" Jake where are you ?" Owen asked as the call went through.
"I had to leave babe...I felt uncomfortable" Jake replied.
"Well whose fault is that ?" He queried.'if you were out we wouldn't go through this...Is Davis close enough to tell him about what you wanna hide'
"I...don't know I'll hang up now I'm driving " Jake said.
"Call me when you get home"
Jake got home. He felt sad.
' I couldn't even say Owen was my boyfriend...just sat there dying in silence and he equally ignored me...he just passed by casting me a tiny glance and entering his room, that made me feel like I didn't belong there and do I had to leave, I hate that feeling of being an outcast....a feeling I get every time I visit home since moms death.... does Owen like this guy ??should I give up cause when Owen finds out all the lies I've told and the fact that I'm engaged he'd still leave anyway....I wish he wouldn't wish he'd understand and say "babe I understand you I'm willing to be anything if I get to be with you" life would be so perfect that way...we'd be happy....what if when I call him now he says we should break up...I'll just do it to save the future heartbreak....
Jake entered his room and curled in bed with the duvet covering him. He wasn't brave enough to call.
Ring!Ring!! Owen rang his phone.
"Are you home now " Owen asked
"Yeah I just got in"
"And you couldn't call"
"I just parked my car babe"
"Why did you leave ?...without letting me know" Owen snapped.
"I wanted to give you and your guest dome space " Jake calmly replied. His tone of voice had changed to that of a timid passive person.
"What space Jake ? What are you even talking about ?"
"Why was he there Owen ?"
"You're calling my name now ???!!" Owen roared. Ever since they started dating Jake never called him by his name when it was just them. Owen was the one who mostly called Jake by his name when he was suspicious about something.
"Babe " Jake corrected "what should we do now"
"How ? What do you mean"
"Well...You're not in love with me anymore" Jake said.
"Who said that ?"
"I feel that way !"
"Shut up Jake"
"Why are you being so passive ?...I have nothing to do with Davis...he's just a friend...why are you and my sister saying the same thing...Its you i love and I'm respecting the fact that you're not out yet and haven't told him cause we are t close enough...I love you"
"You do ?" Jake questioned not yet satisfied.
"Were you ready for a breakup...Jake ?" Owen was hurt.
"I don't want that...."
"Let's talk tomorrow
Jake's heart was slightly at ease.
'Phew!! This pain should have just come...Davis would have been a good partner to Owen...maybe he wouldn't lie like Jake did ...wouldn't treat him this way'
He went to bed that night with inner conflicting thoughts.
They were able to meet during the weekend after making calls throughout the week. Jake had work to do and Owen had school to attend so they couldn't meet earlier as they wanted to. Owen came by Jake's house and Jake was so anxious when he came in. He awkwardly stood at the door staring while Owen just hugged him.
"You're pretty crazy you know...how could you think I'd dump you just like that...you're mine forever "
"Thank you"
"I told him you were my boyfriend "
"You're sweet...I love you"
"Me too....I'm hungry "
"I am too let's go grab dinner.
"I'm not hungry for that it's you I want"
"Firstly...I need energy to give you what you want so let's have dinner" Jake strolled to the kitchen to start cooking. After Mrs Green left he had Janelle pick up groceries for him.
"Okay...I'm dyeing my hair next week"
"What!! What are you doing with your hair"
"Babe !!you're shouting "
"Come on tell me why " Jake said softly.
"It's for a photo shoot...jet black is the concept "
"Why do you have to ?...I love your blonde"
"Chill babe blonde is my natural color the black will eventually wear off "
"Do you have to ?" Jake whined stroking Owens hair.
"I know it's your first love not me "
"Shut up!!...shave off your whole hair and I'll still love you"
"I'll go bald then"
"I'll disappear if you do " Jake joked.
Jake began chopping vegetables for soup and Owen hugged him as he cooked.
"You dice really well babe...like a pro chef"
"That I am "
"I learnt from tutorials till I became a master chef"
"I'll be your sous chef then"
"Nah...you just have to sit enjoy the food I make cause I don't wanna stress you
" I hope you aren't thinking in your head right now that I'm too dumb to learn"
"I'd never babe"
"You better not"
"Amelia told me how good those pastries you got her were...I'd love to try them" Owen said as he moved to the sofa in the parlor Jake was working at.
"Okay...I'll get some for you" Jake replied swiftly glancing from the laptop on his lap to stare at Owen.
"Can we go together ?" Owen asked as he was at the back of the sofa now.
"Yeah sure" Jake turned and kissed him. "We'll go by noon...I have some work to finish"
"Come I wanna tell you something "
Owen turned and Jake placed his laptop on the table and pulled him to his laps. Owen was wearing one of Jake's oversized T-shirts. Jake's hands found his thighs.
"Yeah what is it"
"In a few months I'll be traveling to China"
"Really! Why ?"
"I wanna do a program there... you know technology is always advancing I wanna learn something new"
"Okay...how long will you be gone"
"Three months at most"
"That's long babe...I'll miss you so much"
"I'll miss you too"
'By that time Kiki must have graduated...I'll study there and stall some time...at this point I'm not too sure about this wedding with Kiki and this promise hanging over my head....well I'll see how it goes '
Jake hugged him.
They arrived at the pastry shop. There were mini sofas with bright colors and some tables in it. They got in and scanned the yummy goodies.
"I want two chocolate ice cream cakes" Owen ordered. "What's yours" he asked Jake.
"Thought you ordered for two" Jake whispered. "Vanilla frost muffin with two chocolate milkshakes" He ordered.
"Okay...do you want it packed or you're having it here" The lady asked.
"We'll have it here"
"Okay I'll send it to your table...are you paying by cash or credit ?"
"Credit" Owen said and Jake was about to stop him. "My treat" he mumbled.
Owens card was swiped and they went over to a table.
"Why wouldn't you let me pay ?"
"Cause all the time we've been going out, you're always the one paying"
"And I don't mind it babe...I should be the one taking care of you"
"I'll take care of you too...besides it's a small amount"
Their orders were brought and they started munchin.
"My sister was so right....she said the cake melts in your mouth and it literally does" Owen moaned.
"Hey stop that !!"
"Why ? I'm just enjoying my pastry" Owen answered innocently.
"I'll punish you if you continue that "
"Whoo o can't wait" Owen moaned and Jake was getting turned on.
"Hey Jake you're here ?" A chef asked.
"Hey...hi Phoebe" Jake recognized.
"It's so cool to see you Jake..." she said to him. "Hi..." she greeted Owen.
"Hello" Owen said back.
"Pheobe he is Owen and he works at Josh's "
"Owen...that name sounds familiar...I'm sure my brother has mentioned you before...."
"He's the star of his shows ?" Jake said.
"Yeah yeah...you're really handsome." She said staring at Owen with dreamy eyes.
"You work here?" Jake asked to revert her attention.
"Actually i own it...I'm always in my office or kitchen though you know...whipping and learning
"That's cool your pastries are really good " Jake complimented.
"Thanks" she was staring at Owen who kept looking away and eating his cake.
"You know my best friend Jules that was about getting married booked here but the wedding got postponed "
"Yeah "
"What about Kiki ?"
"I'm sure she's good
"Okay I'll head back in then...I'm making some cookies"
"Okay bye" Jake said as she left.
"Who's Kiki ?" Owen asked.
"My...cousin. Back in high school she and Phoebe were really close friends and now she's studying in the Uk"
'Oh these lies are driving me crazy!!!!"
Owen got some desserts for his sister after they were done and they left. Jake drove him home then he went back home and hit the gym.