I’m Not a Witch

"Ignos Fire, it's me, Chiaki. I'm not a witch. And I love Lance Hua. I will protect him just like how dedicated you are to his safety."

It was difficult to see the tall, strong man like Ignos Fire hunching on the floor, his head hung low and dared not look Chiaki in the eyes. She was completely in uncharted territory, but just like everything else in life, she was willing to learn. 

Every single thing in this universe was not tailored to her taste and preference, but that was why she chose to register for the volunteering in the first place. If this had been the same as her world, ending and lonely, what was even the point? 

Chiaki dragged her knees to e closer to Ignos. It was carpeted floor, so there was nothing painful on her knees that she felt. She was only a little bit separated from Ignos Fire, her hands were readily stretched to touch his shoulders. 

"Commander Fire?" she called with a sweet, low tone.

No answer.