Who Will Protect Us?

The girls came with downcast eyes.

"Hi," Chiaki greeted them awkwardly. She shifted her weight from one heel to another as she was uncomfortable to talk to the girls freely. First of all, she didn't know what to talk about. Secondly, what if the girls were spies to the lord or even his commander

But she was here, alone, without support. The only thing keeping her together was the roof and food from Lance, which she didn't take for granted. If she wanted to be a human being, she had to make connections with the other human beings here. In this case, they were the two servants. 

"What does my lady need?" Poplar asked, her eyes rounded easily.

"Oh, I don't need anything. I just want to talk to you, ladies. If you don't mind. I'm afraid I'm disturbing you while you have a lot of things to do on your plate."