Chapter Thirty six

Two days later, Jake decided to call Dean and he was so nervous as the phone vibrated in his hand.

"Hello !" Dean said as he picked the call.

"Hi's Jake" Jake nervously said

"Jake is that really you ?" Dean sounded excited to hear from him.

"Yeah it's me how have you been ?" Jake asked.

"I've been great and you"

"Wonderful !"

"Can we meet ?" Jake asked.

"Yeah I'm actually leaving today on an evening flight, we should meet"

"Okay, where would be convenient for you ?" Jake asked.

"Heights restaurant "

"Okay I'll get there and by what time "

"Lunch is great and I'm meeting a friend too"

"Alright I'll be there" Jake replied excitedly.

Jake felt giddy after the call, couldn't wait to see how Dean had turned out after all these years. Jake washed his hair and styled it, he had to look good for his first love after all. He dressed in casual clothes and wore some sneakers too, he didn't want to over dress for the meeting.

"I'll finally get to apologize to you" Jake thought.

He drove off to the location a little earlier than the set time. He got there and had to wait in the restaurant. After waiting a while, he stood up to use the restroom. He got there and checked himself out then headed back to his seat. Jake was shocked to see Stephen. It appeared he was anxiously waiting for someone too.

"You aren't Dean are you" Stephen asked as he saw Jake.

"Dean ? No but I'm here to see him. You must be the other friend he mentioned earlier." Jake was surprised by how small the world was.

"He mentioned me ? What did he say? " Stephen hopefully asked.

"Nothing just that he'd be meeting you too along with me"

"How do you even know him ?" Stephen asked.

"He's an old friend " Jake said, he saw no point in telling him about the past.

"Jake ? His first love ?" Stephen said, smart enough to put two and two together by recalling when he'd mentioned Jake to Dean and Dean had spoken about the Jake he knew. He was astounded that they turned out to be the same person.

"'d you know that...did he talk about me ?" It was Jake's turn to ask hopefully now.

"Shit Jake, you broke my friends heart and you want to jump on another guy ?" Stephen spat.

"No that's not what is going on...I have to say something to him and I don't like that perception you have of me. I love Owen...I really do and if I want to be with another guy it doesn't affect him cause I've begged and he rejected me, you don't expect me to mourn our love forever now do you ?" Jake questioned slightly annoyed by Stephens accusations.

"I'm sorry but he still misses you so much " Stephen revealed.

"I met him a few days back and he said we were never being together"

"He's..." Stephen said before he was cut short by Deans entrance.

Dean stepped in and Stephen curiously stared at the beautiful man. Jake turned and his high school heart throb had turned to all shades of charming. Tall and more handsome than he could remember. Dean smiled recognizing him and then Stephen then he walked over and sat next to Jake, opposite Stephen.

"Meet cute gone wrong cause of intrusion of first love" Stephens heart wept. He wanted this guy and here Jake was wrecking it for him.

"Hey...I didn't know you guys would just click" Dean smiled.

"We know each other" Jake said beaming back at the smiling Dean.

"He's my friends boyfriend " Stephen chipped, alerting Dean that Jake was t single.

"Oh he was the Jake you were talking about" Dean realized.


"Talking about ?" Jake asked staring back and forth at the both of them.

"Never mind" Stephen smiled spookily.

"Jake it's so great to see you and you too Stephen" Dean declared.

"Yeah it is" They chorused.

Stephen kept staring at them from across the table. Sending the tension and electricity hovering around them.

"You've grown so much Jake" Dean said stroking Jake's hair.

"You too"

Stephen was getting pissed at this interaction and thankfully the waiters brought the menu to distract them. He sent a message to Owen to come ASAP.

"What do you do now?" Jake asked

"Oh I'm a game developer now"

"Really that's cool what games have you made ?" Jake asked.

Dean stared at Stephen remembering he never told him about his games when their identities were secret. Well now they have seen each other so there was no point hiding it. He had refused sharing his game with Stephen cause he wanted his game to gain recognition on its own not by close people's influence. He wanted genuine feedback from real fans not sugarcoaters.

"Z-Phobia" Dean replied staring at Stephen with a smirk.

"Phobia ? You..invented z-phobia?" Stephen exclaimed.

"Yes" Dean said.

"I'm not a game fan so I haven't heard of it ...what's it about" Jake said.

"It's a ..."Stephen said

"It's a zombie survival game...zombies invaded the earth and you have to battle or die" Dean shared to Jake.

Owen arrived at the restaurant and saw them from the entrance. Spotting Jake, he refused entering and as he was there watching they all turned and saw him. Jake was surprised to see him but withheld himself from reaching out to him. Dean stared intently at him too . Stephen caught him retreating so he excused himself and went out.

"Is that your boyfriend ?" Dean asked after Stephen left.

"Yeah..he is, we actually broke up recently " Jake spilled.

"Did you break up after during the holidays ?" Dean asked.

"Yeah around that period"

"Okay that explains why "

"Have you met him before ?"

"Yeah at duos beach in..."

"Okay what did he do ?"

"He kissed a guy there"

"He did ?"

"Yeah I'm sure of it.

"We broke up so it's cool" Jake said though he was deceiving himself. He couldn't imagine that Owen would do that to him. The breakup felt like a good thing now.

" Why the fuck did you call me out Stephen?" Owen asked, pissed.

"I want you to stop Jake from flirting with Dean"

"We broke up Stephen "

"I know but Dean is Jake's first love what if they get together and I lose my chance" Stephen whined.

"Can't believe you called me out for know how much I'm hurting already and you're telling me about him getting together with his first love ?"

"I'm sorry...don't know what came up with me"

"Do they really want to get together?" Owen asked, calming down.

"I guess, conversation flows easily between them and they keep smiling at each other "

"I'm leaving " Owen said and got in his car and started the engine but he didn't drive.

"We broke up and his actions shouldn't affect me...but why do I have this stupid heart and stupid feelings?" Owen beat himself up.

Stephen joined them back and they began eating. When they finished eating.

"Dean I want to apologize " Jake began

"No...don't do that, it was all in the past"

"I still feel bad about it"

"It's cool, it wasn't your fault"


"I heard about you mother...sorry about that "

"Yeah...thanks "

"I forgave you lot a long time ago okay"

" was lovely seeing you again Dean. I'll leave you guys now"

"Bye Jake...I'll call you"

"Okay bye" Jake stood up and left. Owens car was still parked out there. He stared at it for a long while and Owens bent head rose up and stared back. He looked so sad.

Jake stared at him longingly.

'Dean must have thought wrong right. ?"

He got into his car and drove away. He just wanted to get home and have a nap then from tomorrow he'd party, he wanted to be more social and loosen up. He'd get drunk and have fun before he had to leave for three months.