"I'm so glad we met and I really love your game" Stephen said to Dean as they finished eating.
"Thank you Stephen, I'm glad to hear that" Dean replied with a smile.
"You have a flight in the evening right ?" Stephen asked.
"Yeah !"
"I'll leave now so you can go rest" Stephen suggested.
"Do you still love Jake ?" Stephen curiously asked.
"I love him as a good friend. After all he has someone else now" Dean replied looking Stephen straight at the eye.
"Ok. that's right" Stephen smiled, lowering his gaze.
"I hope to see you again when I get back to town if you're up for it" Dean declared.
"I'd love that"
"Okay I gotta leave" Dean said peering at his phone. "My ride is here, you have a ride home right ?"
"Yeah my friend is waiting out for me"
They left the restaurant and Dean got into the car waiting for him then bade Stephen farewell. Stephen was not too sure Owen was waiting and was glad to see Owens car parked. Glad that Owen had not drove away pissed off.
"Thanks for waiting" Stephen said approaching Owen.
"What did they talk about?"Owen asked as Stephen got into the front seat with him.
"Oh Jake apologized for their past something "
"Ok that" Owen smiled remembering when Jake had told him he would love to apologize to Dean one day. That eased his little fear. His fear of Jake and Dean rekindling old flames.
"So you've been grinning what's up" Owen said noticing Stephens facial expression.
"I might have him as my mentor just imagine me being the best game developer" Stephen heartily said.
"I'd love a famous friend" Owen shared starting the car.
They did a fist bump.
"Let's go then"
"I think I've seen that guy somewhere before but I can't recall " Owen said. The guys feature were strikingly familiar but he couldn't pls e where he had seen him.
"He's famous" Stephen said.
"Okay" Owen said, concluding in his mind that he must have seen him on Tv or somewhere.
The day before his flight Jake went to hang out at Jewels bar and he drank a lot. He sat in front of the counter forgetting his favorite seat. Well, ever since he met Owen he abandoned that place...that shell of his past.
"So you met your first love huh ?" Owen asked as he had been seated there next to Jake for some time before Jake arrived. Owen was with Noel, seated at his other side. Noel had come into town asking Owen where to chill and he'd brought him here. Owen wore a hoodie which he wore the cap, covering his head and the large size of it masking his body statue. So when Jake came in he didn't recognize him.
Jake never imagined running into Owen here.
"Babe you're here" Jake smiled, really drunk now.
" I'm not your babe anymore remember " Owen reminded him and Noel peered at them.
"Is he bugging you ?" Noel asked looking at Jake.
"No " Owen said and Noel went back to chatting with someone.
"Yeah that's true...you kissed some guy" Jake pouted.
"Huh...how did you know that" Owen asked a bit shocked.
'How could Jake know that when I haven't told anyone ?' Owen wondered and glanced at Noel that was now engrossed in his phone. 'He couldn't have told Jake right ?...he doesn't even know him..so how ?'
Jake rested his head on the counter facing Owen. He Stared straight at Owen and Owen stared back. Jake extended his hand to touch Owens lips, which he briefly did before Owen shooed his hand away.
"Thought it was mine but you gave it to your new love " Jake sulked.
" I was drunk when that kiss happened, so it doesn't count " Owen stated.
"Are you drunk now ? Can we kiss ? Let's just kiss and make up babe" Jake suggested and Owen couldn't help smiling at the drunk suggestion.
Jake dozed off, staring at Owen. Chico noticed that and alerted Jules that was in her office working late today.
"Hey " Jules said to Owen as she spotted him.
"Hi" Owen said back and faced his drink.
Chico and Jules assisted Jake out of the bar and Owen watched them go.
"I don't know why he had to drink this much when he has a flight tomorrow morning " Jules complained.
After successfully placing him in she took the wheels of his car and drove him home. When she arrived the compound of his house. After passing security, she splashed him some water so he could gain consciousness as he had dozed off on the drive here. She struggled with bringing Jake out when a security man saw her plight and assisted her in taking him in.
He left them at Jake's door and she balanced a staggering Jake as she imputed the door pin. Jake had never been this drunk before, what triggered this behavior she wondered. She managed to fling him on the sofa and caught her breath.
"You wanna break my waist" she said catching breaths and stretching both sideways to ease the strain.
"I can't possibly leave him alone now, what if he over sleeps and misses his flight ?" She thought and decided to spend the night. Thankfully her husband wasn't around cause if he was she couldn't spend the night at Jake's house as she did when she was unmarried.
She entered his room and brought a blanket and covered him up.
"Sorry sweetie I'm not strong enough to take you into your room so you can sleep comfortably ". she said and entered the guest room she usually slept at.