Twenty Four

"It is best we take this break away from each as much as it hurts I'm willing to bear the least he won't get to find out about Kiki....should I officially break up with him or we have officially broken up".

Jake was at the office so he called Jules."Hello Jules can we do lunch ?"

"Sure what are you making ?"

"I'm at work let's meet at a restaurant preferably Good food "

"Okay is your boyfriend joining us ?"

"No...I'll see you by lunch"

He rounded off the work he was reviewing and drove to Good food. Jules was in eating some chips when he arrived.

"Jake sweetie "

"How are you Jules ?"

"I'm pretty as usual "

"Yeah I can see that"

She waved a waitress over and they ordered lunch.

"I kept wondering what to have for lunch and voila you called" she said trying to make conversation as Jake was quiet.

Their food was served and they began eating.

"We are taking a break" Jake revealed.

"Huh...what happened ?" She asked in between mouthfuls.

"Josh saw a pic of us together told me about it and I said we were just friends and Josh went back to tell him and he got mad"

"That Josh is such a big mouth"

"I guess"

"So what are you gonna do"

"Do people take breaks in relationships or that means break up"

"I think it means break up " she said.

"So it's over between us then"

"Think so it hard ?"

"A lil bit"

"Why not break up with Kiki so you're free and can work things out with him"

"I don't know Jules"

"Think about it"

"I'm leaving for Oakland for a while ..."

"You got work there ? "

"Yeah...and I'll relax too and try to move on"

"Okay my need space to breathe "

"Yeah I'm traveling tomorrow "

"Okay love have a safe flight"

They went back to their food.


Owen had a shoot at noon so he went to work from school. He was about entering the office when Davis drove in and waved him to wait for him. Owen waited for Davis to park his car then he came over.

"How are you today ?". Davis asked.

"I'm better"

"What happened last week"

"It's nothing just a personal issue I have dealt with!"

"Okay hope you didn't catch a cold"

"No thanks for asking though"

"You're welcome mentor "

Owen smiled a lil bit. They entered the studio and headed to their locker room ad Owen observed that Josh wasn't in.


Josh woke at noon. Opened his eye blinked for a while then closed it. His eyes opened in haste as he had spotted a figure on the sofa.

"How did a stranger get into my room ??...he isn't holding a gun or something right ?".

Josh shakily opened his eyes and saw Trevor!!!

"What the fuck is he doing in my room" Josh mumbled.

Trevor woke up.

"Baby...good morning "

"Trevor why are you in my room ?"

"This is my room could be ours too" Trevor flirted.

"What ! " Josh stood and his head ached as he went over to the wardrobe and saw none of his clothes there and he scanned back to the table close to the window but the laptop there was black while his was grey.

"How did I get here ?"

"You passed out drunk last night"

"Shit!!that's why I got this killing hang over" he groaned holding his head.

"I had room service get you some hangover pills". Trevor picked up the drugs he had placed on the table and gave to Josh. Josh sat back in the bed and Trevor joined beside him. He placed the pills in Josh's hand and fed him water.

"You didn't do anything funny to me last night right?"

"I'm a gentleman babe..."

"The names Josh "

"Josh for others, babe for me...I didn't touch a strand on your hair maybe I did but nothing further"

"My ass is throbbing weirdly what could be the reason for that ?"

"Maybe you had a wet dream about me "

"You wish...Uhm...I want you to fuck me"

"I'm willing to be in your dreams baby"

"I mean fuck me for real "

"It seems the hangover pill hasn't fully kicked are still a lot tipsy "

"I'm ok...these days I've been going crazy craving a mans touch"

"So I should be your pain relief "

"Pretty much yes !"

"How am I meant to feel about that"

"I know you wanna fuck me and I too wanna get fucked so it's a win win for both of us".

"Not for me "

"Why ?"

"I want you and it's not for one night only...I need you in my life !".

"I'm not interested in that if you can't well there other guys out there...I just have to hit a gay bar and I'll get hooked".

"Okay fine !"

Josh was pulling off the singlet he wore when Trevor stopped him.

"Not so fast...are you a virgin "

"No ! " Josh impulsively replied as he'd had his fair share of girls. Then he realized the virginity Trevor was asking about. "Oh ...yeah !".

"It will take time to get you ready"

"I'm here for a week before I'm flying back"

"Okay you'll be ready in two days...cancel your room booking and move in here"

"Why would I do that?"

"To get you ready...I'll order some toys"

"Fine !".


After classes, Owen went to Stephens room on campus. He'd barely seen him since the semester began and he'd felt bad for ghosting his friend.

"Hey" Stephen greeted opening the door.

"Sup man "

"I'm good" Stephen said as Owen walked in."...What brings you by ? "

"You're my friend ?"

"Oh...yeah ...ok".

"Jake and I are taking a break

"Oh...Jake...your boyfriend...what happened...wait why are you telling me "

"Cause you're my friend steph I'm sorry we treated you the way we did I really am it was just that we felt you were always on your phone that leaving you out felt so normal and we didn't think about your feelings... I'm really sorry ".

"Means a lot man...that you're telling me stuff and that you came to visit ".

"Same...I'm sleeping over... hope you don't mind ".

"Of course I don't you're always welcome...what's up with Jake ?".

"Well he isn't out yet so when people ask who I am to him...."

"He says you're just a friend ".

"Yeah and it hurts so fucking much like why does he have to do this ...nobody can do any fucking thing to him...he's a grown man".

"But you know it doesn't work that way right ?".

"It did for me !".

"Maybe he's still scared of peoples reaction, most people have been in the closet practically all their lives and don't know how to adjust when they meet the real deal".

"So what should I do ?".

"I'd suggest you be patient with him...With time he'll come out...I'm sure he loves you".

"He does and I hate secret shit...don't get me wrong I'm not a show off but I wanna proudly say he's my man but I can't".

"He could be dealing with shit you don't know about so I advise you wait a bit and if you reach your limit it's best you call it quits".

"I don't think I can live without him"

"Trust me you can...have you spoken to him since the break or met ?".

"No !...he hasn't even called for two days now".

"See you can live without him"


"Have I told you about my online buddy ?".

"Nope...who is that ?"

"The most handsome dude ever"

" wait !...if you say he's an online buddy it means you've not met but must have seen each via video call or face time... how are you sure he's so handsome"

"We haven't even seen via video call just know he has a beautiful heart"

"Really man ?" Owen chuckled.

"Yeah he's cool...I'd love to meet him...he motivates me to wanna be a great game developer.

"So he's your idol ?".

"Yeah...he's good !".

"Okay...that's nice to know Kev moved in with Gilbert right"

"No way !"

"Yeah apparently Julian kept stalking Kevin's house and Gilbert was scared he'd break in since there's just an old security guard and an equally old nanny"

"Whoa !"

"Yeah and you know Julian is really bulky so he could over power then and harm Kevin ".

"Yeah but Kevin really wronged that guy... "

"Yeah...if you don't like someone don't use them but he's really sorry and at that point he was at a really heart wrecking time"


Owen entered the kitchen to make some noodles and Stephen began chatting with Dean.

"Guess what happened today ?" Stephen texted Dean.

"You had a high score on your test ?".

"We've not been given tests yet but I'm studying pretty hard"

"Okay...then you've upgraded your level in the game ?".


"It must be about your friends then "

"Yeah...blondie is going through a heartbreak...his boyfriend Jake is unwi..."

"Jake ?"

"You couldn't possibly know him right "

"No...I used to know this boy named Jake back in high school"

"Ok tell me about him"

"He was the cutest boy ever first love"

"You're gay ???"


"Okay go on"

"You know the feeling when the cutest boy in school likes guy and you happen to too and that guy also likes you too "

"That's sweet..."

"Yeah...we dated but shit happens at that young age and we never met again"

"Oh that must have hurt like hell."

"It did but I grew out of what were you saying"

"Yeah Jake is not ready to come out so my friend is really hurt and he came to me for advice...I felt so glad Dean"

"Okay good to know"

"Yeah...I'll catch you later"

Owen came back in.

"I ordered a car for my birthday!" He cheerfully shared.

"Whoa man ! Congrats...can't wait for those free rides"

"Yeah...I trust you"

"When is it coming?"

"On my birthday or before it !"

"Okay...are you celebrating?"

"Nah...I'll just rest at home".

"Okay man."