Josh had cancelled his room booking and moved in with Trevor.
"Let's grab lunch" Trevor suggested.
"You can grab yours I'll eat mine later."
"Come on I wanna see how the guy I'll tuck eats".
"That makes no eating habits has nothing to do with anything "
"Please just join me...I'd love to share a meal with you"
"Fine let's go".
That evening when they got back they got to their room. Trevor hugged Josh's waist from behind as his mouth traveled his collar bone, sucking on it and making Josh whimper.
"When are we doing this ?". Josh impatiently asked with shaky breaths.
"Chill babe let's get in the mood first" Trevor said and resumed what he was doing.
Trevor turned him over and ate Josh's lips for a steamy kiss. Josh held Trevor's head as he got lost in the kiss. Trevor wanted to pull out but Josh held him still like someone who had been kiss-starved or was being kissed for the first time. Trevor stayed still and let Josh lead internally smiling that Josh was enjoying this. Trevor's hand slid down to grope Josh's soft ass, it was just the way he liked it and loved the plushy feeling in his hand. Josh finally withdrew and was breathing deeply so Trevor removed the shirt Josh wore leaving the briefs for Josh to remove himself. Josh swiftly did and was fully aroused with pre-cum standing at the tip of his dick. Trevor stared hard at his duck and bent down...
"No...let's do this...please "Josh croaked fully knowing Trevor wanted to go down on him.
Trevor stared at him and hastily undressed then pushed Josh on the bed and kissed him again. Josh was writhing and moaning.
They slept off after relieving their pent up lost the whole night.
The next morning Josh woke to Trevor caging him in a cuddle.
"Stop hugging me this tight" Josh said.
"Good morning babe...are you hurt ?".
"Don't ask me that !".
"I really like you !".
"Come on Trevor not this again we've talked about this
"What if he doesn't like you back ?".
"Then I'll go back to being as straight as I've always been"
"Please give me a chance I'll make you happy ".
"I'm sorry to say there's no chance to give".
"Was I good ?". Trevor sadly asked.
"You were okay
"Can I join you to the place you're headed today...I have nowhere to be "
"No !...I'm seeing Monneteni today so why would I want you to tag along ?".
"Okay...just wanted to hang with you"
"I'm booking a room when I get back so it isn't awkward for both of us"
"How do you mean ?"
"The deal was to bang once and we've done that...we have no deal again"
"Come on...we'll be leaving in a few days so what's the point of throwing money"
"I'd rather do that cause your intentions is clearly written on your face...if I get back into this room...I know you'll seduce me so no". Josh got off from the bed and entered the bathroom to wash up. He planned to arrive at Monneteni's early so they could possibly grab lunch before heading to fashfest.
Trevor entered the shower as Josh had lathered soap on his face and his eyes were closed shut. He felt Trevors hand on his back and he shivered.
"Jeez Trevor what are you doing here ?"
"I have somewhere to be right now and you've been here for a while
"What !...I just got in and you told me just e that you have nowhere to be at."
"Something came up and I have to leave now and as much as I love your scent on me...I smell bad"
"Fine stay at the don't have to touch me !"
"The shower won't hit me from there...only if I'm this close...don't be shy I've seen all of you already". He said spanking Josh's ass. Josh washed off the soap from his face and turned to Trevor smirking at him. Trevor snatched his hand and kissed it and Josh could see lust flash in his eyes and his own eyes hooded too. Trevor seeing his reaction kissed him and they banged on the wall of the bathroom.
When Trevor got out Josh had already left and he smiled satisfyingly.
Josh arrived at Monneteni's office and he was eating a burger for breakfast. Josh was offered one which he gladly ate and they had a conversation.
"You kissed Vegas ?" Monneteni questioned as they left by noon for fashfest.
"He kissed me !" Josh stated.
"He said you're gay is that true ?".
"Yeah...can we hang out ?". Josh desperately asked.
"Sure...are you dating Jake ?".
"Jake...nah...he's straight...even has a fiancée and by next year they'll be married"
"Oh is that so...."
They arrived and Monneteni packed his car by the road side. He was putting on sunglasses to disguise himself a little bit.
"is that guy with you ?". Monneteni asked as he had turned back and saw a guy smiling and waving at them.
Josh turned to see Trevor waving and coming towards them. "What the fuck is he doing here ???".
"Josh you forgot your wallet in our room" Trevor said.
"Hello" Monneteni greeted.
"Hi ...I'm Trevor Josh's..."
"He's a designer I met in the hotel " Josh rattled swiftly.
"Nice to meet you I'm Monneteni " he said and they shook hands. "Cool got one so soon.." Monneteni complimented Josh. "are you joining us ?" He asked Trevor.
"Yeah" Josh stared daggers at Trevor who kept a straight innocent face. "...Why are you here ?" He questioned
"You forgot your wallet " Trevor said and Monneteni strolled a bit from them.
" cause I didn't need it find an excuse and leave". Josh said.
"Your crush is hot though"
"Shut just made me lie to him"
"I was about saying I'm your friend "
"You fucking said 'our' room dude...please leave don't ruin this any further for me...leave now"
"Don't you think it will be weird to him if I left ? you said I'm a designer...I might get inspiration from one or two designs here".
"You're not a designer so leave I'll tell him you have something urgent to do"
"I'll leave on one condition !"
"Which is ?"
"You won't leave the room"
"What !"
"That or I'll ruin your date"
"Okay fine...just buzz off"
"Once Monneteni' is mine what would I need from that room of yours".
Two weeks later Jake was leaving Oakland for San Francisco. He'd felt a bit at ease there but greatly missed Owen. He stalked all his social media accounts to appease his heart. He was driving out of the resort he stayed at when Amelia called him.
"Hey Jake " she cheerfully said.
"Haven't Owen told her we broke up ???".
"Hi Amelia how are you ?"
"I'm good are you still not back from your trip ?".
"Who told you I am on a trip ?".
"Who else ? Your boyfriend did !".
"Oh...yeah I'm on my way back now"
"Are we really on just a break ???".
"Owens birthday is tomorrow and my aunt and I are planning a surprise are you interested in joining us ?".
"Would Owen like that ?".
"Why not ? He loves surprises and he loves you so why would he be mad ...did you guys fight cause you're speaking weirdly and my brother has been missing you for a while now...being moody all the time".
"He's missing me ? ".
"Yeah...did you guys break up ?"
"Yeah...I think so".
"Then this is your opportunity to mend the relationship cause he still loves you or don't you love him anymore ?".
"I still do but maybe the break is good for us !"
"Is that what you want ?"
"No... I've been missing him like crazy "
"Okay so come over to my Aunty's house and we'll plan there. I'll send you the location once you get back".
"Okay Amelia thanks a lot"
"You're welcome"
"I have missed thoughts have been blurry without being able to see him physically or hear his voice...the job I came to do I couldn't concentrate and had to postpone it....I've been longing for him but was too scared to call...".
Jake arrived home and took a long nap. He called Amelia and she sent him the location of her aunts place.
'Wait...what !...I'm meeting his Aunty ?...I shouldn't....why didn't I think this through ?"Jake revved up his engine to leave but Amelia came out of the house prompting him to turn off the car.
With a big smile in her face, she waved him to come over. He got into the yard and She led him into the house.
He entered the house and Aunt Kathy abandoned what she was doing and greeted him and she hugged and pat his cheeks.
"I miss mom...she just reminded me of her and I feel like just laying my head on her shoulder and crying away...this pent up lies and everything was just overwhelming " Jake held himself and surprised his feelings.
"It's so nice to finally see you !...Amelia you didn't do justice to how handsome he is in your description "
"Okay Aunty" Amelia replied.
"Thanks ma'am" Jake replied with a blush. " it's wonderful to see you too"
"Pleasures all mine !".
"Owen doesn't know you're back he'll be so surprised to see you at the party"
"Yeah...I guess he will" Jake stated sadly.
"Aunty they almost broke up and this party will assist them in reconciling faster"
"Okay..." aunt Kathy said and squeezed Jake's arm with a warm smile on her face.
"So Jake the plan is aunt will call Owen over tomorrow evening to come help her fix some bulbs as her husband won't be around. Light bulbs that we ruined" Amelia said and clasped hands with aunt Kathy. " While i and my friends and Owens friend and you will decorate the house"
"Okay" Jake said.
"It's your duty to get a cake "
"That bakery's cake would be nice right ?"
"Okay cool !...the ideas pretty great"
"Yeah "
"Okay I'll leave now "
"We'll see you tomorrow evening please don't be tempted to tell him about your arrival".
"I won't " Jake affirmed. His heart beat in anticipation to meet Owen. He drove to Jules bar as he was too anxious to be at home.
"Hey Chico is Jules in ?" He said in standing in front of the counter.
"Yeah she's in her office " Chico replied.
"Thank you"
"Should I get you your usual"
Jake went to Jules office did a slight knock and opened the door.
She was working on her computer with her work glasses on.
"Those glasses remind me how smart you really are "
"Jake you're back" she said and jumped to hug him.
"Yeah how are you sweetie"
"I'm fine love...Hamps came yesterday and is resting now so I rushed here to balance account and place orders "
"Oh Hamps say hi to him for me "
"Are you feeling better now ?"
"I'm okay"
"That's good"
"Tomorrow is his birthday so I want you to come with me "
"Me ?"
"'s in the evening...I don't know how he'll react when he sees me so I need you there"
"Okay...I'll have to ask Hamps though"
"Seriously Jules you'll ask him first ?" He said lifting his brows knowing that she was someone who never asked permission and just did stuff the way she wanted.
"Okay fine I'll be there "
"What time?"
"You'll join in preparation so by five be ready I'll come pick you at home or are you at an hotel"
Hamps didn't have a house here whenever he was in town he just lodged hotels or stayed at Jules.
"I'll be at home...come earlier and hang with my husband"
" be " Jake corrected.
"Whatever "
"Okay good night "
"Bye dear" he left.
Jake took the drink at the counter and swiped his card before he left. After Owen he lost interest in coming to this bar. He drove home and that night having a recurring dream of the worst scenarios that could possibly happen.
"I was at Owens house and the lights were turned off and then he came in and we all shouted surprise and he was smiling and I too was smiling...but then his smile turned sour when he spotted me and immediately asked me to leave saying he doesn't ever want to see me again...head bent I left with Jules as the guests kept staring...".