Chapter Twenty six

The next day Jake kept getting anxious as soon as he woke up cause of the recurring dreams he had the previous night. He couldn't even eat breakfast. He took his bath and headed to the mall.

"What should I get him now ?".

Owen would have preferred a trip with just them but he couldn't possibly do that due to the status of their relationship now. "Should I buy him a car?...would that be too much ?...what could I get him ?...oh I'll ask Jules".

Jake left for Jules house by 12 noon. She lived in a small cottage in town. He rang the doorbell, waited a while, then Hamps opened the door.

"Hey Jake !".

"My's been forever"

They hugged each other.

"I know right we've gotta catch up"

Jake got into the house. They were wrestling buddies and always knew the gist about matches. Jake was more updated cause the seas network was not always stable.

"Man that match was lit...I had to watch it on my phone and I kept throwing it when John gave a good surprising blow"

"There's a recap today man starts by 2 ...we'll watch together"

"Yeah man...oops I forgot I've got somewhere to be "

"Ah too bad...the party right?"

"Yeah...Jules is joining me "

"She told me...I'd have joined but I need to watch tv so bad"

"Too bad the Ship has poor network most times "


"Where's she ?"

"She went to get her hair done and will buy spaghetti take outs on her way back"


Hamps cheerfully brought a beer for Jake as he sat down on the sofa.

"Thanks man" Jake popped up the can and gulped.

Jules came back later by 2pm. She'd stretched her red hair and it looked good on her. She was holding two bags and Hamps hearing the door rushed to her, that must be a perk of being a sailor. Being conscious of everything.

"Jake you're here...I'm sure you guys have screamed my roof down" Jules said with a smile.

"And it's still standing" Jake said and Hamps gave him a secret thumbs up. He joined her in the kitchen and Jake followed too.

"Have you gotten him a gift ?" Jules asked as she tore a piece of chicken from the roasted chicken she bought and fed to Hamps who was caging her from behind.

"Not'll help me pick something !"

"Just imagine this guy love...he doesn't know what to get for a guy he's been dating for months now!".

"Too bad Jake. " Hamps said shaking his head.

This guy is crazy supports me secretly and support his love openly. Crazy dude

Jake laughed.

"Yeah and I'm happy to have a fashionable bestie"

"Yeah you are lucky" she fed Hamps again.

"I'm wondering if something happened to his hands?" Jake sarcastically asked.

Jake took a drumstick and ate too. He was relaxed being here. It made him forget his anxiousness.

"She's my hand" Hamps said and kissed her hands.

"Oh cringe fest I'm outta here"Jake feigned clutching his chest and exiting the kitchen.

Jake heard smooching sounds from the kitchen.

"I have ears guys...pretty sensitive ones" Jake said audibly enough for them to hear.

"Shut up Jake !" Jules replied and he laughed.

An hour later, Jules was ready and they left the house. Bidding goodbye to Hamps who was fully engrossed in the match he was watching now.

"At times I get jealous of that Tv" Jules laughed.

Jake giggled.

"He needs pal "

"Yeah. "

They entered Jake's car and zoomed to a mall.

"What should I get for him ?".

"Just buy him a coat winter is coming soon"

"Winter is in like three months "

" wedding will be at the edge of autumn...perfect season "

"Yeah yeah whatever ". Jake rolled his eyes.

Jake got Owen a black coat that reminded him of the last time they met when Owens hair was still black. From his ig posts his hair was back to blonde which would contrast with the black coat. He bought hair products for Owens as well and had them wrapped. He just loved Owens heir. Jules got him a pack of facial mask brand she was using.

They toured the mall to kill time and waited for Phoebe to call and tell him about the cake. Fifteen minutes later, Phoebe called as the cake was ready. He had to pay her extra as it was an emergency cake and she had other cakes lined up to bake. They got it from her shop and Jules and her exchanged pleasantries and compliments.

They drove to Owens house and when they got in, the soft tune of PERMISSION TO DANCE BY BTS was playing. They rang the doorbell several time before Amelia opened and greeted them. She took the cake from me and placed it on the table where drinks were already arranged. Yj, Tim, Tam and Davis were in already decorating.

They said hi to Jake and Davis came over to greet him.

"Hi" he said with a little frown, a masked expression plastered on his face.

"Yeah" Jake nodded dryly and watched him over seriously arranging.

"Will this dude witness Owen sending me out ? would be so embarrassing ".

Stephen, Kevin and Gilbert arrived as well. Jake spotted Kevin and Gilbert holding hands and he knew they had finally gotten together. Gilbert nodded at him from afar while Stephen and Kevin came over.

"Hi Jake" they said in unison.

""Hey guys"

"Does Owen want you to be here ? " Kevin asked as Gilbert had told him about their little break.

"Why wouldn't he ?" Stephen replied.

"They are on a break aren't they" Kevin asked.

"Well breaks don't apply to parties" Stephen countered.

"Will he ask me to leave ?" Jake asked them.

"Of course not" Stephen said and Kevin left . "if the worst comes to the worst he'll just ignore you and then you'll know what to do after that ".

"Okay thanks "

Stephen went over to join them and Jules was now chatting with Gilbert. Amelia got a flash call from their Aunty signaling that they were close by.

"Okay guys hide now...lights out!" Amelia yelled.

Jake joined Jules in hiding behind a sofa.

Owen got in.

" was meant to be delivered today but has been delayed for tomorrow and now I'm ..." Owen turned on the lights and they all popped up and yelled "surprise". Owen was shocked with fear at first then seeing the decor and the people he smiled. His Aunty patted him as she was right behind him and he hugged her. His sister came over to hug him.

"Aunty you tricked me" Owen said in between smiles.

"Happy birthday my boy...I'm so glad to see how big you've grown and how great you will continue to grow".

"Thank you aunt"

" thanks Amelia ....I know this is all your idea"

"You're welcome but it wasn't mine alone though...we all contributed".

"Thanks everyone".

Owen saw Jake and smiled at him. That eased Jake's worry.

"Phew.!!! Maybe he'll just ignore me...but can I ?".

"Happy birthday Owen" Davis said, side hugging him his gift.

"Thanks dear".

The rest greeted him and Jules too. Jake later did and handed Owen what he got for him and Owen hugged him for a long time. They were in their own world at peace someone sneezed and they broke the embrace.

"Told ya" Amelia murmured.

"Let's talk in my room" Owen suggested.

"Okay ..."

They entered Owens room and sat on the bed.

"How have you been ?" Owen asked. He'd carried Jake's gift and was now unwrapping it.

"I've been fine"

"You didn't contact me all these while"

"We were on a break "

"You didn't even want to know how I was doing ?".

"I followed up your posts on Instagram and I could see you were fine".

"That's different babe"

"Is my presence making you uncomfortable?...should I leave ?".

"No Jake...why do you wanna run away

"I'm's your birthday I don't wanna ruin it for you !".

"What do you think are my feelings for you ?" Owen questioned.

"I don't know right now ".

"Do you think I hate you that much and that you'd ruin my mood today ?".

"I don't know !".

"Why won't you just come out...haven't you collected your thoughts yet ?"

"Come on Owen not this again please I beg you...let's go back to how we were " Jake said holding his hand and squeezing.

"I don't want that...that's not the kind of life I want...not with you"

"I'm really sorry...".

"Okay...fine...I'll wait"

"You will ? really will ?".

"Yeah only because I love you and I figured out how hard it is for most people....but if it becomes too unbearable I'll leave you"

"It will never get to that point" Jake pulled him in for an embrace.

"It was then I realized...I realized I couldn't live without this guy...his good nature has me hooked and I have to do right by him...I have to stop the lies and make everything right !....this is what happiness feels like ...being with that perfect someone who loves you more than you love them and could ever do....Mom wanted me to be happy...that was what her wish was for...she felt I could never be due to how some sexualities have not been openly accepted by the world but the few people I know who accept me can be my world and Owen was that...My world !".

They left the room and graced the party. Owen got to cut his cake and pictures were taken. Aunt Kathy left with Lucas as he had fallen asleep. Yj's mom came in and said hi then left with Yj. Tim, Tam and Davis left as well.

"Jake I have to leave now !".

"I'll drop you off"

"No I think you should stay and patch things up with him once everyone leaves".

"We've made up and we'll meet tomorrow besides I can't let you go home alone this late..."

"Okay fine.."

Jake and Jules went over to Owen he was on his phones. Viewing birthday wishes from fans and friends, he'd been doing so since morning.

"We are leaving now?"

"You too ?" Owen asked Jake.

"Yeah...I'll see you tomorrow...I've got to drop her off ".

"Okay bye Amelia"

" me when you get home".