The Allegation against Lance

The group of four rushed out of their locations. Jasper was reluctant at first; he was the latest to pack up and order a horse from his servant. However, seeing the others were such in a hurry, he couldn't help but be motivated, too.

Chiaki's purpose was clear. She would like to clean up suspicion from her husband. Jasper rolled his eyes as he always made mental air quotes for the word 'husband'. How much did she really take that guy in her genuine affection, honestly? Although, based on her last observation, there was not much information they could squeeze out of her since Lance Hua didn't do any suspicious activities.

As for Oriole and Azure, Jasper betted his eyelashes that those two only wanted to see where the wind blew. He doubted that Lance Hua would face a strong allegation from the Council. Those elders failed to find a way from the political marriage, let alone from a blind, distanced observation.