Jake arrived home the next morning as Jules and Hamps ganged up on him to stay the nightstand their place. Despite being a grown man, they were both unwilling to let him leave as it was really late so he had no choice but to succumb to their wishes. Jake called Owen as he settled in the guest room.
"Hey...how are you ?"
"I'm good babe...where are you at ?"
"I'm at Jules...her fiancé and her wouldn't let me leave so I have to stay the night"
"Are you at home ?"
"Yeah...okay bye...I'll hang up now ". Owen said in disappointment. He had come over to Jake's condo and waited outside although he knew the door code. He left for home and went to bed.
Owens car arrived the next morning and he was overjoyed. He bought drinks and shared to his neighbors for the arrival and celebration of his brand new car. The car was a red Audi, sleek and fine. Owen and his sister got in and had a test drive around the block and he fueled the engine to a full tank. They went back home and his sister got ready for school and with Yj beside her they got in and drove to Tim and Tams place then drove to their high school. Owen had long gotten a drivers license when he was eighteen and drove his fathers truck.
He drove to aunt Kathy to show her the car and she was joyous and complimented the car.
"It's a fine car you got here my boy...but be careful how you drive...don't join in the wild driving we see these days.
"No aunty...I'll be careful. Where is Lucas ?"
"He's gone to kindergarten...his dad dropped him off".
"Okay...tell him I'll take him to the park when he's back"
"I will"
"Okay...I'm off to school now...bye Aunt"
"See you later"
Owen called Jake after that as he had classes that afternoon after which he was free. Jake replied saying he was on his way home so he told him he had to be in class and that they'll go on a trip if Jake was free for the weekend.
"Of course I'm free for you baby...I've missed you so much"
"Me too...pack your bag okay"
"I will !"
Owen drove to school and his friends jeered.
"Geez man that's a sweet ride you got there" Gilbert complimented.
"Thanks to our lovely couples the front seat is mine...literally they can't breathe without holding hands"
"Shut up Stephen...you're crazy" Kevin said.
"We can be cozy now without your constant watch on us !" Gilbert retorted.
They all got into the car.
"Don't we all have classes ?" Owen asked.
"Let's ditch them and go for a ride...I love the new car smell" Stephen said inhaling to the fullest of his lungs.
"Let's go to Big peas...burgers on me ...anything else bill Stephen". Gilbert declared.
"Laugh out loud you'll be shocked when I'll order more than just burgers then sneak out and you're led by the police straight to jail away from your cutie baby".
They laughed and drove to Big peas.
"The last time I came here was when Jake took me out for our first date" Owen smiled reminiscing the experience.
"Are you guys back together now? " Gilbert asked and the two others stared at Owen.
"Yeah...we are".
"No wonder you seemed happier today" Stephen remarked and walked further with Kevin. Gilbert walked in line with Owen.
"Are you sure about this ?...what if he does it again" Gilbert asked.
"We'll deal with it together and I'll avoid situations that will lead to that scenario...again !" Owen responded.
"Okay dear...I wish you best of luck". Gilbert said offering a friendly pat on the shoulder.
They got a table while Gilbert went over to order...over the years he knew everyone's favorite orders.
"When is your Aunty coming back ?" Owen asked Kevin.
"In a month or so...something may come up and she might not come at all"
"Are you comfortable living with him?"
"Yeah...his family is really sweet...it's just his dad he hasn't told about me...the man looks scary as fuck man...once he arrives from Nigeria I'm running back home"
"Whoa...but Julian really liked you...don't think he'd hurt you" Owen said.
"When I told him about my feelings he was hurt at first then got angry and said I couldn't leave him...whenever I got home he was at trees opposite my house and I could see from my room window a figure that definitely was his with a cloud of smoke blocking is face staring straight at my window"
"That's creepy man !" Stephen shrieked.
"It sure is...I feel bad to have treated him that way but love is not by force"
"You're right"
"What are you guys talking about...without me ?" Gilbert said as he joined them. Taking a seat next to Kevin.
"Having a couple in a friend circle is really cringey ....I'll literally choke on my food if you guys start doing lovey shit when the food arrives"
"Call your doctor now...these days your attachment with your phone is lesser and your tongue got sharper" Gilbert said.
"I've always been this way...you just didn't notice"
"I noticed you love free stuff" Kevin said.
"Who doesn't?...I love it more when it's from my best buddies".
"Yeah man" Owen supported.
They delved into their burger and ate silently. Stephen avoided staring at the loved up couple as Hilbert constantly used a napkin to wipe Kevin's face. Owen noticing his reaction kept giggling.
"Siri where are you ?...your boyfriend needs you right about now" Gilbert said and they laughed.
"Fuck you " Stephen laughed.
"Stephen has someone though"
"Really! If he does I'll give him a thousand dollars" Owen revealed.
"We are just friends...but I do have someone though. There this girl in class and she's really cute...think she likes me ".
"That's cool" Kevin said.
"You believe this dude honey...."
"Cringe fest...please save your honey shit till when you're alone ....don't scar my ears " Stephen cried.
They all laughed.
Owen drove back to school where they went to their various classes.
After classes he rode Stephen to his hostel then Gilbert and Kevin to Gilbert's house.
"Come say hi to the girls"
"Maybe another time...someone's waiting for me".
"sorry we took your time " Kevin said.
"You're my guys...bye then"
Owen got in and sped off straight to Jake's house. Driving his own car felt so good, he kept over speeding and was chased down by the police. It was a policewoman who was taken aback by his beauty. She cautioned him rather than giving him the ticket and even gave him her number and Owen just smiled all the while. He was so used to ladies hitting on him and he always just flowed with them.
He reduced his speed limit and drove to Jake's home.and called him out. Only the cars of residents of the building could enter the gate or cars could renter only with the permission of a resident.
Jake rushed down in minutes he was on shorts and a tshirt with his hair ruffled. Owen but his lips staring at the beautiful sight in front of him. Jake kept looking around for him as Owen was parked behind another car opposite the gate and he had no clue Owen had gotten a car. Owen wind his windows down and waved him over. Jake smiled and came over and Owen sat in smiling too. Jake arrived at the window and peered in staring at Owen with love.
"Is this yours ?" Jake asked.
"Yeah...just got her today"
"Sleek ride babe...you wanna take me for a ride ?"
"Let's do that upstairs " Owen winked.
"Have you packed your bags ?"
"Not yet "
"I'll help you...I haven't done so myself my sister will assist me"
"Okay...have you had dinner ?"
"I'm not really hungry...I ate a packed lunch at noon".
"Are you coming up ?".
"Yeah !
Owen finally alighted the car and Jake grasped his hand. At the security office there were up to three officers and Jake proudly held his hand still as they walked by.
"Wait...is there no space in the parking lot...can't leave my baby out here"
"Baby ?...thought I was your only one"
"Yeah you are !".
Jake chuckled and went to the security officer he was familiar with and told them about Owens car. Owen went over drove his car and the gate was opened for him. He drove in and safely packed his car.
"Let's go". Jake said and they were off to the elevator.
"Your hair is messy...I like it !" Owen said combing Jake's hair with his hand and smoothening it.
"I had no choice but to rush down as my baby called"
They joined the lift with two other people, a guy and a girl, obviously a couple by how close they were. The guy kept throwing jokes at her and she laughed silly. Owen just stared at them and Jake held his hand again, even tighter.
"What's up ?"
"Why ? I love holding hands" Jake said loudly, the couple turned and stared at them then went back to what they were doing.
"Okay " Owen smiled. The couple exited.
As they left, Jake kissed him with his hands planted firmly on Owens waist. The elevator pinged and that disrupted their kiss so they got out. They rushed over to Jake's condo and the door code messed up twice till Jake had to concentrate and punch it in. As they got in they were all over each other. Trying to make up for all the lost time apart.
The next day being a Saturday, Jake packed a little bag for their outing while Owen went home to get his ready.
"Hello Josh are you back from New York ?" Jake called.
"Yeah man I just did...What's up ?"
"Are you home ?"
"Yeah i am"
"I'm coming over "
"Okay...buy some food for me on your way please".
"Okay "
Jake packed some sandwich for Josh and drove over to his house. His house was not that far from Jake's .
He knocked the door of Josh's duplex and he sleepily came opened it.
"How you doing my friend ?" Josh said
"I'm all great thanks"
"Here's your breakfast " Jake handed him the packed food.
"Thanks man I just got back yesterday and I'm too tired to move "
"Okay...how was work"
"It was crazy...I attended fashfest with Monneteni "
"Oh that designer friend of yours ?"
"Yeah !"
"Fashfest lasts for weeks ?"
"Maybe...it depends"
That day Trevor joined them, Vegas joined as well and Josh couldn't get madder. He was thankful for Trevors presence so he wouldn't have to be a third wheel to them. They went around but Josh's mood was off so he paid no attention to the design led he saw and this recruited no one.
"Monneteni we will have to leave now !"
"Thought we could have dinner "
"Yeah...it could be a double date" Vegas said.
"He isn't my boyfriend "
"Then who is he ?"
"An employee "
"Okay...you don't eat with your employees?"
"Not that I don't we have plans"
"Come on Josh it's just one meal "
"Okay fine let's do it"
They continued the tour then Monneteni drove them to a restaurant.
"They're famous for their steak"
"Our favorite place " Vegas said.
"Their pasta is good too" Trevor declared.
"You've been here before ?" Vegas asked Trevor.
"Yeah...it's a famous restaurant " Trevor replied.
"Okay...Josh have you been here before ?"
"No I haven't !...I'd love to try the steak" Josh replied.
"Believe me you'll enjoy it but won't your employee here feel left out if he's the only one who gets to eat pasta".
"He won't be bothered by such...if it's too much he can order the same as us " Josh said to Trevor who shook his head and stared intently at Josh. Josh felt hot under his stare, this guy was seeping into his heart like a slimy snake. He avoided his stare and focused on his phone and the little talks Monneteni brought up.
They secured a table and their food was brought.