Jake was too exhausted when he got back home. The house was neat, surely the cleaner had recently cleaned it for him. He missed his bed...the comfort and safe haven it offered. Jake slept off for hours, into the next day evening and woke up to have dinner. There was nothing to eat so he decided to step out and reach the supermarket rather than ordering take outs. He dressed in shorts and a big-shirt and combed his hair that had grown quite a lot. He had not felt like cutting it and was enjoying the new look. People commented on how good the hair looked on him on his Instagram page so that's why.
He got out of his house, exchanged pleasantries with a few neighbors and drove to the supermarket. It was as busy as usual.
He rolled his cart picking groceries as he rolled by. After getting all he wanted and paying for it he exited the supermarket with bags in both hands. He got close to his car and saw two teenagers kissing. The guy was holding the girls head while she held on to his waist. They were doing their stuff next to Jake's car and he didn't want to interfere in young love and he couldn't just stare at them so he unlocked his car doors which gave off a sound and the headlights blinked. They released each other, startled by the sound. They turned ...
Yj and Amelia !
"Hey..." Jake said. Earlier he'd noticed the chemistry between them but didn't expect to see this. Does Owen even know about this ?
"Don't...say...a...word" Amelia threatened him zipping her lips in the air.
"Come here" he hugged her. "Are you guys dating without your brothers knowledge ?"
"It's none of your business Jake" Amelia said.
"Yeah it isn't but why haven't you told him"
"And you just agreed it wasn't your business" Amelia said.
"And you Yj don't you dare hurt my baby sis else I'll hunt you down "
"Stop lecturing my boyfriend " Amelia defended.
"It's late I'll drop you guys home"
"You don't have to. I'll take care of it" yj said trying to sound manly.
"Chill bro. " Jake tapped YJs stomach. "Hop in, I'll just drop you guys off and be on my way "
"I haven't forgiven you Jake " Amelia seriously said.
"I hope you do"
"I only will if you promise to leave my brother alone and he has a guy now"
"Davis ?" Jake asked.
"How'd you know that"
"He was there at your brother's birthday so I guess he knows" Yj said
"Just because they might have met there doesn't mean he knows they are together Yj" Amelia said to Yj.
Jake sniffed in humor.
"Hop in let's go " Jake said
"Let's just join him it's late" yj said.
"Okay fine" Amelia resigned.
They all got into the car with the two lovebirds getting into the backseat.
"So I'm the driver now ?" Jake asked after stuffing his groceries in the boot.
"Remember you literally begged us to join your ride so settle for that" Amelia replied.
"Oh fine" Jake smiled and drove to Owens house. As they got, his nervousness arose.
"We can get off here" Amelia suggested but Jake parked right next to the apartment building.
"He just has to do extra" Amelia said rolling her eyes.
"Thanks Jake" yj said.
"Thanks" Amelia murmured.
She got out of the car and Jake tapped Yj's hand as he was about to exit after her.
"Where is Owen now" Jake whispered.
"He must be asleep"yj said " his car is parked " he added noticing Owens parked car.
Yj got out of the car and was quick to notice Owen standing and peering at them from the terrace.
"Amelia...whose car did you just step out of ?" Owen asked trying to recognize the car. Jake had gotten his car upgraded so it was a bit different from the way it was before.
"I'm coming up bro" Amelia said and entered the building.
Owen was till curious to know.
Jake drove off unaware that Owen was at the terrace.
"Why were you out so late Amelia" Owen asked as she got into the house.
"We went out for some ice cream bro"
"These days you keep spending too much time with Yj. You need to prepare for your college entrance exams"
"I know that and I do study. Stop nagging at me" Amelia said and stormed off to her room. She was getting pissed that Owen was trying to act like her parent rather than the brother that he was. She was blind to the fact that he was only looking out for her.
Jake got a text from Monneteni the next morning.
[Hey Jake its Monneteni. My fashion show starts next week Monday and runs through Tuesday and Wednesday. So on Wednesday you'll get your outfit so I expect to see you there]
Jake had forgotten about Monneteni. It's been months since he went to New York and did the job for him. Next week he was actually free so he'd travel to New York.
"Josh, you know I'm back right" Jake called his friend.
"Yeah my sister told me" Josh replied. Phoebe supplied Jules with baked goodies. After which she stayed for a chat. The two of them were now close friends.
"Hmmm, so I'll be in New York this week"
"Wow I'm there right now. We'll get to meet"
"Okay yeah...Monneteni invited me" Jake shared.
"Why would he? You're not a fashion person " Josh wondered.
"I guess...he made me an outfit"
"What...exclusively for you?"
"Why would he do that ?"Josh asked.
"Cause I'm hot" Jake smirked.
"Whatever....he has a boyfriend though" Josh said.
"Who cares I'll still hit on him" Jake teased.
"Suit yourself"
Owen had to fly to New York for Monneteni's show. Josh had offered both him and Davis the opportunity but Davis wasn't feeling too good so he sat it out and someone else replaced him. Ever since he rejected Davis's proposal, Davis avoided him.
"I'm traveling for a few days" Owen said to his sister as she was in her room by the computer.
"Okay...safe journey " she said engrossed in what she was watching.
"Promise me you'll read too" he calmly said to her.
"I will. I have a study group session today with my girls so you don't have to worry"
"Okay then. See you when I get back"
Jake flew to New York that Wednesday afternoon. He had planned to go the day before but something came up at work. He got to the event and was able to swiftly pass through after showing his vip ticket. He got in late as the female models were already on the stage showcasing their wears. He saw Monneteni at the front row when he got in and took the chair next to him. Monneteni anxiously watched the show.
"You're late" Monneteni said as he took the seat next to him without averting his eyes from the stage.
"New York traffic man" Jake said.
"How have you been ?" Monneteni asked.
"I've been fine thanks...you?"
"I've been busy and I've got be backstage"
"It will soon be over..."
"Yeah...and then I'll take a long vacation... how long do you plan on staying here"
"A few days..."
"Ok cool...maybe we can hang out"
The male models began pooling in and while Jake listened to what Monneteni had to say his heart began beating rapidly. He had de ja vu of the moment and so he focused on the stage. Lo and behold he saw Owen in a black leather jacket with matching boots and blue pants with a scarf around his neck. His hair was styled in half up and half down with two strands dangling down the sides of his face.
Monneteni was now on a phone call and his voice had muted in Jake's ear as he watched Owen. Owen stared back at him for a second and didn't turn again. He kept staring till Owen got backstage.
Monneteni ended his call and tapped him.
"What were you saying ? " Jake asked.
"It's time for you to model the outfit" monneteni said.
"What outfit... and what do you mean by model it" Jake shockingly asked.
"Well it's an exclusive... so you've got to show people that I made it" monneteni proudly said.
"I can't do that...you didn't mention that" Jake shrugged.
"I was scared you'd refuse so I didn't tell you earlier...come on man" monneteni pressed.
"I don't wanna..."
Monneteni held his hand and led him backstage to the dressing room. Owen saw them come in with linked hands and his eyes glued on them.
"Where the fuck are they going?...are they together ?"Owen thought.
He stood up from the sofa and followed them. Owen saw the both of them enter Monneteni's office. He impulsively knocked on the door.
"Come in" Monneteni said at the door. "...okay you'll just blend in with other guys then " Monneteni said to Jake as he searched for Jake's cloth from a rolling wardrobe. He brought out a cloth that was still wrapped in a bag and handed it over to Jake. Owen entered and they both looked at him.
"Owen what do you want " Monneteni asked as he unwrapped the cloth from the bag.
"I came by to say hi to you guys, should I leave. Are you busy with something " Owen asked.
"Do me a favor and help get him into the dress...I've got to be out now"monneteni said and bustled out of the room leaving Jake and Owen alone.