Chapter Nine

Jake booked his flight back to San Francisco as he was done with what he'd came do at Walnut Creek three days ago. He was at the ticket line when he messaged Owen

"See you tonight babe. Can you wait at my place?"

"Sure. What's the door code"

"It's my birthday"

"I don't know your birthdate"


"Okay mine is 241097"

Jake got a call from Jules as he was done messaging Owen.

"Hey...Jake. Hamps and his parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow night"

"Ok...that's cool. I pray it's a success"

"Yeah...and you've got to be here"

"I'm flying back today Jules...and I've made plans with Owen too. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it"

"Are you kidding me right now Jake....I'll be meeting his parents physically for the first time and my best friend won't be even missed my engagement and birthday too" she cried.

"I'll see what I can do"

" You can bring him along...I won't mind"

"Come on Jules....He'll be busy"


"Hello babe"

"Hey....I just got here"

"Oh ....sorry bout that....something came up and I had to cancel my flight back"


" know Jules's fiancée and parents are coming over to Jules's parents for dinner....for the introduction and as her best friend she'd kill me if I don't make it"

"Are you her only friend?"

"Yes....Her female friends hurt her in the past and she swore them off...I'll be back by Saturday.... you can sleep over if you want"

"I don't wanna stay when you're not here.....I have a question to ask"

"I'm all ears"

"I know we met at a gay bar and all but.....Are you out?

Jake was taken aback by Owen's question. His heart throbbed in fear.

"....No. I'm not"

'No wonder you won't invite me to tag along... If I ask I may sound clingy but damn I've missed you. I really thought I'd see you today and my heart yearned in excitement that you were on your way but now you've changed your course and I have to wait more days...' Owen thought.


"Are you mad at me"

"No.... why would I be?"

"Ok...I'll hurry over to you once I get back...I promise "


The next morning, Owen went to college as he had morning class and hung out with friends after it. Kevin stopped hanging out with them as a group so it was just them three.

"Do you know what's up with Kev" Gilbert asked.

"How do you mean?" Stephen asked.

"I feel like he's avoiding me....whenever we meet he gives me an awkward smile then waves and walk away.....he won't even talk or come over"

"Can't you call him so you guys will meet up and talk it out" Owen suggested.

"Talk what out?" Stephen asked

"You figure out why Kevin has been avoiding him" Owen said.

"Isn't it all of us he's been avoiding?" Gilbert questioned.

"Nope....last week he came over for game night" Stephen said

"What!..... that's our thing" Gilbert stated.

"Well sorry.....he's such a good gamer you know...we had a draw un most matches we played." Stephen said.

"Yeah right he never lets me win" Owen complained.

"What?....I always won all our matches " Gilbert said.

"But he's better than you at games" Stephen stated.

"I'm sure he let you win" Owen said.

Kevin was really good at games but because of the love he had for Gilbert, he always let him win.

"I really miss him....he's my best friend " Gilbert said.

"Call him then" Stephen suggested.

"He hardly picks my calls and when he does he says he's busy and my messages on WhatsApp he never reads nor replies "

"You must have done something to upset him" Stephen said.

"You guys should help me...."

"We will.....I'll talk to him" Owen said.

"Okay.... bye"

Owen wondered if Gilbert loved Kevin but blindly saw it as friendship.


When Owen got home his sister was getting ready to leave for their aunts house.

"Aunt Kathy wants me to babysit Lucas. She and uncle are going on a date....she's offering 200 bucks and it's going straight to my piggy bank" Amelia shared.

Aunt Kathy was their fathers sister. She was a good woman that had taken them in when their father died. At that time she was dating her husband so Owen felt uncomfortable being in their space. He did a lot of partime jobs until Josh discovered and signed him to his agency. He and Amelia were able to move out then. Aunt Kathy later got married and had Lucas her three year old son.

"Okay....your intense saving always leads to one thing" Owen said.

"Seems like you want nothing for your birthday this year"

"Sorry princess.... what did you cook"

"Aren't you going to your boyfriend's house"

"Just shut up....."

He went over to the kitchen.

"I'm having cup noodles"

"Goodbye "Amelia said and left.

He ate and napped for a while. He woke up in the evening from the noise of his sister and her friends chattering. He got out of his room and was engulfed in the scent of the porridge Amelia was making. Her twin friends Tim and Tam were the noise makers.

"Hello Owen " they said in unison as he came in.

"Hi Tim..Tam...." he greeted "I'm off to the gym" he said to Amelia.

"Isn't it too late to go to the gym" Tim asked.

"He won't be able to sleep since he's just waking up from a nap"

"Okay" Tim said

Owen left.

" I'd love to see him working out" Tam drooled. She was the younger twin.

"You've gotta kill that crush girl.... my brother doesn't do girls"

"Well people change.....won't you love to be my sister-in-law "

"Maybe in another life you'll get to marry my bro and I and Tim will be in South Korea with our oppas "

Tim high-fived Amelia.

"Ouch...." Tam said clutching her chest "you guys just broke my heart"

When Owen got to the gym few guys were there but the gym instructor wasn't. By this time he was mostly giving private lessons to girls in his office. Kevin waved at him from the thread mill where he ran.

" hey Kev....why are you here by this time" Owen said as he walked towards him.

" I needed to clear my head bro"

They lived in the same neighborhood but their houses were far from each other but closer to the gym. Kevin stayed with his Aunty who was always out of town for work. Owen turned on the mill next to Kevin's.

" Have you spoken with Gil"

"I'm scared of speaking to him.... I don't wanna....but he keeps calling and sending texts and I've archived his texts though"

"What if it's love"

"It's not...he's only ever liked girls...and his mom invited me for her party next week and I'll have to see him and his girlfriend there"

" just calm down and try hearing him out please....remember you said you were scared of losing him as a friend"

"I'm a coward okay... I don't think I can still be friends "

"Just tell him you loved him....he'll understand....."

"Hi....."some stranger said.

They turned and saw Max, an ex of Owen.

"I knew it was you Owen" Max said.


"Hi" Kevin said.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Max asked.

"It's none of your business" Owen snapped.

" Yeah it's not.....can I talk to you for a second"

"If you're not willing to say what you want right here then I don't wanna hear"

"Okay....chill.....I'm getting married " Max declared.

" well congrats"

"Yeah thanks....."

Owen was about turning his treadmill machine on again.

"Hold on for a sec Owie....."

"What else do you have to say Maximus"

"I wanna invite you to my bachelorette know to quench old flames"

"What silly old feelings for you died the moment you cheated so buzz off and have a good life"

"Sorry....I'll drop the invite in case you change your mind Owie "

"Stop calling me that"

Max dropped the card off with Kevin and walked away.

" why don't you attend with your boyfriend "

"Jeez Kev...why would I do that...that dude doesn't deserve to know my boyfriend...and besides Jakes not out yet"

"Oh...sorry bout that"

" It's fine "

" you know I never told Gilbert I was gay....that's why he'll only see me as a friend"

"What do you wanna do"

"I'll tell him I'm gay"


"That I loved him?"

"Yeah....I'll be cheering for you"

"Hi are you" It was Julian a regular at the gym that has been hitting on Kevin for a while now.

"Hey Julian...I'm okay"

"I'm invincible now"

"Sorry...hi Owen..." he apologized to Owen. "...if you're working on weights today I'll sport you" Julian offered to Kevin.

Kevin remembered once when he was doing weights with the gym instructor and had had a muscle cramp on his shoulder. He'd whimpered in pain and Julian had rushed over to him before the instructor even noticed. He'd scooped him up and rushed him over to a pharmacist. He was given some pain relief patches and Julian had taken him home. Julian's kindness melted his heart that night but after he left, Gilbert came over. Kevin tried to mask his pain but after a while Gilbert noticed his silent whimpering and how his smile easily faded off. He'd touched the spot and Kevin couldn't bear it so he took him over to his house and Gilberts mom was more than happy to house him. She saw Kevin as a son and had spoken to Kevin's Aunty when she called after his nanny had told her that he wasn't home. She'd assured her that he was in a good place. His Aunty was hardly in town as she had businesses in Paris. Kevin's love for Gilbert doubled that night brushing off thoughts of Julians kindness from his mind.

"I'm not"

"Okay" Julian left.

Owen kept missing Jake, he'd never felt this way about other guys. Jake was like an addictive drug to him. He FaceTimed him though it was late and Jake picked on the second ring.

"Sorry I missed the first call". Jake apologized with sleepy eyes.

"I'm sorry...did I wake you"

"Nah...I was up finishing some work"

"Ok...I just missed you....are you at an hotel"

"Yeah...the next flight to San Jose is in the morning"

" I'll hang up now so you can rest"

" no I'm fully're at the gym"

"Yeah.....I napped earlier and I need to get tired to sleep"


Kevin waved at him.

"That's my friend Kevin"

"Hello Kevin"


"It's pretty late the gym close to your house"

"Yeah I can manage...."


"Good night babe " Owen said and disconnected the call.