After the night at the hotel Jake goes back home. He meets the new cleaning lady that his secretary had chosen for him. She was more younger and had a bright smile. Appeared pretty chatty so Jake avoided her and went into his room and took a shower. He came out fully clothed and hungry so he got to the kitchen and made a sandwich.
"Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet sir I will once I'm done"
"Come over"
He said and she did.
"What's your name ?...I've forgotten " Janelle had sent her profile and he'd forgotten to memorize her name.
"I'm Rose"
"Okay Rose what's your principles on gay people"
"Does everyone have principle on them cause I don't...anyone should be free to live their lives however they want. They should do what makes them happy"
"Why did you ask though ?"
"That's the reason the previous cleaner resigned "
"That's just wow...people are weird "
"I guess...I have to leave now"
Jake drove off to work. There were no pressing issues or meetings but he just felt like going there. Jake missed the feel of his office. He got there and dove into work.
At school, Kevin and Gilbert met in the hallway as they passed by for their various classes. Seeing Gilbert coming, Kevin's heart thumped faster and he reminisced the first day he saw Gilbert and how his manliness had clouded his brain. Getting so lost, he tripped and fell and his books crashed too. Gilbert who had already spotted him from afar rushed over to help him.
Gilbert helped stack the three books Kevin had spilled and handed it over to him.
"You've gotta be...."
Kevin pecked his cheek.
"Why did you do that ?" Gilbert asked.
"To say thank you and I've been thinking of you a lot "
"Then dump that Julian guy and come to me ".
"How am I sure you're not pranking me "
"Do my pranks last for months my pranks are for only fluttering moments...I really do love you "
"what if we just go back to how we were back then...being best buddies ?".
"I can't do that...can't see you be with another man that's not me !"
"But you're not gay "
"I am just for you...only for you Kevin"
"I'll think about this "
"Okay should I come over ?".
"Nah...Julian is picking me up today "
"Okay hurry up and break up with him " Gilbert said hugging him and Kevin laughed .
"You did me bad Kevin...ghosting me for all those months "
"Just three months
"Felt like 100 years"
Kevin smiled at him then they strolled to the only class they had together. Owen was already seated with head bent in the class.
"Hey...Owen what's up" Kevin asked as he and Gilbert sat next to him.
"I'm fine...did you do Madam Blake's assignment ?" .Owen asked the both of them.
"Nah but I guess Kevin did it...I'm gonna get pointers from him" Gilbert replied.
" Are you sure you're fine" Kevin questioned again. "....why the dark circles ?".
"I slept late and I have an headache"
"Okay" Kevin said.
"Hope you taken drugs ?" Gilbert asked and Owen nodded.
They plagiarized Kevin's work with various smart narratives so the lecturer wouldn't detect that they copied from same source.
"Julian is bringing his car today...will you follow us?" Kevin whispered to Owen.
"Won't he mind"
"Of course not...I've gotta tell him something today too"
The lecturer came in and started the class.
"Okay...have you seen Stephen"
"No we usually talk on phone"
"I was at his room last week...he's doing great" Gilbert said and the lecturer noticed giving him a warning glare.
"Are you meeting Jake today ?"Gilbert risked to ask as the lecturer had turned her back.
"No...I'm not. We are taking a break and I don't want to talk about it" Owen said.
"I miss him...was I too harsh that day ??...he hurt me though...and still wanted the secret shit".
After the days classes, they left the lecture hall. Gilbert joined them later as it was only the morning class they had together.
"Do you mind if my friends join us for dinner ?" Kevin asked Julian.
"I don't...I'm happy I get to meet them...Hi Owen" Julian smiled.
"Okay...he's Gilbert"
"Hi" Julian waved and Gilbert nodded with a smirk plastered on his face.
Gilbert and Julian were both bulky but Gilbert was hotter. He shook Julians hand like he wanted to crush it.
"You've got quite a grip man" Julian said.
"You too " Gilbert responded releasing his hand.
They all got into the car and Julian drove off.
"I'll drop at the bus stop" Owen declared.
"I could drop you home if you can't join us for dinner" Julian replied.
"It's cool...I wanna walk home and clear my head" Owen stated.
"I'll go with you" Gilbert offered.
"You don't have to" Owen responded.
"I want to...goodnight guys...". They said as they got off and the car zoomed "...I don't want you to do something silly for the sake of love" Gilbert said as they started walking down the street. Though Gilbert's house was far from here.
"I can't take my life cause of a little break " Owen chuckled.
"I believe we are the heartbroken bunch Huh"
"Pretty much..."
"What happened ?"
" I feel so shitty... I'm missing him when I suggested we take a break"
"Did he cheat ?"
"No...he'd never do that...he's not out yet so he told his friend which is my boss that we were just friends and that he was straight and he might have added I edited our pictures together"
"That's sick man...why not just break up ?"
"That's the thing ...I love him too much !"
"Then be prepared to make a lot of sacrifices for your love"
"Sacrifices ?"
" is it still love if sacrifices is all I get to make?...can't want something without stuff that'll make him happy while I'm I really want that for myself....there are plenty of fishes in the ocean but...."Owen thought.
Josh walked into the bar of the hotel he was lodging at after his meeting with Monneteni and ordered vodka on the rocks. He needed to get drunk to stupor tonight as he was slightly heartbroken. He told the bartender earlier his room number so if he passed out he would be safely taken to his room.
"We meet again ?" A familiar voice said.
Josh turned to see Trevor smiling.
"Hey..." Josh tried remembering his name. "Shit this guy has been on my mind and I've forgotten his name ".
"It's Trevor !...Josh I didn't expect to see you here" Trevor said showing that he didn't forget Josh's name like he did.
"Neither did I " Josh countered.
"You seem more drunk than last time"
"Funny enough you meet me only when I'm drunk" Josh laughed.
"That's our's cute right" Trevor smirked.
"We don't have a thing...I came here for a guy I had a thing for but turns out he's already in a relationship "
"Ok...your thing's a he ?" Trevor queried.
"Yeah okay you caught me...maybe I like men"
"Okay...I really like you Josh"
"Don't!!!...the guy I like isn't single and so can't like me so I too can't like you"
"Wow's not my fault he doesn't like you...maybe it is cause we are meant to be together" Trevor said.
"You wish !"
Josh passed out. Trevor took Josh to his own room and placed him on his bed. He wanted to join him too, was tempted to just cuddle the guy but didn't want Josh to think something else happened. He slept on the sofa opposite the bed and watched as Josh slept.
"We're really meant to be...I'm not letting you go...thankfully the one you like doesn't like you back so I have a shot".