Finished Test

"If you walk alone, you won't be able to reach even if you walk for a few days and nights. Get in the carriage." Old Madam Wang called out to Widow Zhou.

As soon as Widow Zhou went up, the lamb that was squatting outside the carriage came down.

Widow Zhou noticed that the Spirit Treasure Rat that was usually on the lamb's head was gone.

"Why didn't your little mouse follow us?" Widow Zhou asked.

Little Ah Yu replied, "Little Treasure is in the village. Its wife is about to give birth to a little mouse. It's guarding it."

Widow Zhou: "?"

Widow Zhou thought that she had heard wrongly.

The mouse was about to give birth to a little mouse?

Would their village be overrun with rats?

Actually, this was the idea of the villagers. The Spirit Treasure Rat had a suppressive effect on the rats in the village.