Emperor Minghua's Worry

Old man Wang couldn't go back to sleep because Old Madam Wang felt that something was wrong. She sat up again and woke him up. "Get up."

Old man Wang: "What's wrong this time?!"

He was really very tired. In the day, he accompanied Ah Yu and Qin Huai to the palace and was stopped outside. Not long after, someone came to pass a message that he didn't have to wait and that the two of them would not be returning that night.

Old man Wang knew that waiting outside was not a solution, so he returned and told Old Madam Wang about the matter. After the two of them analyzed it together, it was already late at night.

They were not worried about Ah Yu and Qin Huai's safety. Now, Ah Yu was not a threat to anyone. As for Qin Huai, with his status, if he couldn't even protect them within the boundaries of his own palace, it was impossible for Emperor Minghua to hold on to a huge dynasty.