Saving a Little Boy

Can I trust you?

Although Little Ah Yu was asking, she looked at Qin Huai with trust.

Qin Huai said without hesitation, "Sure."

Hence, Little Ah Yu pulled Qin Huai's hand and ran out.

When she passed through the shop, she almost tripped over the other customers. Wang Dalang reacted quickly and grabbed her.

"Ah Yu, go to the back to play. There are many people here. Don't fall down." Wang Dalang called out to her. "Your third and fourth brothers are going to deliver buns now. I'll get them to bring you out to play later."

Little Ah Yu said, "Big Brother, I know. I'm looking at the peach blossoms outside."

She thought to herself: I'm sorry, Big Brother. Ah Yu doesn't want to lie either.

But there were only three minutes. It was too short to wait for her brothers to help.

Wang Dalang was about to say something when a guest wanted to buy candied haws. He could only turn around and greet him.