blossom-flavored rouge.

The peach blossoms in the Wang Family's bun shop were also fragrant. It was because Little Ah Yu had secretly watered them with Myriad Spirit Water.

The peach blossoms bloomed brightly, attracting everyone to tour in front of the Wang Family Steamed Bun Shop.

There were even a few students who composed poems about peach trees that were. Wang Chuangui was one of them.