
Grandma Wen's son and daughter-in-law opened a medicine hall in the prefecture capital and had not returned home for many years. However, both sides had exchanged letters and naturally knew that the Wang Family had moved next door. They took good care of them.

"Thank you." Old Madam Wang did not say anything else.

At this moment, any kindness was precious.

Chi She also brought the Qin Family's carriage over and let Old Madam Wang take the carriage to the prefecture capital.

Although mule carts and donkey carts were fine, it was easy for others to look down on them.

Old Madam Wang accepted this kindness.

Before leaving, Old Madam Wang bowed to the Qin Family's door and said, "Although these words are a little abrupt, please take care of the Wang Family. I'll definitely thank you in the future."

Although the seven or eight secret guards did not appear behind the door, they cupped their hands and returned the greeting to Old Madam Wang.