Burn That Bitch

"Chiaki?" Lance Hua called, still kneeling down.

Oh crap, I haven't given him any answer and now he keeps kneeling down like this. What a useless wife I am!

"My lord, I'm really sorry," Chiaki whispered and pulled Lance Hua up. "You shouldn't have done this. What if any other people see us?"

Lance Hua just shrugged his shoulders. "Is there any law to prohibit a husband from kneeling down in front of his wife?"

Chiaki's blush went darker. "N-no . . . but . . . it's inappropriate. You're the ruler here, the lord of the Northern region, you shouldn't kneel in front of other people or—"

"Or what?" Lance Hua stood up, dangerously towering over Chiaki's body. His shadow covered her as his hand rested on the table, their faces so close Chiaki could smell the invading cedar and sandalwood aroma from his skin and clothes.

"Or . . . people will misunderstand."