Chapter Forty One

"Okay" Owen said as Monneteni left.

Jake kept staring as Owen came closer.

"You were beautiful up there" Jake complimented.

"Thanks...get out of your clothes so I can help you" Owen said and got the cloth out of the transparent bag it was in. It was an Ankara suit that would hug Jake perfectly.

Jake obeyed. As he got out of his clothes he moved closer held Owens waist.

"What are you doing ? " Owen asked.

Jake kissed him ....Owen was adamant at first but joined the rhythm. They kissed with longing for each other and soon Owen was out of his own clothes and they were both as almost naked except for their boxer briefs. Jake lifted Owen up onto the table and they kept on making out.

Jake sucked on the lips he'd missed the most. He held on to the hair he'd missed, it was still as beautiful as he remembered. Owen pushed Jake's head closer as they kissed, deepening the intimacy. They paused to catch their breaths after almost smothering each other.

"Your wolf looks good on you" Owen said.

"Yours is better" Jake aimed for Owens neck bone and suckled on it. His lips visited Owens chest, taking in as much as he could.

"Wait..." Owen said getting himself " shut the door" Jake hurried to the door and bolted it shut.

"Can we do it now" Jake asked as he came by but didn't wait for a response as he kissed Owen again and rammed into him.

The table shook with every thrust and they heaved heavy breaths as they satisfied their pent up desires. Their moans would have been heard if not for the heavy music that was played in the background.

They breathed long breaths when they were done.

"I love you " Jake said and kissed him.

"Clean up and let's get you dressed" Owen said getting off the table and wearing his clothes.

"You won't say it back" Jake asked.

"We just fucked Jake...don't think much into it"

"I'm really sorry for what I I hurt you...please forgive me"

"What's your relationship with Monneteni ?"Owen asked

"He was a client of mine some months back and he offered to make me an outfit"

"He only makes dresses to those he's attracted to... and he also reserved a vip sit for to him "

"I didn't think much into that... nothing is going on between us I promise...we planned to hang out before I left though"

"And will you ?"

"If you'll accept me back what would I need to do here"

"If you cheat ..I'll kill you this time.." Owen threatened.

"Wait...does this mean you've forgiven me" Jake asked with a huge smile. The biggest he could conjure.


Jake hugged him with his whole being. He inhaled his scent and all.

"Thank you... I love you so much"

"I love you too"

They kissed again but was cut short by a knock on the door from Monneteni.

"We'll be out in a bit" Jake said and hugged Owen.

They swiftly got dressed with Jake dressing into the new outfit.

Monneteni came by and knocked again.

Jake got out and met him.

"I can't do this " Jake said

"Okay're all set so I'll ask my cameraman to take some pictures like nowish" Monneteni said staring at his watch.

"I'm cool with that" Jake smiled as Owen sneaked away to the set where he'd wear his new cloth and do some makeup touches.

The cameraman came by and Jake's pictures were taken. He was directed on every pose to take as he wasn't a picture person. Owen came over and assisted him, posing for him by the corner so he could mimic it.

The pictures came out fine and were displayed live on the stage wall for people to see. People wowed and gushed at the outfit as well as the person modeling it. Owen returned back to the set after Jake's shots were taken. Jake looked so madly gorgeous and he couldn't take his eyes off him as Jake was on a call. He kept fidgeting, impatiently waiting for the whole show to end. The makeup artist kept hissing as he his constant shaking was disrupting her work.

"I'm sorry" he apologized.

Jake walked to Owen and Owen saw him coming from the mirror in front of him.

"You always keep wrecking my heart" Jake said and gave him a peck to which Owen blushed.

After the show, Jake held Owens hand to lead him out to the driveway.

"Do you forgive me now ?" Jake asked to assure himself as they got out to the car park.

"I guess" Owen teased.

"Oh you're so cute" Jake said and tickled him to which Owen giggled. "I promise to be good"

"Better keep that promise " Owen warned placing his hand on Jake's lips and Jake bit it.

They embraced each other.

" I missed you" Jake said stroking Owens hair.

"Me too" they let go.

Owen ruffled Jake's hair.

"Your wolf looks good on you" he said.

"So I've been told"

"By whom?" Owen asked.

"Trust your imagination " Jake teased.

They hailed a taxi and drove to Jake's hotel room.

Clothes were discarded in a flash with both fighting for dominance. Crash! The flower pot by the bedside table crashed down and they instinctively shifted to another area. They kissed on the walls and Jake submissively let Owen take the lead.

"Are you sure about this?" Owen asked although he had been craving to do Jake for a long time.

"I've never been surer" Jake affirmed.

"Surer ?" Owen laughed and kissed him with longing. He pushed Jake on the bed and he impatiently waited for him to tower over him.

They heaved heavy breaths after they were done.

"It seemed like Mr M was hitting on you" Owen said.

"Have you forgotten how sexy I am" Jake teased with his hands circling around Owens chest.

"How could I..." Owen laughed and flicked Jake's forehead.

"My brother and I made up"

"Oh that's great" Owen kissed his head. "I'm glad to hear that. How about your dad"

"Don't think that will be happening "

"It's fine"

They slept off cuddling, happy to be in each other's arms.