Waking Up In Shock (2)

The Empress Dowager nodded. "Yong Chang is a pure and kind person. People say she is knowledgeable, capable in both literature and martial arts, and an exemplary noblewoman, the number one person in Great Chang. But in my opinion, she's nothing but a fool."

It turned out that Princess Yong Chang had taken the initiative to stand up at that time and say that she was willing to marry into the north on behalf of her second sister.

However, the late Emperor did not agree and even ordered the Second Miss of Duke An Manor to be sent out.

It was at that time that the matter of the Shared Fate Gu was exposed. It turned out that Princess Yong Chang and the late Emperor were both found to be inhabiting the Shared Fate Gu.

In this way, in the eyes of outsiders, the former Emperor's intention of protecting Princess Yong Chang was self-evident.

Firstly, it was to survive. With Princess Yong Chang by his side, he could monitor her at any time.