Chapter Forty Two

The next morning, Jake's phone kept pinging with lots of birthday messages. The constant vibration woke Owen up and he peeled into the phone and saw it.

"Shit I totally forgot" he muttered to himself.

He snuck down the bed and decided to make Jake a birthday breakfast.

"I can brew coffee and fry pancakes what's the big deal about that " he thought. Owen got into the kitchen and wore an apron. He got the pancake ingredients out and used his phone to watch a tutorial video on the internet.

He made the pancakes and covered it with honey and whipped cream topping. He brewed coffee, making an iced americano. When he was done the kitchen was messy, flour had fluffed every where, egg shells littered and the pancakes didn't come out too good but he masked it with the toppings. Jake was up when he got in, rubbing his eyes and reaching out for his phone.

"Happy birthday to you...." he sang and Jake's face immediately lit up.

"Baby...I'm blushing" Jake said and hugged him as he set the tray on the bed.

Owen reached to kiss him.

"Does my mouth taste foul" Jake asked.

"Maybe" Owen laughed. " I'll feed you"

"Oh I'm king for the day"

Owen cut up a piece and fed him.

"Is it good"

"Did you roast it ?" Jake asked still crunching the piece in his mouth. " It's so salty and so sweet" Jake said.

Owen had mixed in too much salt and sugar.

"I woke up early to make you breakfast " Owen pouted.

"I'm just teasing you. It's really sweet " Jake faked. 'Owen and his love for sweet and sour food'.

Jake had a bite and Owen dropped down laughing.

"You've gotta see your face " He said and kept laughing.

"Stop it" Jake said

"You're Hilarious "Owen stood up and took the tray back to the kitchen. "You won't ask me to bring it back?" Owen asked as he got to the door.

"Your food your rules".

Owen went out and Jake followed.

"You fried the whole kitchen " Jake exclaimed.

"What chicken?" Owen asked, pretending to not know what Jake was talking about.

"Never mind" Jake said and began cleaning up.

"Let's eat out my treat" Owen said as he bleached the dishes and Jake cleaned the counter.

Jake's phone rang so he went back into his room to get it

"Happy birthday sweetheart " Jules greeted.

"Thanks dear " he replied going back into the kitchen.

"Please come over"

"I made up with my baby" Jake said holding Owens chin.

"That's great. You guys should come I ordered you a cake let's cut and feast on it"

"Okay" He cut off the call.

Jake pulled Owen in for a kiss.

"Let's go see Jules. She got me a cake and wants us there "

"What ! no I wanna be with you. Let's eat out"

"I also wanna be with you. Promise we won't stay long you know she might have those pregnancy mood swings and all"

"OK fine let's go" Owen resigned.

"If you don't wanna go tell me and I'll be with you . Forget them all.." Jake said holding his cheek

Owen blushed " you're tugging at my heart strings"

"I'm serious "

"It's fine let's go"

" yeah so then in the evening we are going to this vacation house that my brothers wife has. Id love for you to join me for dinner with them"

"Seriously so your day is all booked"

"Come on babe we'll be there together"

"I wanted it to be just us " Owen pouted.

"Tomorrow I'm all yours " Jake promised.


"You know you're the sweetest right"

"Yeah yeah whatever "

They went back into the room to have their bath.

They got dressed and drove to Jules.

"Your phone has been vibrating a lot" Owen observed.

"I'm a mini celebrity now you know"


Jake laughed.

They arrived at Jules and she was sitting on her patio reading a book.

"Sweetie " she exclaimed as they got to the patio. She scuffled off the sit and moved over to Jake.

"Hey be careful" Jake warned which she ignored and hugged him.

"Happy birthday " she said.

"Hello Owen" she hugged him too "It's so cool to see you...I'm so glad you guys are back together"

"Yeah we are too" Jake said

"Silly...let's go in" she said and led them in.

They got into the house and the cake was in the dining room.

"You ordered a three step cake" Jake exclaimed.

"Yeah....I've been craving some. Hurry up and let's dig in"

They all ate and got ready to leave.

"Where are you hurrying off to" Jules asked.

"We're doing dinner at Rome's " Jake replied.

"You're off to San Jose?" She asked.

"No! His wife has a place here so they're there"

"Okay have fun"

"Take care of yourself okay" Owen said


"Take care of your love" Jules said.

They drove off to the vacation house owned by Rome's wife in the city. That was were the whole family was and they'd cancelled the trip and chose dinner instead.

When they got there the sight was very beautiful as the house stood alone and there were plushy green grass around it and a small river. A cozy house in a warm environment.

They parked by the side and met Jeffrey smoking outside staring at the river. Jake held Owens hand and murmured an hello to him and then they went in together.

They sat at the dining table with Father and Rome at both ends. Mandy and her mom sat opposite Jake and Owen. The baby was asleep.

They began eating and Jake and Owen felt uncomfortable due to the stares Jeffrey kept throwing at them. His facial expression was just numb so they couldn't read what exactly he was thinking or feeling.

Jeffrey called Jake to follow him outside and he went out to the patio with him. Stars were already glittering in the sky and they could clearly see the reflection of the moon on the river .

"Happy birthday Jake " Jeffrey said.

Jake was stunned that is dad was wishing happy birthday. He couldn't even recall when last he said so.

"I want to say I'm sorry. I know sorry isn't good enough to say to you, but I am. I know I did you wrong. I apologize for not treating you right when I had you. let's just be cool and I no longer have prejudices against your sexuality, be with whoever you wanna be with cause at the end of the day it's none of my concern it's your life not mine "

"that's what you should have said many years ago " Jake murmured.

Jeffrey went back into the house with so much pride on both of his shoulder. Jake just watched him go. He watched the man who was his father but not really a father to him. He could never forgive him. Even though they were kinda cool now he'd still keep his distance.


Jake and Owen got back home really late and were both exhausted.

"That was one hell of a ride " Jake said as they got to his house floor. He typed in the code and they got in.

"Yeah it was crazy."

Jake hugged him.

"Are you happy?" Owen asked.

"Yeah...everything turned out great and I'm glad. This has got to be my best birthday ever"

"You deserve more my love"

"Let's go to bed now"

They got into the room and slept off.

* * *

The next morning Owen got ready to leave for home.

"Can't you stay ?"

"I'd love to but my sister isn't aware I'm back yet and I have to check up on her "

"Ok she's getting into college this year right "

"Yeah and I really want her to do well but I think she isn't ready yet, though she hasn't said anything to me"

"Talk to her then"

"I will" Owen kissed Jake that still lay on the bed.

"Don't make me miss you too much" Jake said.

"I won't" Owen left.

Jake rolled back into the covers..

Owen booked a taxi home. He passed by Yj's mom who was hanging clothes and he greeted her.He got into the house and slightly knocked on his sisters door.

No reply.

He went to his room and washed up then lazed on the bed.

"You're back " Amelia asked as she opened his door and rubbed her eyes.

"Yeah how are you" he asked.

"I'm good I just woke up" she replied.

"We're you studying late ?"

"Hmm..yeah" she answered rotating her eyes and staring at nowhere in particular.

"Do you think I'm pressuring you "


"If you're not ready for college be open to me about it "

"I don't wanna disappoint you " Amelia said.

"No don't say that, I'll stand by you in your decision...That is if it's a good and reasonable one" he said.

"I wanna join a dance competition "


"It's an opportunity for me. I did the tryouts and I passed. If I'm lucky I'll win and be famous"

"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes !"

"What if ?" He asked.

"Then I'll go to college "

"Okay cool. Talk to Aunt Kathy too"

" know you're the best right " she smiled.

"Your one and only " he said. "Should I order food"

"Yeah I'm hungry".