A New Journey

That "Chiaki Spring may come with us" ignited the fireworks in her heart. 

Okay, so the lord isn't angry with me. He concurs with my plan, so I can leave with him.

Gin widened his eyes. "Wait, wait up. Do you mean you won't go home?" His voice shook with disbelief. 

Ignos Fire rolled his eyes at this. Chiaki caught it from the corner of her eyes, but Lance Hua's attention was somewhere else, so he didn't scold his insolent subordinate.

Ah, home. The word that had now changed meaning abruptly. She used to call the manor her home. It would be somewhere else, which was her childhood home, in a moment.

Chiaki cast a downward look. She then lifted up her eyes, back with full patience and determination altogether. "No, Gin. I'd go with the lord. You can go home with Azure. But I will stay with Lance Hua."

It left no room for Gin to debate. Azure patted the lad's shoulder, signalling to him that there was no use in forcing Chiaki to follow them.