Going to the County City to Pick Someone Up

Liang Xue was also often taken care of, although she knew that Wang Dalang only treated her as a guest at home.

However, she could not stay any longer. Otherwise, she would become shameless.

Compared to Wang Dalang, she was more interested in practicing medicine now.

In the end, Liang Xue left with Divine Doctor Xue. Little Ah Yu was still sad for a long time.

When the commotion of Wang Dalang's marriage was almost over, everyone returned to Nanhe Town one after another. Wang Chuangui and Madam Ma went to the prefecture capital first.

They used the Qin Family carriage and Chang Shun drove the horse in front.

The remaining children took another carriage to Yongding County to participate in the county level imperial exam.

The county level imperial exam lasted from February 12th to February 16th. Little Ah Yu originally wanted to follow her Big Brothers on February 12th, but Old Madam Wang did not agree.