Second Time at the Northern Mansion

The unlikeliest group of three departed from Sentalu house mid-morning. Chiaki and Lance rode their horses side by side. That was if there was no insertion between them.

Ignos Fire was like the exact homewrecker. Lounging in between them as if nothing was wrong, he leisurely managed the bridle, rocking on the paddle with his gaze monitoring the field.

They just passed the gorge outside the capital. Chiaki halted her horse a moment. She turned her head to glance back at the looming capital walls. No matter what had happened, she served there as a Guardian for five years. She ought to pay respect for everything it had taught her.

Chiaki nodded in the general direction of the capital city, earning a questioning look thrown by the nosy commander to her side. She ignored it. After she was done with it, Chiaki sped up a little to catch up with the other men.