Meeting King Xiaoyao

It was impossible to rebel. Ah Yu did not think in that direction at all.

Moreover, although she did not despise Jiangsai, she did not want to stay here forever.

She loved flowers and plants and liked cute animals. The flowers and plants in Jiangsai were really not good-looking, and most of them couldn't grow.

The water was also dark, and there was an indescribable stench. She did not like it.

She also did not want to be the Empress of this new country. She had seen the Emperor a few times. Every time, the Emperor looked like he had nothing to do, but the dark circles under his eyes could not be hidden!

It was obvious that he had never slept well.

Grandma had said that the higher one's position is, the busier they are.

Even if it was a corrupt official, they had to be busy embezzling and hiding evidence of corruption while pretending to be a good official.