Chapter Twenty Eight

"I'm dating Owen" Jake declared and Josh almost choked on the sandwich he was munching.

"What !!!" Josh exclaimed.

"What do you mean what?".

"You said you were straight...what about Kiki and your engagement to her ?...are you pulling my legs". 'Does he know I'm bi now ???'.

"My sexuality has always been gay and I can call off the engagement if I want to".

"Then why were you engaged to Kiki for all these years if you are gay ".

"I did it for my family...for myself too" Jake said.

"Kiki would never forgive you Jake... all these years she's loved you and done stuff just for you and you want to dump her just like that "

"It's my life Josh...and I feel bad that I'll hurt her but I can't continue this any longer"

"'s so hard to process...your dad is running for mayor you know, do you think people would vote him without Kiki's fathers support"

"That's his life... whether people vote for him or not...I don't give a fuck"

"I have no problem with you being gay but the people that will get hurt in the process...Kiki your dad and even Owen...have you told him you were engaged to her all this while"

"He doesn't have to know I'm breaking it off with Kiki and I feel bad but I should think about myself "

"I seriously can't believe this man...Kiki has been so loud about you guys relationship and marriage coming up next'll crush her spirit man".

"I feel bad about it...I thought I could hide straight but I can't any longer"

"I support you man...I'm not really straight myself"

"No way!'re kidding right?"

"Honest like a bleached white cloth"

"Who'd have it cause I took you to that bar ?"

"I don't know when it happened but it did...started with Monneteni

"That guys hot though

"Right !

"So he's the reason you spent so much time in New York

"Nah he has someone else

"Then why were you there?

"I met someone

"Wow that's great....I'd love to hear more but I've got a trip to get to " Jake said getting up from the sofa he sat on.

"When will you tell her ?

"Very soon...I'll do it before the end of the year

"Okay then good bye

Jake left the house and Josh went about his business.

Jake sped home and Owen was waiting out for him. Owen stood at the gate in wait.

"Where did you scurry off to" he asked as he wind down his glass. N

"I had to see someone "

"Who ?"

"It's not important....let's go "

"Okay...I've loaded your bag...park your car and let's be off"

Jake parked his car and got into Owens.

"Hmmm...the new car smell...I always love it "

"How many new cars have you been in " Owen asked.

"Two ?"

"You sounded like you've been in lots"

"Okay...why are you on long trousers"

"Why ?"

"Our first trip together you wore distract me...why didn't you wear one now"

"You know you're meant to be the one on the shorts right

"I wanted to distract you as you drove " Jake pouted.

"You're want me to crash my baby"

"Seriously...don't call this car your baby"

"What should I do then"

Jake's phone rang. His secretary called him.

"Sir we got the Milestone deal !" Janelle shared.

"We did !" Jake exclaimed.

"Yes sir...I just received the email...we have to be in Texas next month"

"Okay...this is great news Janelle...keep up the good work " Jake said and ended the call.

"Was that your secretary?"

"Yeah...we just got this huge deal and you know there was a fierce competition for it but we bagged it"

"That's you need to go to work ...I could turn the car around

"No I don't...I'm spending this weeken with you and nobody is spoiling it" Jake said touching Owens thigh.

"Okay" Owen smiled.

"You know your smile is the prettiest right "

"Yeah...thought you love my hair"

"I do but I love your smile more cause I always wanna see you happy ...I love you babe. Jake leaned and pecked him.

"I love you too...but you're seriously distracting me...I gotta keep my eye on the road"

"Alright where are we going to ? L

"Camp !"

"Camp ! I've never been to camp...I hear there are vampire mosquitoes there that ravage your skin"

"Nah...that's an exaggeration will love it I tell you..."

"Okay...I've got sensitive skin you know"

"I do !" Owen bit his lower lips.

"Dirty thoughts" Jake smiled.

Fifteen minutes into the drive.

"I need to take a leak"

"Is it pressing ?"

The road was pretty much deserted with one or two cars ahead or behind.

"Of course it is !"

"Can't you hold it a little bit" Owen teased

"You want my bladder to burst...come in park the car"

Owen parked and Jake alighted.

"Aren't you coming with me "

"Why would your stuff and let's leave "

"There could be snaked in these bushes you know "

"But you're not going far just have to bring out your stuff...face the other side and voila...magic happens "


"You act like a baby at times"

"Shut up"

Jake did his business and they were on the road. Five minutes later they were at camp. The camp ground was filled, maybe summer campers were still here. They drove in and began setting up the tent, it was late and windy.

"Can you really get it ready this late ?".

"Don't underestimate...go get food when you're back I'll be done "

"Okay...but what camper doesn't bring snacks "

"I forgot okay..."

Jake patted his back "I got you babe"

Jake walked out and got food and snacks for them. When he got back Owen had set up the tent and was inside arranging their things. Their tent was close to the lake and far from other campers, Owen purposely chose the spot.


Owen slept off in Jake's arm and he hugged him tighter. After a while he fell asleep too.

Zzz zzzz

Jake shrugged awake with the constant buzzing sounds of mosquitoes roaming around. He spotted one latched on Owens hand and he hit the spot but the mosquito was quicker and Owen startled awake.


"Go back to sleep"

Owen dozed back and Jake lifted him into the tent. Laying him down he sprayed the bug repellent and zipped the tent shut.