Work Study Tour

Back then, the Wang Family had placed great importance on Ah Yu coming to Jiangsai. Other than Old Madam Wang, everyone objected.

However, it was Old Madam Wang who helped her "convince" everyone and made many arrangements for her. She even taught her some useful knowledge before letting her come over.

However, in the end, Jiangsai was not under any jurisdiction. Most of the information sent back from here was fake, and many of them were from the City Lord in front of them.

Or rather, the previous City Lords.

"It's not like Jiangsai doesn't have an protectorate, but it's not in Jiangsai City." City Lord Wan was a little embarrassed.

He was indeed a local snake. Since he wanted to establish a country, he naturally had many subordinates.

However, he himself did not actually have much ambition. It was just that he had been pressured back then and could only follow the prescribed order.