Chapter Thirty Eight

Jules had to wake Jake up by seven the next morning as his flight was by ten and he was sleeping like a log. He woke up later after much shaking from her, stretched and landed on the ground. He gained consciousness and held his head groaning. His head was spinning due to the excessive amount of alcohol he'd taken.

"You should be grateful to have a friend like me "Jules said handing him some hangover pills which he popped into his mouth.

"You're my sweetheart " he said rising from the ground and sitting on the sofa he had slept on earlier.

"Hurry up now and go have a bath" she warned "or else you'll miss your flight"

"I'm off" Jake said and dashed to the bathroom and had his bath. He came out a while later and Jules had brought out his already packed boxes from his room to the parlor close to the door.

"Jules baby" he blew her a kiss which she ignored and he entered his room to change. Jake changed into casual dressing so he could nap some more on the flight without stress. Jules made him some toast and coffee when he got out.

"What's gotten into your're being so nice" he complimented her. She never cooked in his house.

"I've always been nice Jake you've just been too blind to notice it" she defended.


"I'm gonna miss you so much, my husband is away and now my best friend will be too . Who do I hang out with now ?" She contemplated.

"Oh come here" he hugged her. "You won't notice I'm gonna cause my every free time I'll call you"

"Oh that's sweet" she dawned.

"Do keep an eye on Owen for me I'd love to know how he's doing while I'm away" Jake said

"You still love him don't you?" She asked.

"I still do !" Jake sighed. He really loved Owen and felt he could never move on from him. Maybe he'd be able to if Owen started dating. That would clarify him that there was no hope for him.

"I'll do that" Jules stated.

He ate the toast and drank the coffee. He called Josh to inform him about his flight as he'd forgotten to do so earlier on.

"Josh, my guy where are you ?" Jake said "I'm at at New York" Josh replied.

"Oh you've got work there ?"

"Not exactly. Montys boyfriend was in an accident so I flew by to see him"

"Oh I hope he gets better. Are you nursing your crushes boyfriend ?" Jake asked with playfulness in his voice.

"No silly. I and Trevor are just visiting and we're touring the city together too"

"Oh that's good to know. So your relationship finally sailed smoothly "

"Yeah it did but Trevor is a little much overbearing "

"He suits you perfectly cause you're a wild guy. He should tame you " Jake laughed.

"He wishes !"

" I'm leaving for China today. My training has been approved"

"Oh cool when will you be back ?"

"I'm three months at most".

"Okay then have a safe flight and come back soon "

"Yeah bye...say hi to Trevor for me" Jake said and the call ended.

" are they dating now ? Jules asked.

"Yeah and I'm so happy for them" Jake said rolling his boxes out the door and Jules followed them she locked the door behind her.

"Did I see Owen yesterday I keep seeing fragments of memories that I can't pls e" Jake said as the passed by the hallway.

"Don't worry when you're more relaxed you'll see him okay" Jules patted.

They drove to the airport and hugged once more then Jake boarded his flight and flew out.


That night Owen came by the bar alone and Jules was at the counter heartily chatting away with customers.

Owen wore a hooded sweatshirt with the hood on like he did last night. He slid into the seat that was vacant in front of her.

"Where's Jake ?" He asked after scanning the stools around him.

Jules looked up at him, her gaze shifting from whomever she was speaking with.

"He just flew out this morning " she said.

"Flew ? To where ?" Owen asked surprisingly.

"Well he flew to China today for some training stuff" Jules shared.

"And he didn't tell me ?" Owen asked in disbelief. Jake just traveled without giving him a hint. Last night Jake was drunk and he couldn't even drunkingly give a clue about it.

" Why would he when you guys broke up ?"

'But I still love him' Owen wanted to say out but rather kept it to himself.

"He should have said something though" Owen said. Chico handed him a drink that he slowly took a sip from.

"I don't know about that but I want to say thank you" she said and came round to where he was and hugged him.

"Thanks to you my sweetie is proudly out...he's left his shell and realized his happiness is all that happens. Maybe he'll even marry a Chinese man, imagine that!" Jules laughed.

"Are you mocking me right now ?" Owen asked.

"I'd never do that why would you even think that way? Do you perhaps still like my friend ?" Jules asked. She thought Owen wanted nothing to do with her friend so why was he reacting this way.

"Never mind" Owen said. He gulped the remainder of his drink and paid his bill. Then he stood up and exited the bar.

'Fuck you Jake ! should still be chasing me and now you're gone. And your friend is cheerfully telling me about how you should marry a Chinese guy..:('

Owen drove back home, he was so pissed that he oversped.