
The music was so loud I could barely hear myself speak. And I'm so sure I'm barely myself now. I don't know how much booze I had, I don't know how much beer I gulped in, I don't even know how I even started taking the beer. I can't even remember why!

All I know is that I feel free, my mind's blank, and I feel like I'm going crazy. Everything's spinning crazily around me and I can't seem to stop moving my feet. It feels like they have a mind of their own.

"Lesley. That's okay."

That same voice kept repeating the same thing over and over and over again.


There goes my name again.

"You need to stop it. You've had enough." He sounded like he was already impatient. Like he had had enough of me.

"But I'm having so much funnnnn." I slur.

"That's enough fun for one night." He grabs my hand but I yank it away.

"That's enough for today, Lockhart."

"Oooohhhh. You called my last name." I point at him and laugh.

He grabs my hand again.

"Let's go." He says calmly. He turns to walk away but I stand still, not moving my body.

He turns to me. "No."

"Let's go Lesley."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Don't test me Les."

"Or what?" I raise my head high. He was like four inches taller than me so I had look up a little. When he says nothing, I scoff. I poke him. "See?" I poked his shoulder again. "You can't do anything. You're not the boss of me and you have no right at all to tell me when I can or cannot have fun."

I state and walked past him but before I could even move away, my hand was grabbed back and suddenly, I was placed on the counter. He shifted me closer to the extent that I could feel his breath on my face.

Then he stared hard at me, straight at my eyes. It only took him a second before he crashed his lips against mine.

And my stupid alarm woke me up.

"Shit shit shit!" I grabbed the alarm and threw it wherever.

"Isn't that your fourth alarm this month?" I heard a voice on the other side of the door. "And we're just in the second week."

I groaned against my pillow. My stupid alarm always wakes me up just when my dream starts to get good. Just when I receive something important or when I finally get what I want. My stupid alarm goes off.

I sat up with a grunt and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth then walked out of my room.

My name's Lesley Lockhart. A nineteen year old turning twenty soon girl who is in her sophomore year in college. I have blue eyes and black hair. My hobbies are anything besides reading, and my favorite color, red.

Except from blood. I can't stand the sight of blood.

"Good morning." Billie greets me with a smile.

And in return I glared at her.

Billie Sinclair. My best friend since middle school. I don't know why her parents named her a guy's name. It was weird, but the name suited her.

We both planned to go to the same college and luckily, when we both got in, there wasn't any bed space left on campus. So we had to rent an apartment not far from campus. So we're roommates.

How great is that?

I walk to the fridge to get a glass of water.

"So what type of dream did you have this time?" She asks as she sat behind the counter, staring at me.

Having known me for over seven years, she knows I get cranky when I have something taken away from me, disturbed or in this case, interrupted.

"What do you mean?" I feign innocence.

"You only throw your alarm clock across the room when it interrupts one of your good dreams." She says in quotes.

"I don't understand what you mean." I deny it.

"Sure sure." She nods her head and stands. "I'm going to be late. I'll see you at campus during lunch?" She asks.

"You're going for class already?" I ask her in surprise.

I mean, she was dressed and all. She even had her bag with her. Where else would she go on a Tuesday morning?

"I have a 10am class as always and it's past 9:45."


"Yeah I'll be in school by lunchtime. I have a class before two."

"Good. I'll see you then." She waves at me. "I hope you don't break any of your alarm clocks in the future." She says as she walks out of the apartment.

I sighed and dropped my glass cup in the sink.

I always had my Tuesday mornings free, but I had a 12-2pm class every time. As a law student, who's supposed to be on books all the time, reading and studying, I was pretty lazy. But I still didn't lack in any of my courses.

Come to think of it, why did I have a dream like that? I've never kissed anyone at a party before. The last time I kissed was during a truth and dare game in high school, and I regret that choice till today, but I've never kissed at a party. Fine I get drunk, but I also remember every single thing the next day.

"I didn't even see his face." I muttered. "Maybe it's someone I know?" I take in a sharp breath and shake my head immediately to distort the thoughts.

"No, no. I can't imagine myself with any of them." I state and walked towards the bathroom to get ready to start my day.


"That's all for today. Make sure you all read the articles as I'll be revising them with you in the next class." The professor reminds us.

"Yes sir." I stand up and pack my bag and my phone pings.

I bring it out from my pocket to see a message notification from Billie.

*You through with class yet?*

*Just finished now.* I text her back.

*Meet me in the cafeteria then.*

*Yes ma'am.*

I walked out of the classroom. "Les!" I heard my name behind me and I turned.


"You up for study session this evening?" Michael asks.

From time to time, we have study sessions together and we have known each other since freshman year.

"Sure." I say and he nods.

"Okay. I'll send you the time and location."

"Okay. Bye." I wave at him and he waves back.

I walked out of the building and headed straight to the cafeteria building.

In less than fifteen minutes. I got to the front of the building. It was big. Big enough to accommodate 500 people. You come there to buy food anytime of the day. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Closing time is 9pm and opening time is 6am.

Convenient isn't it?

But the door is always open in case anyone wants to come and have an overnight study session. It's just that there isn't any food available from 9pm to 6am. Even during those closed hours, this place is still always filled with people.

Billie had texted me where she was, so I walked there straight.

"Hey you." I greeted her when I sat in front of her.

"You're here." She says and hands me a bottle of water.


"Class?" She asks.

"Long. You?"

"Stressful." She groans. "Being an administration student isn't easy at all."

"So is being a law student honey." I grab the apple on her plate and take a bite.

"My mom called."

I raise an eyebrow. "She did?"

"Yeah." She grunts. "I already have it tough here, why would she want to make it worse??"

"What do you mean? How's she making it tough?"

"Hello ladies." I froze.

I knew that voice. I could recognize that voice even if it was far away.

"That's how." She nods behind me and I slowly look back.

"Why does your mom hate us?" I ask her.

Standing behind me was the thing I loathed after reading. The only thing that made me want to puke just at the sight of him.

Standing behind me was Christian Sinclair. Billie's twin brother and my worst nightmare.
