It was Jules bachelorette party and as she had no friends other than Jake, he turned up with Owen, Josh and Phoebe was on her way over. Jules arrived at the bar that Jake had booked and she hugged him and then Owen, her smile stopped when she saw Josh.
"Hey...Jules" Josh greeted and wanted to hug her but she dodged.
"What's up...why are you here ?"
"Come on Jules it's your gotta be happy"
"Why do you always snap at me... I don't think I ever offended you" Josh sadly said.
"What's there to like"
"Seriously Jules why don't you like him" Jake chipped. Owen just kept staring at the trio.
"Okay so back in college I found out he was homophobic. At a cafeteria, a trans girl had asked him out, maybe she wanted to pay for his meal and he was like 'I ain't into ass shit'...he said it loudly and everyone laughed at the poor girl"
"I can't recall..."
"How would you... you weren't the victim...I wonder how much you scarred the girl...why did you invite him to my wedding party Jake"
"I'm really sorry...that was me of the past I've changed"
"Yeah Jules he is your last day as a single lady don't hold grudges into your marital life"
"It's fine...let's move this point I wish I had girl friends" she exclaimed.
" he brought his sister"
"Congratulations to the bride to be..." Phoebe said joining them.
"Whoa...the caterer... are you his sister?" Jules said hugging her.
"Yeah I am...I'm his younger sister"
"Yeah...let's turn up the wedding party" Jules said out loud.
"Hi dear" Phoebe said to Owen and he waved at her with a smile.
Phoebe went over to Owen.
"Didn't fancy meeting you have you been...are yo here with Josh or Jake ?"
"He's here for me" Jules said and dragged her to the dance floor.
They danced and Jules managed to pull every single one of them in for a dance. The night was filled with fun filled laughter.
After the party, Josh and Phoebe went to Josh's house as she was too tired to go to hers.
"Whoa that party was lit man...I doubt I'll dance this hard at Kiki's "
"Like that's gonna happen"
"You know right she'd bump me off the dance floor "
"The wedding isn't happening "
"Jules's? Why? They postponed it the other time what happened now"
"Sometimes you really are dumb...Jake's marriage to Kiki is not happening "
"Why ? Last week was their anniversary and Kiki's caption read 'cheers to our last engagement anniversary. Next year we tie the knot'" Phoebe said doing air quotes.
"I feel so bad for her"
"Cause Jake's gay. He told me a month ago"
"Whoa that's huge... who would have thought...are you sure he isn't bi"
"That's none of our concern...he's dating Owen "
"My crush !" She exclaimed.
"...and said he'd break up with her...imagine the embarrassment she'd face after everything she's done and time spent on him"
"That's her loss... she's always been proud and pompous... bragging about how her fiancée was a CEO and had worked at Silicon Valley" Phoebe said.
"Isn't she your best friend... why are you sounding this way ?"
"Best friend ? Please she isn't "
"Don't tell her about this though...he should tell her himself"
"I won't" she smirked.
"I already regret telling you" Josh said viewing her expression.
Kiki and Phoebe had been friends since high school. Phoebe used to tag along with Kiki. Kiki was a bragger who bragged about how much money they had and how her dad owned a private jet and how they'd spend their holiday on a private island. Phoebe would just keep on listening as she had nothing to say in comparison to Kiki. Phoebe's family were well off but not extremely rich like Kiki's. She wondered how Kiki would react when Jake would spill... she laughed inwardly. Her perfect life wasn't so perfect after all.
On Jules's wedding day she looked so beautiful in her white gown embroidered with glittering stones and flower sequins. She wore a flower crown and her red hair show clearly underneath the veil. Richard walked her down the aisle to where Hamps anxiously waited. Jules looked so happy marrying the love of her life and Jake thought what it would feel like to reverse roles with them and be with Owen. He could picture Owen smiling from ear to ear and he would grin like a fool in love and they'd be so happy living their best lives. He squeezed Owens hand as he was seated next to him.
"Such a beautiful sight right ?" Jake said.
"Yeah sure is !"
"Have you wondered being there"
"I have and I talked to you about it but you brushed it off as a joke"
"It's fine "
"One day...I'll marry you "
Owen giggled. He decided to press his phone as it was the reception of the wedding and Jake had gone over to Jules. He opened his Instagram page as over the week he'd been too occupied to enter there. He was scrolling through when he got the shock oh his life.
"Cheers to our last year we tie the knot..." posted by Savage kitty and Jake was tagged on the post. This post was made a week ago.
Owens heart drummed in his chest as he stared at the picture on the screen.
Jake's closeness with the woman!!!
Jake's smile with the woman!!!
How beautiful the woman was!!!
He stalked all her photos and occasionally stumbled on photos of Jake on her page. He viewed her reels and saw a tiktok video she made of Jake changing his passcode to her birth date !!!!
Jake lied about this!!
Tears were dropping now...he was shaking...shock-struck...He wiped his tears, braced himself and exited the place. He stood outside the wedding garden and rested on Jake's car as he had left his at home. He'd have gone for a wild drive if his car was available.
Jake observed that Owen wasn't around so he dialed his line. Owens voice sounded off compared to the cheerful voice he heard earlier this morning when they dressed up for the marriage.
"Where are you at ?..." Jake inquired.
"I' park" Owen croaked.
"I'll be there soon"
Jake found him rested on his car with head bent and he hurried up to him.
"Are you feeling good" he said and when Owen turned he saw how red his face was.
"Hey...what happened did you get a reaction to something..." Jake asked worriedly.
"Who is savage kitten?" Owen asked in his crooked voice, a lone tear streamed down and Jake reached to wipe it off but Owen took a step back away from him.
"I don't know who that is ... who are they" Jake obliviously asked.
"Here" Owen handed Jake his phone. "... the lady you're hugging in the picture ?"
Jake's eyes bulged seeing Kiki's Instagram page and the numerous pictures she'd posted.
"Oh... i can explain...I wanted to tell you... it's not how it seems"
"What the fuck do you mean Jake. You've been engaged for years. You lied about everything played me like a fool..." Owen sobbed. "...I thought you were different but you turned out worst"
"I'm really sorry Owen...I can explain everything...I know I lied but my feelings were true" Jake said and he felt like spilling it restrained his tears, he couldn't bear seeing Owen in this state. He actually thought he could avoid it but the truth was something that no matter how much pressure you used to keep it shut it would find other ways to sneak out.
"I don't want to hear whatever you have to say... it cannot justify what you did to me...I'm breaking up with you...I'm sure she is the Kiki your friend asked about and you said she was your cousin"
"Please babe ...please hear me out...I planned on calling it off with her I promise..."
"I feel so shitty... crying so pathetically in front of you..." Owen wiped his eyes forced a sad smile and grabbed his phone from Jake. "...have the life you deserve Jake...that's my wish for you" Owen said walking off and Jake tried to stop him but he shrugged him off and waved a taxi. A taxi came by and they drove off.
Jake was too shocked to go after him.
"Jules saw this coming and it did come...I planned to break it off with her when I went home on mom's anniversary...Kiki would have been there as well as dad and Rome and I could have called it off at that moment but shit...the truth just had to come out...the truth that was unlikely true ".