Owen's ass felt sore as they'd had a night full of ecstasy. They woke up at noon and lazily cuddled on the bed. Owen felt at peace but his stomach kept croaking in hunger.
"I'm really hungry. Should I order food?" Owen asked.
"I can whip something up for you if you don't mind" Jake offered.
"I don't mind at all" Owen declared.
"Breakfast in bed coming right up" Jake said and left the room.
Owen screamed inwardly, he was getting breakfast in bed from his boyfriend. His other exes just ordered food for him from wherever they banged and left before he could have a bite.
Jake made Bacon and cheese toast accompanied with a tall glass of orange juice.
"Whoa....this looks so yum"
"Not as yum as you though"
"Baddie" Owen giggled. "This really good though"
" yeah I'm one of the best chefs in the city"
"Damn I'm lucky"
"You sure are.....won't your sister be worried as she hasn't heard from you today"
"She'll be fine.By now she's at the gym with her friends..."
"Okay....so that's were you get your babies from" Jake said and groped Owen's chest boobs and Owen giggled. Jake played with Owens hair as few strands kept falling on his face.
" I really love your hair" Jake complimented.
".....Aren't you hungry?"
"If you'll feed me. I am"
"Ahhhhh" Owen said and Jake widened his mouth.
He fed Jake some toast and gave him a drink of juice and sealed it with a kiss.
"I've gotta head home now... I have lectures by 2..... when next I come we'll grill the fish together" Owen said.
"Ok....I have to make a business trip to Walnut Creek this evening"
"Oh.....when will you be back?"
"I'll be back in three days"
"I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too....you can take the fishes home though"
Owen stood up and strolled to the bathroom door.
"I wanted us to eat it together but never mind" Owen pouted.
"There'll always be another time babe"
"Yeah....I'll take a shower and run"
"Should I join you?"
"I'm in haste so no....another time"
"Ouch babe...I see what you did here" Jake chuckled. "I'll make it up to you when I get back"
Owen left after showering. Jake had his secretary, Janelle come over.
"How's everything at the office " he questioned.
"Great....Maverick is doing a real good job"
Maverick was his company manager.
" I hope you guys are not slacking behind my back"
"No sir"
"You sent all the documents I'd need right"
"Yes sir"
"The flight?"
"It's been booked and yours leaves by six"
"Okay.....call Mrs Green to clean the house before I'm back"
"I'll do that sir"
"Your haircut suits you" he said noticing her hair.
She had cut her in a short bob with fringes. Her black hair was the darkest he'd ever seen. She was a competent secretary he was lucky to have work with him. Earlier on he had noticed that she had been trying to hit on him by dressing corporately seductive but after Kiki stormed his office in visit one day she'd backed down. Kiki was sure to glare her down in 'Don't mess with my man" stare.
Gilbert had finally started dating Zoey the staff from Jewels bar and he was taking the guys out for introductions. Owen wondered how Kevin would feel about this. Unrequited love hurts like hell when your crush falls in love with someone else right in front of you. Gilbert hosted them at a barbecue restaurant where you grilled your meat and he proudly showed Zoey his grilling skills. Kevin remembered the first night he'd seen Gilbert work the grill.It was the first time they met and Owen and taken him over to Gilbert's house. He had worn a short sleeved shirt and his strong arms bulged out and he grilled so professionally making the fire blast out and cool down. He'd smiled at him and given him a taste that clouded Kevin's senses as the best he'd ever eaten.He'd gone over to assist Gilbert in the meat grilling. He'd fallen for him that night and after that always joined Owen so he could meet him. Over three they'd gotten closer and Kevin's feelings grew stronger.
Today Gilbert would grill for his lover. The girl with the long black hair with blue streaks of dye. She was really beautiful and he could see why Gilbert fell for her. He'd drown himself in alcohol but he had never really liked it. He kept watching them acting loved up with Gilbert casting smiles at Zoey and trying to teach her to grill and when hers got burnt he complimented her.
"It's really nice to meet you guys and Gilbert's told me a lot about you guys.....especially Kev"
"Oh...he did " Kevin said.
"Wow...Gill...wow...you didn't even mention me" Stephen said.
"How could I... we hardly ever talk with you always hooked to your phone"
" let me clear the air guys I'm learning the mechanics of every game I play.....I'm not a teenage boy obsessed with games...you know"
"We know you're a man...boy" Owen said. " how come you didn't talk about me"
"Oh you guys are getting me wrong.....he talked about all three of you"
Gilbert went and hugged her from behind.
"You don't have to show us how loved up you are.....spare single I and Kev"
"Get loved up too.....it won't be a surprise if you dated a robot"
"Well do you guys know Siri"
"Whoa who's she"Owen asked
"You seriously don't know who Siri is?" Gilbert asked.
"Uhm.....dude seriously I don't" Owen said.
"She's my girlfriend.....and I hate the fact that you guys bother her with your silly questions all the time"
"Let's ask Siri if you really are her boyfriend" Zoey suggested.
"She's resting now." Stephen covered and they all laughed.
"You've been quiet Kev...what's up" Gilbert asked.
"I don't feel so good....I've gotta leave" Kevin said.
"Oh....should I come drop you off" Gilbert offered.
"No...I'll be fine on my...."
"I'll drop him off" Owen said "Zoey it was really nice meeting you"
"Yeah you too...I hope we all get to hang out like this again" she asked and watched how Gilbert stared at Kevin with worry in his eyes.
"Bye guys I'll leave after eating the good meat" Stephen said.
"Bye see you in school" Kevin said to him.
They both exited the restaurant and waved for a taxi.
"I guess he'll never see me so it's best to give up now"
"You never told him Kev.....you should have"
"I didn't want to lose our friendship.... we were really close but he'll never see me as more than just friends"
"I'm so sorry you have to go through this....."
"It's cool.... I'll hit the gym "
"I'll tag along... I haven't had time to go there in a while"
"Well you've been loved up.... What's your boyfriend like" Kevin curiously asked.
"He's really sweet"