Chapter Ten

Jake arrived at San Jose by twelve in the afternoon. He got into a shopping mall to get some gifts for Jules parents since it had been a while he'd seen them. He got her dad his favorite scotch whiskey and her mom a French perfume the shop attendant recommended called 'Chanel coco'. He saw a earring set for people who had rows of piercings and he remembered his boyfriend and got it for him. As he exited the mall he noticed his father's campaign billboard with a phrase which read "vote a friend free leader" he snuffed at that and wished people wouldn't fall for his father's fake smile. Four years ago his father had contested for mayor and had lost by a huge margin. His wife had just died a few months back but he was too power hungry to fully mourn her. Now, he still wouldn't give up, gearing in full force with support from Kiki's father.

He got to the gate of Jules's parents mansion and the gates opened for him after security had permitted his entry. He met Jules mom, Grace in the compound peering into her back for her car keys.

"Jake my boy it's so great to see you" she said when he got closer. She hugged him. " hardly come by"

"Grace you look beautiful as ever.... I've been so preoccupied with work ....once the load is lesser I'll be sure to visit more" he promised.

Jules family were very warm to him.Her mom always made soup and gave to Jules to bring it over to his sick mom. She visited from time to time to chat with his mom and that lifted her mood a lot. Jules's father and his dad were acquaintances. Her dad was a proffeseur at San Jose college and Grace was an housewife.

"Good to hear.....Richard is in his study...Jules went to get her hair done and I've got to hurry to the market"

"Okay...but they'll be here by dinner time right?"

"Well she's been anxious since yesterday and I've told her 'girl you got this, you're perfect they'll love you' but that seemed to have tensed her up more" Grace said.

"But she's been FaceTiming them so much. Every New month and birthdays she unfailingly wished them"

"Yeah my girl's a sweetheart.... I've gotta run now Jake....we'll talk more later"

"Bye Grace"

She drove off in her car.

He strolled into the house. Their maid Greta greeted him with a smile. At the hallway to Jules fathers office , pictures of when she was a baby to teenager displayed on the walls. When he'd first been here, she'd told him how much she disliked the idea and wished they took the pictures off but her parents didn't budge. It made him remember home. There was a family portrait of when he was two with his parents and elder brother. They all smiled genuinely in that picture. Whilst growing up, two of his other pictures were on the wall but his dad broke it when he found out he was gay. He'd been so scared that day but his mother had shielded him, she'd loved him in her little way. She wouldn't let his father hit him as much as he wanted too.

Jake knocked on the door of Richards study.

"Come in" Richards rough voice said.

He went in. Richard was balding age fully. He wore glasses and his skin had gotten paler. He was still engrossed in his book.

"Good day sir"

He raised his head up and took seconds to recognize Jake.

"Hey Jake.... how have you been"

"I've been good sir...You?"

"As you can see I'm aging and still studying"

"That's cool sir" Jake smiled.

"Come sit down" Richard signaled him to the chair opposite his table.

Jake sat down.

"How's your family"

"They are fine"

"I met your dad at a seminar a while back and he said you've not been home for some time now and he's worried".

"I've been busy sir...I brought your special" Jake said and handed Richard the whiskey. He had easily brushed off talk about his father. His father kept on trying to deceive the world about being a good man.

"you never forget" Richard said.

" I couldn't....." his phone rang " please excuse me sir while I take this call".

"Are you really ditching me" Jules queried over the phone the moment he answered.

"Hey ....I'm at home now"

" came. I knew you'd never disappoint "

"You were literally ready to chew my head off if I wasn't here...."

"No" she chuckled.

" why are you getting your hair done this early..."

"I'm at the spa..... I'll do my hair once I'm done here. Do you wanna join me"

" No.....I'll be napping in your room...bye"

He got to her room and face timed Owen.

Owen answered and was at J-unique.

" have a shoot"

"Yeah....I'm getting ready.....I'd love to jump onto that bed and be with you"

" The door is all open babe"

" I'll fuck you to stupor"


"'d moan with vigor" Owen promised.

" Such wild thoughts... have you had lunch" Jake asked. He preferred being the dominant one on bed and not the other way around though he's had a fair share of being submissive. He felt that with Owen he could always be the dom.

"Not yet.... I'm on a diet "

"Don't overwork yourself okay "

"I won't "

"When I get back .....we'll go out"

"I'll treat you"

"It will be my treat.....I got something for you"

"You didn't have to....but what is it" Owen curiously asked.

"You'll get it when you see me"

"You got me riled up babe"

"Send me some dirty pics"

"When I get'll get the dirtiest" Owen promised with a smirk.

" Have I told you I love your hair" he said seeing how messily it formed a crown on Owens head.

'Why won't you tell me you love me. Why my hair and not me' Owen thought.

"You've told me...have I told you that...I love ... you"

"Okay... I've gotta go now...I'll chat you later"

Jake turned off the call to catch his breath and reign in his feelings. They were dating obviously love would come in but he didn't expect it this soon. He had froze and couldn't say it back, what if Owen decided to break up with him. He'd explain later that he wasn't out yet and hardly had experienced love. The first guy he'd loved was Dean who was now history. His heart said he loved Owen but he was unwilling to accept it. 'Loving Owen screamed coming out which I am never thinking of doing. Loving Owen screamed breaking my promise to my deceased mother. Loving Owen could ruin my perfect plan". Jake thought.

He would have preferred Owen it if Owen was not out like him so he'd fit the perfect plan he had in mind. He'd have been his lover behind the scenes and they'd loved each other freely away from the judging eyes of shitty people. Owen would never be that guy for him and he knew it.


The dinner was a success. Jules had looked effortlessly beautiful in her peach gown sewn to outline her shape. Hampson's parents had been so happy to meet her. Hampson was a 29 year old sailor who spent most of his time on the sea. He had met Jules when she went to the port to get books that her uncle in Uk had shipped to her dad. Hamps had assisted her in offloading and loading the books into her car. He'd admired her and had gotten her number. At that time Jules didn't really like him but when he grew on her, sending her beautiful messages every morning and calling to ask about her day she fell hard.

Jake wondered how Jules would cope when Hampson would have to leave her alone for months.

After Hampson and his parents left, Jake and Jules went to the terrace of Jules room and watched the night sky.

"Thanks for being here". She thanked.

"That's what best friends do" He replied.

"That's why I love you"

" will you be able to handle the loneliness Jules".

"You mean his travels?"


"Well he just bagged a promotion so he'll spend lesser time on sea and more with me". She responded.


"The wedding is in three months and ..."

"Is it a shot gun wedding?" He jokingly asked knowing fully well that if it was she'd have told him.

"No....silly..." she giggled. "...hope by my wedding you've broken up with Kiki"

"I'm not breaking our engagement Jules"

"What about Owen?"

"I'll figure that out..."

"Jake....he's gonna be so hurt if he finds out about this plan of yours"

"Come on Jules...."

" I'm your friend and I'll tell you off when you're wrong.....he doesn't seem like someone who'd want to hide in that closet of yours and in the end you'll lose him and you'll get hurt" she cautioned.

" don't jinx it Jules...I'll live in the moment and figure it out" He stated stubbornly.


Jake took the morning flight back home. Janelle had driven his car to the airport in wait for him. He dropped her home and went home. Helen was exiting the house when he arrived.

"Good morning Jake" Helen greeted.

"Good morning Helen" he replied.

"Good morning " her daughters chorused.

"I'm so sorry we couldn't come earlier " Helen apologized.

"It's fine....goodbye"

He got inside, got hydrated, tuned off his phone and plugged it to his charger then napped for a while.

He woke up by noon, turned on his phone to see three missed calls from Owen. He called him and he immediately answered.


"Hey....are you back?"

"Yeah....sorry for missing your calls I turned off my phone and plugged it in"

"It's fine...what are you doing"

"I'm about to have lunch...what about you"

"I have a test on Monday so I'm reading"

"Okay....Goodluck....I guess I'll see you after the tests"

"Yeah...I miss you"

"Me too...if I come over you can spare me a few minutes right?"

"I guess"

".....and a few kisses too"


Jake arrived at Owens house at 8pm in the evening. He waited outside for Owen to come out. At Owens neighborhood, there were no parking lots so he parked by the road. Street lights were on and people strolled around and some hung at their apartment terrace watching people go by.

"Hey" Jake said.

"'s so good to see you"

" too..... I got something for you"

"Okay..... what is it?"

Jake gave Owen the earrings pack and Owen opened it and Jake was conscious of the stares people gave as they passed by and watched. It was summer so people strolled to enjoy the evening breeze. Jake was getting uncomfortable locking eyes with people who kept staring at them.

"Wow....silver loops.....they're gorgeous....thank you" Owen thanked.

"You are welcome....I've got to go now"

"What about the kisses...I don't mind giving"

"It's fine....another time"

"Oh....goodnight" Owen sadly said.

Jake got into his car and drove off. Owen felt hurt, Jake wasn't still out and the nosy neighbors stares had scared him off.

Owen went back into his apartment.

"Where did you dash off to" his sister queried "....what is that" she asked spying the pack in his hand.

"Nothing" he said with a blank expression. He felt like Jake had rejected him publicly. He got into his room and lay on bed feeling shitty about what just happened. He calmed himself later with thoughts that"maybe he isn't a fan of PDA's".