Wang Chuanman Returns

Meatball did not expect that it was not Ah Yu herself who stopped her from doing the mission, but her Grandma.

Old Madam Wang had never said explicitly that she wanted Little Ah Yu to stay until she was seven years old.

Hence, Meatball did not know what Old Madam Wang was insisting on.

"Elf, is that mission very important?" Little Ah Yu was also very worried about her Second Uncle, but she also knew the gravity of the situation.

She might not be able to help much if she went over herself. The adults still had to divert their attention to take care of her.

[It's not especially important.]

However, it thought that if Old Madam Wang went to the prefecture capital, Ah Yu could also complete this growth-type mission. It would be good to obtain the reward in advance.

The rewards for a growth-type mission would naturally be more abundant than before.

After all, that was something only a 15-year-old could do.