Getting Up Close

"But I still stayed. I'm staying. And he finally acknowledged me as his wife in front of those people. If that's not fruitful, I don't know what is."

The three people swallowed their words before continuing to speak as Lance Hua's steps rang in the room.

"Your husband is coming," Ignos Fire whispered cheekily to Chiaki. 

"Why are you like this? He's your boss, our boss," Chiaki snapped back at him, pouting at the process. The sweet aroma of galettes wafted in the room, Lance Hua must have inhaled in since he stepped at the gate.

"Chiaki?" Lance Hua's deep voice called her from outside the kitchen. Since the kitchen didn't have any door, he just stood on the different colour tiles, speaking to Chiaki who sat at the kitchen table, plates of galettes spread in front of her.